How to Unlock Huawei e303 and Zte mf631 Modems for Free

USB internet modems is the easiest method to connect to the internet even in rural locations. A high-speed data access in now a possibility with USB modems.

Most mobile telecommunication network providers usually lock their modems to a particular network making the flexibility that comes with USB internet modems impossible.

In this tutorial, I’ll teach you how to unlock Huawei modems and zte modems for free. You’ll learn how to Unlock Huawei e303 and best method to unlock Zte mf631 modem for free.

How to Unlock Huawei Modems

This tutorial is targeted at unlocking Huawei e303 modem and Zte mf631 modem using the best methods.

If you are looking for free utilities to unlock just any Huawei or ZTE modem do visit the links below or read on for tips for unlocking Huawei e303 and Zte mf631 modems.

  • – Unlocks all old Algo Huawei Modems
  • Huawei Modem Unlocker app 1 – Unlock various Huawei USB modems
  • Huawei modem unlocking app 2 – calculates Huawei Unlock codes for free
  • Universal Master Code – For older Huawei and ZTE modems

How to Unlock all ZTE Modems

Many have considered the Etislat easyblaze zte modem mf631, zte mf180 ,zte mf190 and some other stubborn mtn, glo and airtel Nigeria zte mf series model a difficult to crack modem.

Hence the need for creating this tutorial on how to decode or crack the so-called unlock-able brands of modem. Now I will guide you on how to unlock these ZTE USB Modems free.

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This tweak has been so known for long and so should be the easiest thing to do, with this software trick you can unlock your ZTE modem in less than 10 minutes by completing really easy steps.

unlock stubborn zte modem free


  •  Download the special DCcrap for this free ZTE modem unlocking from this link
  • Connect your modem with an unsupported network SIM inside
  • Extract the content of the winrar to a folder on your pc
  • Lunch the modem support application make sure that the SIM in your modem is the one that your modem service provider does not support
  • Your modem support application will prompt you to put in the unlock code, just ignore this warning and close the software window
  • Then lunch the suit/software , choose zte datacards in the drop down menu and leave the second option at auto-detect
  • Click the search icon to search for your device, forget the name not found (or name not listed), at least the IMEI will be listed for you telling you that the device is currently locked
  • On the top right menu locate unlocking , click on unblock, unblock successful is next message you will see
  • Hurray! Your zte modem is now unlocked
  • Launch the modem support application again to configure APN and use your device.


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How to Unlock Huawei E303 & Airtel Huawei E173 USB Modems

a) Download the latest version of Dc-unlocker software from the here

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b) Purchase Dc-unlocker username and password from this link

c) Insert and install your modem software on your computer allowing all the necessary drivers to install fully

d) Insert another Network provider SIM on the modem, when it popup request for unlock code click “Cancel” and close the modem interface.

e) Launch the Dc-unlocker software you’ve already downloaded in step a above and click on “Automatic detect” button, wait for some seconds it will show your device details.

After that click on server -> insert the username and password with credit you bought from Dc-unlocker website or dealers

F) Click on Check Login to know the amount of credit on the account and to know if the username and password is valid.

g) Now click on Unlocking -> Do the job.

It will connect online and unlock your modem within few seconds.

4 credits will be deducted for huawei e303 modem while 7 credits will be deducted for Airtel Huawei e173 modem or any order modem with a customized firmware

Now you can configure your zte modem’s APN to work with other networks following the dashboard option as seen below

Unlock all huawei e303 modem  guide 2013

Think you need more explanation or questions?

Use the feedback box below.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Aminu Aliyu Ahmad Aminu Aliyu Ahmad

    please crack my modem
    Modem Type: Airtel

  2. please i beg you to help me unlock my huawei modem to universal
    imei: 861195007045426
    model: e303
    the model is etisalat

    this is my WhatsApp number 09073502059
    thank you

  3. God bless you for this….it worked on my zte m631 etisalat

  4. I Try the steps but it’s telling me incorrect code. This my (MTN) ZTE 190
    IMEI 866840015389002
    Pls help

  5. How can I unlock an airtel modem using dc unlocker?

  6. Please I want to unlock my glo bolt modem (Huawei)
    Here is the IMEI code: 861195002888002

  7. Ajayi Awogbayila Ajayi Awogbayila

    Pls, help me to purchase CREDIT TO FUND my dc-unlocker account. I find it difficult to meet their payment options. I have a Master Card which i can use but their payment options like Paypal etc are not available for me.
    If there is a way out with my Master Card, let me know.
    my phone no is 08/0335/26713 to which you can connect me on WhatsApp.

  8. Etisalat easylife modem
    IMEI: 354594032210217
    collected it from a friend there was only to attempts remaining tried using Universal MasterC but said incorrect.
    Then it starts asking for RCK code

    • What model of ZTE modem is this or is it a Huawei product?

  9. Abdul Raheem Mohammed Abdul Raheem Mohammed

    Please I need unlocking code for my ZTE modem

    IMEI : 356420047441449
    Model :MF110
    EAN : 6934933003095

    • Download and use the free app on this page. It should be able to unlock your modem easily.

  10. please tell me where and to purchase credit on the dc unlocker and also tutorials on how to use the dc unlocker.
    thank you

    • You can buy the credit directly from What model of USB modem do you want to unlock?

  11. please tell me where and to purchase credit on the dc unlocker and also tutorials on how to use the dc unlocker.
    thank you

  12. my 9mobile easyblaze modem says card not detected even when i put the unsupported sim card and use the DC crap as directed. The unblock icon is not highlighted, please help. thanks.

    • My modem is ZTE please.

      • what model of ZTE is this? mf 190?


  13. mine is glo modem e303 i inserted an etisalat sim to it, but its not unlocking what do i do…..?

  14. mine is glo modem e303 i inserted an etisalat sim to it, but its not unlocking what do i do?

    • Did it request for an unlock code when you inserted the unsupported sim?

  15. Pls bro am begging u. Help me out On this. How do I crack my huawei e303 ? Pls I really nids ur help. 08068642237 or [email protected]

    • What network is it locked to and does it request for an unlock code when you insert an unsupported network sim card to it?

  16. it is not free at all if you have to “puchase” an username and pass…this is a scam…!!!!

    • What model of modem are you trying to unlock? The models listed in this post unlocks for free, except for newer models that comes with a custom firmware on them

      • please i want to unlock airtel modem, how can you help me please

  17. Hi there Obadiah,juat on the quest to unlock my glo hi link 303s-1 and stumbled on this blog.I must say,have seen some pretty genuine confirmations.Well,I have been to the dc unlocking site but I don’t have the necessary requirement to meet up to their system of payment.I have the money here with me though…I was hoping if u could help

    • As in – you’ll need us to help you purchase the required amount of credits while you pay the Naira value?

    • You can get it from their official website at

  18. place. how do I unlock mtn modem with model no huawei E3531s-2

    • Does it request for an unlock code when you insert an unsupported network sim card on it?

  19. hi i have this modem e303 glo i really want to break it but i cant e en do i download dc crap from your site when i am about to install it it was password. please i need your help, i does not use to require passwrd. 07030793776

    • The version linked to the post isn’t encrypted Bitrus, You can download, use and give a feedback

  20. Bernard Robson Phiri Bernard Robson Phiri

    Hai Obasi, the above dccrap version cannot find Huawei e3131.

    • does it request for an unlock code when you insert an unsupported network SIMcard to it?

      • Bernard Robson Phiri Bernard Robson Phiri

        No it doesn’t.

  21. hi obasi,i really commend your work here,i have this e303 moderm,i have tried the above mention method but the bad side is that i dont have paypal account.please i really need your help-08030920806 thanks

    • What network modem is that and does it request for an unlock code whenever you insert an unsupported SIM Card into it?

  22. Hi..
    Every Buddy I am a user of LG G3 but i unable to use internet.

    • Have you configured your APN access points?

  23. hello Obasi need to talk with you in private if you dont mind …….

    • You can use the contact page to get in touch directly Richard

  24. Pls i need to unlock my etisalat modem imei 351589046034531 ZTE MF627 HSDPA thanks bros

  25. Hello bros,I have spectranet 4G LTE;is it possible to unlock it to enable me use any sim? thanks.

  26. Pls can you help get network unlock code for zte mf65
    Imei no 867307016498223

    • 3ptechies Default 3ptechies Default

      Use the dccrap app linked above to unlock it. It unlocks ZTE modems free

  27. Hi Obasi, thumbs up for all ur effort. Can u help me do the unlocking of my e303. Heres my number 08067410078. Pls send me a msg lets talk.

  28. Tanx 4 d DC crap info. It was really helpful sire.

    • You are welcome bro. We highly appreciate your feedback, ’twas quite encouraging

  29. Please its not working for me. Do i have to buy credits before i can unlock my mifi?
    I am using mf65 ZTE

    • What message do you get when trying to unlock it with the dccrap version attached here? does it detect the Mi-Fi

  30. Its realy nice been here, nd im so glad ma prob cud be solved now
    please Mr obasi, kindly assisst me in unlockin ma mtn modem. Av been tryin it online buh cudnt get it don…huawei E303..IME 861862009978629
    please, if don plz kindly inbox me nd ,i will so appreciation…08170202924

    • Does it request for an unlock code when you insert a Glo, 9Mobile or Airtel SIM card in it?

      • oyeniyi oladeji oyeniyi oladeji

        hello bro. The modem is not requesting unlock code when I put the sim and it a glo E303

      • Pls I need help to unlocking my ZTE Modem MF 631. With IMEI: 359538034434874

        • Did you already try the DC Crap modem unlocking tool linked above?

  31. Dude u r awesome.. Worked beyond the expectation… :)

    • You are welcome bro, thanks for sharing your experience

  32. Thank you so much Obasi, The special ddcrap work with my modem..9Mobile ZTE MF631.

  33. Pls guys help me to unlock my hauwei modem e303s-1, my imei 868988010838560.

    I have tried code calculator but the code given to me doesn’t work.

  34. ma guy, u re awesome…..
    Keep on the hardwork, and there ll be hope for Africa…..
    Thanks ma man… Hope we ll keep in touch….
    I rep GH….

    • Thanks for dropping by bro, we just keep trying our best to help out with things like this.

  35. Nice Post. Working Fine. I also Used The Dc- Unlocker Method to Unlock My 9Mobile ZTE MF631 Modem

    • Thanks for dropping by Anthony, It’s nice you found this little trick useful


    • Just download the dc crap software provided in this tutorial by clicking on the mediafire link to download it. it’s completely free and works magically too

  37. Boss I have just posted new tips on how to crack, decode or unlock those stubborn mtn, airtel, glo and etisalat new algorithm huawei e303 modem without even using a computer. I did mine from my phone

    • That’s a nice one zeal. I think I should be owing you a bottle of malt lol

    • Pls I need an unlock code to my HUAWEI E303s-1 Modem. Having used the unlock code generated from Huawei Modem Unlocker v.5.8.1 (unlock code: 38870055) it is rejects it. IMEI: 868988010877154

      • Hi Genty,

        Use any of 17622771 or 13534366 to unlock your USB modem. Reply ASAP telling the code that really worked.

  38. Thanks for dropping by Charles, do you mind sharing more details on how this your dc-unlocker works and the rank of modems it can unlock . eg. will it unlock glo Nigeria huawei e303 modem , globacomm Nigeria huawei bolt modem , Airtel Nigeria Huawei 173u-2 modem etc.

  39. i can get you dc credits if you really to buy and you unlock all modems yourself…add on yahoo [email protected] and make yourself smile

    • If it is an mtn huawei e303 modem it will cost you only 4 dc-unlocker credit (N800) , while that of airtel and etisalat gaga (huawei u8180) will cost you 7 dc-unlocker credit (N1,750). As for the re-seller contact I have sent you a mail

  40. please if you do not mind, i also need that your dc reseller contact too, i need to purchase dc credits to unlock my mtn e303 modem. thanks.

    • do you mind drooping your contact , so I can send it to you ?

      • 08067624791 connect me also Thanks

  41. Engr. Roland Elijah Engr. Roland Elijah

    Obasi Miracle, i need a 9ja contact i can buy dc unlocker credit for this particular version: dc-unlocker_client-1.00.0884????????????. . . you are doing great. thanks.

    • you can always try a friend of mine who does reseller service for dc-unlocker , you can pay for your dc-unlocker credit with liberty reserve , atm card or bank deposit . His prices are fair too …..

      N/B I’m not in any way affiliated to him , neither do I recommend him that much , just that every other persons I had refereed to him always has good things to say about his quick service delivery , one even told me he offered him the credit before he ever paid him a dime .

      • pls i need your help me to unlock modem e303 ,IMEI;861195004216301

        • does it request for an unlock code when you insert an unsupported network sim?

          • Pls I need an unlock code to my HUAWEI E303 Modem. Having used the unlock code generated from Huawei Modem Unlocker v.5.8.1 (unlock code: 38870055) it is rejects it.

          • use the unlocking code I dropped for you earlier.

  42. Thanks very much it work me. Its was very fast and easy. I had actually spent hours online sourcing for info on this. Glad to get it done here. Hope to vist your blog regularly for more info and updates

    • Happy that this little tips worked for , I will be most grateful if you ‘d specified the particular device that you unlocked so as to help us collect more data for improvement on our next tutorial

      • Etislat easyblaze zte modem mf631.


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