Top 10 WordPress Plugins for Tech and Entertainment Bloggers

With the influx of developers and freelance designers into the WordPress content management system (CMS) environment, you are definitely going to be spoilt with choice of plugin to go with when building a tech and /or entertainment blog.

The plugins listed here is quite different from the ones we have talked about in our previous articles such as –

This list is peculiar to plugins that will greatly spice up tech and entertainment blogs.

From layout customization to post decoration, typography, html codes, JavaScript to Social media icons in post, adverts in post, maps in post and many other great features.

The 10 plugins below will add awesomeness to your blog and make your visitors want to stay longer reading them.

It isn’t always advisable to install too many plugins on a single site, hence my reason for introducing the functions of the plugins so you can make a calculated choice on which is relevant or not.

1. Post Layout

You must have seen some top sites having Google Adsense ads in the middle of their post or just anywhere within the article’s body and wondered how such adverts are added to the post body.

This is what WordPress post layout plugin does, it gives one access to awesome features such as the ability to –

  • Add mobile only adverts to post (Shows only to Users visiting your site from phone and /or other mobile devices)
  • Place Google Adsense anywhere within the post content
  • Add PHP codes and JavaScript to post and get them executed

One awesome thing about the post layout plugin is that – it keeps on working when themes are changed or updated to a custom one.

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2. TinyMCE Advanced

TinyMCE Advanced is another WordPress plugin that’s well suited for tech and entertainment blogs, it offers lots of new features to the already feature-filled WordPress visual editor.

How to fix Incoming Links Notification Bug in Wordpress

tinymce advanced

The major features among all the capabilities and functions the TinyMCE Advanced WordPress plugin adds to your websites includes and not limited to –

  • The ability to create and edit tables right from the visual editor
  • The ability to set Font Family and Font Size
  • The ability to Search and Replace text right from the visual editor

It is a very useful plugin for bringing all word-pressing program’s feature to your WordPress editor panel.

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3. WP Canvas – Shortcodes

WP Canvas – Shortcodes is the killer plugin for any tech and /or entertainment blog. It simply makes your blog post, pages and content awesome with features such as –

  • The ability to add Google maps to post, custom post and pages
  • The ability to add social media icons, html image, buttons, elements and special tables to post
  • The ability to add accordion, tabs and toggle jQuery function to post, custom post and pages
  • The ability to add testimonials, pricing, comparison progress bars, RSVP, countdown and highlights to post, custom post type, portfolio and pages
  • The ability to add code snippets with syntax highlighting, font awesome icons (typography) and isotope / masonry Posts

In fact, WP Canvas – Shortcodes is a collection of awesome shortcodes to make your blog contents rich, user-friendly, advanced and engaging to the readers.

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4. Header and Footer

As a blogger running a tech and /or entertainment website, you will always have one code or the other to add to your header and /or footer.

This could be for Google analytics code,  Google Webmaster verification code, Bing Webmaster verification code, MyBlogLog tracking and /or verification code, StatCounter code, codes for stylish social media sharing buttons and several others.

The features of the Header and Footer plugin for WordPress includes –

  • The ability to manage the head section code
  • The ability to manage the footer section codes
  • The ability to add & manage the Facebook og:image tag, Open Graph meta data, Twitter card meta data and Google+ specific post meta data
  • The ability to recognize and execute PHP code to add logic
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The Header and Footer plugin will save you the stress of hiring a programmer or messing around your FTP/Cpanel to add one code or the other.

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5. Jetpack by

Jetpack plugin by needs no introduction as the popularity among the WordPress community  is hardly compared to any.

It has built a good reputation over the years and stands out as one that suits both tech and entertainment blogs. The core features are as follows:

  • The ability to add a Mobile theme ( your site automatically detect mobile visitors and serve them with the customizable mobile theme)
  • The ability to speed up image delivery with the Photon CDN
  • The ability to view real-time stats and referring websites
  • The ability to add a free contact form and view feedback from dashboard as well as get email notification from valid contact request.
  • The ability to customized, allow user’s subscription and many more features.

Jetpack by is a winner when it comes to enhancing your technology and /or entertainment blog with features and awesomeness.

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6. Ultimate Nofollow

Ultimate Nofollow is a little but awesome plugin for any website, it helps the admin, authors and editors to add the rel=”nofollow” tag to links that are new or not trustworthy to them.

As a blogger running a tech or entertainment website, the need to link to one website or the other is always there. This plugin allows you to add the nofollow tag to reference links and sundry from the WordPress visual editor.

When a post  has too many less-useful links or links such as image credit, citation and sundry, the Ultimate Nofollow plugin comes handy.

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7. Author hReview

Author hReview is great for tech and /or entertainment blogs that reviews products, services, album, eBook, digital gadgets and sundry.

It is a good SEO practice to add markup values to review contents to distinguish them from the other ones.

The Author hReview plugin will allow you add rating and boxed summary to reviews and sundry. It is also a good plugin to think about when there’s SEO in mind.

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8. Disqus Comment System

Disqus Comment System is the pro’s favorite, it allows for a free-flowing conversation and could be really fun for blogs with lots of comments.

You can get users chatting and helping one another in real-time without bugging your server resources, comments can be moderated from email or from their official website.

Comments also gets synched with your WordPress database to allow for accuracy, performance and easy moderation.

One good thing about the Disqus Comment System is that – it blocks spam and malicious users without the need for a CAPTCHA or any difficult verification.

Disqus Comment System allows guest comments as opposed to similar ones that insists on user’s registration.

download link

9.  Simple:Press

Simple:Press plugin is the real when there’s a need for a full-fledged forum, support board or discussion section for your tech or entertainment website.

A post has been written about the simple:press plugin, you can read all of it from the Simple:Press review and comparison post.

10. White Label CMS

White Label CMS is useful for technology and /or entertainment websites that allows signup and user registration on the site.

It is a good alternative for websites that aren’t using the Theme My Login plugin to customize login and registration pages.

White Label CMS helps you add support link, post policy and feeds for logged in users. Allows for the customization of the admin dashboard, removal of WordPress logos and links from the admin dashboard.

With the WordPress White Label CMS plugin, you can add custom logos to login page, registration page and the dashboard panel for logged in users.

Download link –

Do you know of any other WordPress plugin to enhance or boost tech and entertainment blogs?

Kindly share with us in the comments section below.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Hi, i absolutely got tons of value from your post. Please i have 2 quick questions.
    1. What is the number of plugins every blogger shouldn’t exceed? I currently have about 18 installed, would you consider that number outrageous. Please could you also check out my site and offer me a
    2. Your font is really beautiful. would you suggest plugins that would give me beautiful fonts just like yours?
    Finally, would you spare a few seconds to check this site and offer me your candid advice

    • Hi Suresh,

      Except the 18 plugins are absolutely necessary, you should remove the ones that duplicates function. Anything around 10 should suffice for regular website and blogs.

  2. Thanks for sharing.
    I would like to suggest you one more WordPress plugin which fulfills your all requirements what you describe here. Blog Designer has all kind of features what you have never seen any blogging plugin. It has 29 different and unique blog template to make your blog page more attractive. Check out here:

  3. A good list and I use few plugins among them.I really like WordPress for making any features easy with a plugin

    • Thanks for your feedback Dhanunjai.


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