Home Reviews Software Review Update PC Drivers and Install Obsolete Hardware with Driver Easy App

Update PC Drivers and Install Obsolete Hardware with Driver Easy App

Driver Easy FREE to $29.95


Driver Easy is a superb driver updater app from Easeware Technologies

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Driver easy software is a light-weighted Microsoft Windows software that lets you download and install drivers, find drivers for Obsolete Hardware, update out-of-date drivers, backup drivers for future use, and roll back drivers for when window fails as a result of new driver installation.

One amazing thing about the app is that it works with older versions of Windows and automatically creates a system restore point on each driver’s install. The app is so useful that we got it featured in our tips on how to get Android ADB drivers for Android phones, tablets, and PDA(s).

Why Driver Easy Software?

If you are a computer science student or works with a computer maintenance firm, you will agree with me that driving a computer is one time-tasking activity that can even put you out of a job when ignored.

Nothing consumes time than driving an old computer machine with obsolete hardware and a bad DVD-ROM drive; it makes one feel like dumping the machine in a public trash can. 

driver easy software featuresPhoto Courtesy of reactiongifs

I can still recall the several times I had to sleep in a cyber-cafe (back in days) in search of compatible drivers to use for such machines after formatting them with newer versions of Windows. The driver easy app really saved me the stress as I no longer keep a long catalog of all-in-one driver DVD packages that fail after a few uses.

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In a few sentences, we are going to outline some of the features of driver easy software that makes it one of the few universal driver updater apps that really work.

Offline Scan

This is very useful for areas with poor internet service.

The feature lets you scan the computer for missing drivers, out-of-date drivers, and necessary utility drivers which can then be saved to external storage media such as USB pen drive, external HDD, and memory cards.

The storage media will now be connected to a PC with internet access and the driver scan carried out using the offline file saved earlier on.

Free to Download! Free to Use!

Even a free user can enjoy the fundamental features of driver easy software without the usual annoying ads (with other apps) and obvious restrictions.

Driver Easy app review

I used the free version of the app for years before opting for their premium subscription without experiencing negative issues of any kind.

Drives lots of Machines

Hardly have I had a missed hit with the driver easy app. I have had successes with it even on older machines running the Microsoft XP operating system (OS). The software claims to have a huge database of more than eight million (8,000,000) drivers which seems very legit from my point of view.

The huge driver’s database is also updated daily to include improved versions and a more stable file for obsolete hardware.

Driver BackUp

Driver easy software lets you backup active drivers, which can be very handy for computers with a damaged OS recovery drive.

The saved drivers can be used after formatting your machine or when installing drivers for a similar PC with the same configuration as yours.

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The driver restore feature complements this tool to make it a must-have utility app for driving computer machines.

Sundry Features

Driver easy lets you roll-back drivers, remove older drivers for upgraded hardware, fix driver issues, and provides an update for out-of-date drivers.

driver easy software review

It works flawlessly with all modern Microsoft Windows operating systems (OS) and lets you drive both brand new devices and old devices that the manufacturers don’t support anymore.

It is truly a good enough utility app for users and technicians alike.

Our Review and Verdict

driver easy software reviewSo far, we are fully satisfied with the driver easy software and can easily recommend it as a reliable driver updater app. Support for both 32bit and 64bit machines is a vote up for the driver easy app and the automatic creation of system restore point before driver install is another plus for Easeware Technologies (the makers of the driver easy software).

The few areas we are dissatisfied with it is the inability to resume download for interrupted driver downloads (most of the times) and the meager download speed that comes with the free version.

How to Use?

As already stated, the driver easy software is a Windows software that’s 100% compatible with 32bit/64bit versions of Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. It works with very small system requirements and doesn’t lag on older machines.

To use the app, you’ll need to download a stable version from their official website at drivereasy.com and follow the on-screen instruction to complete the software installation, driver search, and then the driver installation or update.

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Your Turn

You have seen our review of the driver easy software; the ball’s now in your court to decide what’s best and what’s going to work well for your machine. We also ask that you share your opinion about the app and other software you have used in the past to drive your computer systems.

Remember to share this page with your friends that might find this app useful.


  1. Am impress your presentstion of Driver Easy tease me write my PC realtek 8188 wlan 802.11n combo pci-e nic problem I trying several solution by follow various post of Computer expert in this field but didnt work at present for over 2 weeks now. Then I post regard in my system info the driver unfound name RTL so post it web your site I click that give me notice download rtl via driver easy even no internet it can seek correct driver in my PC. In encourage me more after learn that android driver easy can useful both bridge the PC-Android interface the two driver easy to download then upload to offline scan. Hope this work while after comment post in your web i’ll download this driver easy apps.

  2. It scans and downloads the drivers, but when you try and install them it takes you directly to a screen for purchasing the pro version and does not install the driver automatically. Comparing with other utilities, I prefer Driver Talent.

    • You are right about that Matthew, the free version lets you install the downloaded drivers manually and not automatically.


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