20 DNS Propagation Checker Tools to Test Domain Status Worldwide

Today’s post is about the best DNS Propagation Checker Tools to check if your website is fully propagated and available to all users around the world. They can also come in handy when you aren’t sure of the cause of your website’s downtime. These DNS propagation checking tools can be used to verify if a site is down for you or everyone else. They are the best tools to determine the status of a domain name or website.

Why Use a DNS Propagation Checker?

It takes from 24 to 72 hours for the changes you make to your domain name’s DNS (or any other DNS) to fully propagate and start resolving to a particular server. Even after pointing your DNS to a particular server or record, this wait-time is necessary for all networks/servers to update their records, clear old DNS cache, and start resolving correctly.

So using a DNS propagation checker will help you to see if your domain name or website is down for any network or country. It also allows you to analyze what DNS records are showing for users the world over.

DNS propagation on its own refers to the process/time it takes for a domain name to switch the server (IP Address) it points to. This happens when you buy a new hosting or change the hosting server of a website, blog, or forum. Also, when you change the nameservers of a domain, DNS propagation occurs for the domain name to match with the new nameservers.

There is no other better way to view the status of your DNS propagation, except with any of these tools listed below. By using any of them, you’ll be able to see when a website has successfully switched from pointing to an old server (IP Address) to a new one.

20 of the Best DNS Propagation Checking Tools for Developers

Here are the best DNS Propagation Checker Tools to check if your domain name is available for users all over the world. They’re the best for confirming your domain name status and the list of countries where it loads fine or not.

1. WhatsMyDNS – [link]


This DNS propagation checker lookups your site in 21 locations worldwide. It also looks up different DNS records such as A, AAA, CNAME, TXT, and others. Whatsmydns.net is hands down the best tool for DNS propagation check. This is because it runs through multiple name servers around the world and tests for the different DNS records.

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Before switching to Whatsmydns.net, I was a big fan of downforeveryoneorjustme.com but haven’t looked back since working with this lovely tool. It is easily one of the top best options for checking DNS propagation worldwide.

2. DNSmap – [link]


Here’s another great tool for checking out your DNS propagation status. It supports, and lookups for various name server records against tons of DNS servers in different locations worldwide. DNSmap is quite vast and intuitive to use. Developers will find this tool very much useful for looking up DNS propagations.

3. DNS Checker – [link]

DNS Checker

Dnschecker.org is a  DNS propagation checking tool that looks up the following records: A, AAAA, CNAME, NS, MX, SOA, PTR, and TXT in various locations around the world. DNS checker runs through 22 unique locations when checking out the status of your domain name. It is one of the best tools for checking a website’s downtime and DNS availability worldwide.

4. DNS Propagation – [link]

DNS Propagation Checker Tool

It is straightforward to use this tool and know the status of your DNS propagation. The tool also has support for looking up various records, and it scans your DNS records against global servers in multiple locations.

5. NS Lookup Tool – [link]

NS Lookup Tool

With this tool, a developer can carry out instant DNS lookup to see the exact IP address a domain name is pointing to. It also supports DNS records lookup against various name servers in many locations globally.

The extensive support offered by this tool makes it one of the best options a developer can wish for; extensively, it looks up for AFSDB, CERT, DHCID, DNSKEY, DNAME, DS,  LOC, NAPTR, NSEC, RP, and many more record types.

6. CA App Synthetic Monitor

CA Ping

This is a typical server monitoring tool that looks up and monitors your DNS information in real-time over some time. It is not a free app entirely; rather, it is a subscription-based monitoring tool that keeps you up to date with information about your website, server, and domain names. The tool sends you alerts via SMS messages, e-mail messages, or RSS.

Note: While CA app synthetic monitoring service is subscription-based, its DNS PING and Website downtime checking service is 100% free. It works by allowing you to ping the website URL or IP address to over 80 locations worldwide.

7. IntoDNS – [link]


IntoDNS provides a developer with the health and configuration reports of a queried domain name. It also shows the DNS propagation status of the domain name, including the mail server information. It is a convenient tool for webmasters, bloggers, and web developers.

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8. View DNS – [link]

View DNS Propagation Checking Tool

ViewDNS is a comprehensive DNS lookup tool which allows a developer to fish out much useful information about a domain name server. It looks up the various information which includes IP location finder, reverse Whois lookup, DNS Propagation Checker, DNS Record Lookup, etc.

9. MX Tool Box – [link]

MX Tools

If you’re out there still looking for a good DNS propagation tool, you’ve got one already. This tool should not miss out in a developer’s toolkit for 2019. It is very easy to use and provides the exact results you need for the most important DNS records – A, AAA, CNAME, TXT, SOA, SPF, and PTR.

10. Network Tools – [link]

Network tools

You won’t only be able to run DNS propagation check with this tool, but also ping URLs, run Traceroutes, Express, Whois Search, and more on this platform. It is somewhat – a toolkit for webmasters, developers, and IT professionals.

11. Is This Site Down – [link]

Is This Site Down?

If you’ve just changed your blog/website hosting server or transferred your domain name to another server, this is an excellent tool to use. It runs a full DNS lookup/search to see the status of your domain name and the server propagation records.

12. Prepostseo DNS Tools – [link]


Prepostseo DNS propagation checking tool runs a check against multiple servers in different locations worldwide. It supports the following records: A, AAA, CNAME, TXT, NS, MX, SPF, and it is very easy to use.

13. Nexcess Tools – [link]


With the DNS Checker tool offered by Nexces, anyone can easily look up for their DNS propagation status across the various location of the world. It is an intuitive tool that looks up the main DNS records.

14. Site24x7 – [link]


This tool runs a comprehensive check on the availability of a website and provides detailed and useful information about them. With the tool, you’ll know how a website is performing in over 60 unique locations around the world.

It tells you the time it takes for your DNS to resolve against various servers, first/last byte time, and the total response time. Frankly, it is a great tool and should be found in a professional developer’s toolkit.

15. CeiPam – [link]


For whatever reason your DNS needs to propagate within a few hours, this DNS lookup tool will keep you abreast on how the whole thing is happening in various servers worldwide. It also supports all the essential DNS records.

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16. Online Domain Tools – [link]

Online Domain Tools

Typically, as expected from a Global DNS Propagation Checker, this tool runs through multiple servers situated in different countries and locations around the world.

It is a free DNS tool to check how your DNS records such as A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, etc. are resolving to a specific IP address. It can come in handy whenever you suspect a downtime in some parts of the world or after you might have changed your hosting or domain name servers.

17. DNS Traversal Tool

DNS Traveral Tool

In a simple manner, this tool helps you to verify if all your DNS records are pointing to a specific IP address. It is an excellent tool for running DNS propagation check.

18. Presh Web Tools – [link]


This is an open-source tool for looking up DNS propagation status. It comes with some developer-friendly options and is very easy to use.

19. iPadd – [link]


iPadd DNS propagation checker helps you to Know if your domain name records are resolving to one hostname, sever, or IP address.

By using this DNS propagation checking tool, you’ll instantly get the results of how a domain name resolves against multiple servers around the world.

20. WPX DNS checker tool – [link]


This tool will lookup for your DNS propagation status in over 26 unique locations around the world. You’ll be able to see clear information on your website and domain names. It shows you how your changes to the nameservers of a domain name are propagated globally.

Notable Mention: DNStable

DNStable’s DNS Lookup tool is a handcrafted search engine from Spyse team that displays DNS records showing publicly for the domain, Ip, or CIDR query. They took all the user-collected feedback into account and added some of the missing features.
In simple terms, DNStable provides you with a variety of filters to get the exact results and download all of them just in one click. It is one of the excellent tools from Spyse, and it’s closely connected to all other tools that allow you to get much more useful data.
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Samuel Odamah
Ebuka O. Samuel is a technical writer at 3rd Planet Techies Media. He's a tech enthusiast, Android gadgets freak, consumer electronics tweakstar, and a lover of wearable techs.


  1. spyse.com is one of the best tools for the recon that i used. I think it should be mentioned as well.


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