Full List of Multi-TV (Joy TV) Channels and How To Get Them


Multi TV is a Ghanian satellite television which has over the years made a name for itself by offering a top-notch free to air package that encompasses both radion and TV channels. Being a Ghana satellite television doesn’t hinder their international reach, as they were serving well-over 28 African countries as at the time this post was written.

This article covers details on the full list of multi-TV channels and a comprehensive tutorial on how to track Joy TV on your digital satellite decoder. This will help get you started on enjoying the top-notch free to air channels that are offered by Multi-TV.

JoyTV channels list


The Complete Tist of TV Channels on Multi TV

  • Joy Prime
  • Adom TV
  • Joy News
  • DW English
  • Fire TV (Ghana)
  • Rock TV (Ghana)
  • Sweet TV
  • OB TV
  • Pent TV
  • TVT
  • Aseda TV
  • Ghana TV
  • Pan African TV
  • Cross TV
  • TV3 (Ghana)
  • ZTV Ghana
  • Fire TV 2
  • Precious TV
  • Royal TV (Ghana)
  • Kessben TV
  • Angel TV (Ghana)
  • Elijah TV
  • TV Xyz
  • Rhema TV (Ghana)

Full list of Radio Channels on Multi TV

  • Joy 99.7 FM
  • Asempa 94.7 FM
  • Luv 99.5 FM
  • Adom 106.3 FM
  • Hitz 103.9 FM
  • Nhyira 104.5 FM
  • Peace 104.3 FM
  • Citi FM
  • Atlantis Radio
  • Kessben FM
  • Angel 96.1 FM
  • New Mercury 91.5 FM
  • Fox 97.9 FM
  • Radio Lomé
  • Radio Kara

How To Track Joy TV and get all the Multi TV Channels

All that is required to get Multi-TV channels running is to get a decoder that is MPEG-4 compliant,  a 60cm or 90cm dish, and the right polarization code. This process is a bit similar across all decoders that are MPEG-4 compliant as it requires you to do a manual search.  Below is a list of some of Multi-TV supported decoders and steps on how to get Multi-TV channels running on them;

Syndicated box decoder

  1. Press MENU.
  2. On INSTALLATION press OK.
  3. Select MANUAL SEARCH and press OK.
  4. Press the green button on the remote to edit the frequency.
  5. Select MODIFY.
  6. Press OK.
  7. Type 11595
  8. Press OK.
  10. Press the RIGHT button on the OK to change to vertical.
  11. Press OK.
  12. Then select SYMBOL RATE 30000
  13. Press the BLUE BUTTON to save and exit OK to start scanning.
  14. Move channel down knob to start the search.
  15. Press OK to start scanning.
  16. Press exit
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  • Press the MENU button.
  • Press the RIGHT vol button.
  • Input 0000 as the password.
  • Select MANUAL SCAN and press OK.
  • Press the RED BUTTON on the remote to select transponder ASTRA 3A/3B.
  • Press the green button to add the TP list.
  • Input frequency 12522
  • Go to symbol rate and type 30000
  • Change the polarization to either V or H to make the bars change to green color.
  • Press OK to scan.
  • Press exit


  • Press MENU.
  • Press the red button to EDIT.
  • Input 12522  in the space provided for frequency.
  • Input 30000 on the SYMBOL RATE.
  • Select POLARITY and toggle left to place it in vertical.
  • Proceed to Save and press OK
  • Press on the BLUE button and OK to scan.
  • Press Ok and Yes after the scan get completed
  • Press EXIT and view channels.


  • Press MENU.
  • Scroll down to DVB-S, Click OK.
  • Input 0000 and press OK.
  • Click the YELLOW BUTTON on the remote to edit TP.
  • Scroll down and input 30000 in the SYMBOL RATE box
  • Scroll to YES and click OK.
  • Navigate to SERVICE SEARCH and click OK.
  • Start Scanning


  • Tune to a MULTI TV channel.
  • Press MENU on the remote.
  • Press OK and input 0000.
  • Navigate to the Transponder and select 28° E ASTRA 2A/2B/2F.
  • Press the Yellow button to edit.
  • Input 11595 in the Frequency box.
  • Input 30000 in the space provided for Symbol rate
  • Press the RED button to scan and then press OK.
  • Press ok again to save.

Multi TV HD LI/ HD plus

  •  Press the menu button on your remote.
  • Select installation using the addition volume button and press OK.
  • Use the Channel Down to scroll and select “Manual search” and use OK to choose
  • Enter a Frequency number
  • Enter a Symbol rate number
  • Change Polarization to vertical using the volume up button
  • Proceed to scan for channels
  • Press exit when the search is complete
  • Enjoy Multi Tv channels

CA plus series 2/SC 101 S2/Multi TV HD

  • Launch the Menu interface
  • Use the channel up and down to choose settings
  • Enter 0000 in the password box provided
  • Select Frequency using the channel up and down
  •  Enter the Symbol Rate number
  • Change the Polarity to V by using the volume buttons
  • Scroll down and select Yes and press Ok
  • Find Service Search and process ok
  • Scroll then choose Search mode
  • Toggle Auto to Manual using volume buttons
  • Initiate scan
  • Press Volume down to select Yes and press ok to save
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Digital combo decoder Vi/combo decoder T2/S2

  • Press the Menu button on your remote.
  • Use Volume Up to select Installation and press Ok.
  • Use Channel up and down to help you choose Satellite and press ok
  • Scroll down and select Manual Search
  • Scroll down to and enter a Frequency Number
  • Enter Symbol Rate number
  • Next change Polarization to (V)
  • Initiate scan
  • Wait for the scan to complete and press exit


  1. Press Menu on your remote control
  2. Select Installation using the volume up key
  3. Scroll up and down to highlight DVB-S and press OK
  4. Enter the default password (0000) to open.
  5. Scroll up and down to highlight Dish Setting and press OK
  6. Press the channel up and down button to select frequency
  7. Press the Yellow key on your remote
  8. Select frequency by using channel navigation buttons
  9. Enter frequency value
  10. Scroll down and enter Symbol Rate value
  11. Scroll down to polarity and toggle to get V
  12. Scroll down to select yes and press ok to save
  13. Scroll down to select Service Search and press ok
  14. Scroll up and down to highlight Search Mode  using channel navigation buttons (ch-/ch+)
  15. Change Auto to Manual search using the volume up key
  16. Press channel up and down buttons to scroll to start to search and press ok to scan.
  17. Press the Menu button
  18. Press the volume down button select yes
  19. Press ok to save

SC – 007 CA/ SC001 CA/SC007 CA Plus

  1. Press Menu on the remote control
  2. Highlight Installation using the volume control buttons and press ok
  3. Highlight manual search and press ok
  4. Highlight frequency and press the green button to edit
  5. Use channel navigation keys to scroll up and down to highlight add or modify and press OK
  6. Scroll down to frequency and input value
  7. Scroll to Polarization and toggle to Vertical
  8. Scroll down to symbol rate and input values
  9. Press the blue button on the remote control to save and exit
  10. Scroll to the scan section and begin scanning

Somotex (MTV-1722)

  1. Press the menu button on your remote
  2. Look for Installation and open it
  3. Scroll to till your find Manual search, select manual search afterward
  4. Input 12525 in the frequency section
  5. Use 30000 as the Symbol rate
  6. Set the Polarity to vertical
  7. Press the green button on your remote to begin the scan
  8. Wait for the scan to complete and press exit
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Somotex (MTV-9800J)

  1. Choose the MENU option
  2. Select INSTALLATION after scrolling Go ahead and choose SATELLITE LIST
  3. The next thing is to select ASTRA 2A, 2B, 2D on the satellite list
  4. Save by pressing EXIT
  5. Choose the TP list Press the GREEN BUTTON to add a new frequency
  6. Use 12525 as the Frequency
  7. Set the SYMBOL RATE at 30000
  8. Change the POLARITY to vertical
  9. Start scanning for channels by double-clicking on the OK button
  10. Press the OK button to save your new settings

SRT 4920/4922/4922A/4922D+

  1. Press the Menu button on your remote control
  2. Select installation and input 0000 in the password box provided
  3. Go for MANUAL SCAN
  4. Press the RED BUTTON to choose 28.2 ASTRA 1N/2A/2F
  5. Use the CHANNEL DOWN button to select the FREQUENCY
  6. Press the GREEN key and enter 12525 as the MULTI TV FREQUENCY
  7. Use CHANNEL DOWN button to select the SYMBOL RATE and then enter 30000
  8. Set Polarization to vertical
  9. Start scanning for channels
  10. Press the exit button when the scan is complete.

SRT 4950/SRT 4950H/4950E/4950M/

  1. Press the Menu button on your remote control
  2. Select installation
  3. Select manual scan
  4. Hit the Sat button and select ASTRA 2(28.2E)
  5. Press the Red button and input 12525 in the frequency section
  6. Select polarization using the volume down button
  7. Toggle polarization to vertical
  8. Set symbol rate to 30000
  9. Press ok to tick the inputted Multi TV parameters
  10. Start scanning
  11. I press ok when information requestion for network search pops up
  12. Press the exit button three times

Wrapping up

There you have it – you have just been served with the full list of Multi-tv channels and how to track them on your satellite dish setup. You are strongly advised to take cognizance of the procedures to getting multi-tv channels on your satellite decoder. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below.

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Felix Silas
Felix Silas is a tech ardent, an Android fanatic, a computer user and very vast with mobile tips and tweak. He's dedicated to churning out tips on technology and Innovations.


  1. How can i get back Gtv, Gtvplus and Maxtv back on STR 4999SG strong Gold Decoder?

  2. I have scan but, I’m not getting Adom tv

  3. Godwin Immanuel Godwin Immanuel

    What is happening with Max24 is not showing again please.

  4. Someone says his has up to 200 channels. How true is this?

  5. Henrh .l.Ighalo Henrh .l.Ighalo

    Thanks a lot.
    Henry is my name, and I’m from Benin city Edo state. How can I track joytv and Mbc together in one dish using two different lnb?

  6. I could not change the astra2 in my decoder to Astra 3 u write

  7. How to watch those chennels that are not free but it has $ symbol.


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