How to Write Unique Articles as a Tech Blogger


The world has evolved into an age where excellent written communication has become golden. To this end, being able to draft out unique content for either your blog or business website is a skill that is priceless.

As you may expect, giving the importance of communicating thoughts via writing you find it funny to see plagiarized contents here and there on the Internet. This trend could be linked to the limited knowledge of how to draft out or write unique articles or contents for publication.

Hopefully, this post will guide you on how to compose unique articles for publication on your blog as well as business website or even for the printing press. But before then let’s start by talking about what a unique article is.

What is a Unique Article?

In a most basic definition, a unique article is any written piece that stands out from others. Putting things in perspective; unique articles are write ups which reflects your thoughts, experiences and suggestions.

For a tech blogger, a unique article could be a well-thought-out tutorial, how-to guide, DIY tips, top apps list and similar contents that are wholly centered on internet, electronic machines and gadgets.

One simple “rule of thumb” for writing unique articles is to never lift contents “verbatim”  from either web or print when complementing your ideas in written form.

Reasons to Write Unique Articles as a Tech Blogger

how to write unique articles While we may agree with you on the saying that writing unique articles isn’t much easy, it is our view that the efforts you may have invested in writing unique articles is well worth it.

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First reason you should shun plagiarism and write unique articles especially for online publication is the fact that big search engines like Google, Yahoo & Bing have an automated system that will most likely ignore duplicate contents when dishing out results for a search query.

What this means is that Google will normally not index your website or blog if their bots feel you copied from another blog or website. Even if the content is indexed by them, it would normally rank below the original sources.

However, skipping Google’s ‘hammer’ may not be the only reason to write unique articles as some people do use article spinners to mix things up and escape for the mean time.

But looking at things critically, do you think your potential customers as well as readers will trust you if they noticed you had used article spinners to write your contents? Yes they will most probably notice as the sentences may not add up correctly or so.

One more thing is the authority that unique articles command: It doesn’t matter if it is published online or documented offline, plagiarized contents will always have a poor command than unique ones.

Without further stories, let’s move to the key focus of this post- which is to show you how to write unique articles for publication as a tech blogger.

Tips to Write Unique Articles

1. Do intense research: Your readers (including search engine bots) really love it when you come up with something new and not what they have seen everywhere.

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The first step in doing your research is to use tools like Google Adwords to know what people are really searching for and measure how much answers they’ve gotten for their queries. This will put you in the right mood to know what to write about.

2. Write based on insight: As a writer, your readers expect you to have a great deal of knowledge on what you are writing about. Having done your research, you should present your articles based on what you discovered not copied.

3. Write based on experience: You know an adage that says ‘it takes someone who has been to a place to show the way to that place.’

When drafting out an article it should strictly be based on your personal experience with what you are writing about. For example, you can’t possibly draft out a unique review of Android Smartphone if you have no experience with the Android operating system.

4. Offer your opinion: As we said earlier, your readers want to read something new and fresh. For this reason, a unique article is one that reflects the opinion of the writer.

Your opinion about a thing may most probably differ from what another person thinks about same. If however both opinion is same there will definitely be a difference in the method of presentation.

5. Offer your suggestions: Having given your opinion about the topic under discuss, next is to offer your suggestions and recommendations.

This makes your content unique because your suggestions will most probably differ from the suggestions of another person or at least, there will be obvious difference in the method of presentation.

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In Conclusion: 

You have seen our brief tips on how to write a unique articles for publication as a tech blogger or media personality. It is now in your hands to get creative with words when putting your ideas into writing.

You can offer more tips, suggestions and questions by using the comment box below.

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Felix Silas
Felix Silas is a tech ardent, an Android fanatic, a computer user and very vast with mobile tips and tweak. He's dedicated to churning out tips on technology and Innovations.


  1. Sohanur Rahman Sohan Sohanur Rahman Sohan

    Thanks for your awesome tips. i hope i could improve my writing skill by your article.
    now a days i want to learn about different types of topic & Subject. i think it will be needed my future career.

  2. Awesome and lovely tips, i think with this, you have really greased my elbow.

    keep it Bro.

  3. Thank You so Much for the awesome tips. I’m thinking you actually wrote the post because of me :)

    • You are welcome. I’m glad you like’D it.


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