Tablet PC Vs laptop: Which side are you on?

Personal computers is the next cutting edge gadget that has completely taken over the minds of many and how they carry out their daily activities. With Tablet PC and Laptop on the front line, it is some worth difficult to choose exactly which one to use.

Both are packed with amazing features, elegant design and portability to match. Are you wondering which of these devices you would like to buy? Well wonder no more, this post outlines the main features and things to consider in these two devices. Make sure you read this post before you choose.

Tablet PC vs Laptop Computers
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Cost Implication

The tablet PC is relatively new in the market thus the production is low making the price slightly higher than that of a Laptop. It is possible to get a good laptop to meet your every need for about $250 to $320 but this is different for Tablets.
The average selling price of a tab is $490 while the average price of a laptop is $650. At a glance, it looks like laptops are more expensive but when you compare their performance and features you would see that the tablet PC is way more expensive.
While with $300 you can get a good laptop for sale, you will need up to $450 to buy a Tablet of similar performance and capabilities.

Size, Portability and Shape

Tablets are usually more portable as compared to laptops. You do not need any special bags to carry them or move around. They come in different sizes and shapes and some are small enough to fit into a purse.
The laptop on the other hand is bigger than the tab and does not allow certain mobility and mostly has to be carried in a bag. This is one area which the Tab tops the Lap top.

Power Consumption, Battery Life and Durability

If you are someone who is always on the move, then the Tablet PC is definitely for you. It can last up to 17 hours without any connection to power. This is way better compared to the lap to 2 to 5 hours of power life.
The power consumption on laptop is due to the presence of fans, coolers and other power consuming devices. In terms of durability, the lap top tends to last more than the Tab. The screen of the tap is more prone to breaking and other hazards related to software that may arise.

 Performance, Memory Size and Storage.

Tablets are good if you are using it for simple tasks such as sending emails, receiving emails, chatting, watching videos and playing songs.
But if you want to perform complex processes like graphic design, video editing, gaming, programming, and etc., It is highly recommended that you use a laptop since it generally has a better motherboard that is capable of performing more tasks as compared to tablets. Laptops generally has higher memory size and bigger storage capabilities.

The general myths behind tablets & why you must buy one

PC VS Tablets reviewAs a rule, there are a lot of needs for tablets. However, we never seem to recognize the needs until we see others with tablets of their very own.

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The realization of how useful and dependable tablets are the appeal that drives most people to go out and purchase a specific kind of tablet for themselves.

Nonetheless, all of us are different as individuals so where one tablet choice may work for one person, but there may be another tablet that may not suit that same person in the very same way.

Tablets come in a wide variety of different types and brands. There is a tablet out there to suit each and every one of us. With this said, what are the main reasons to purchase a tablet?

The answers to this question may vary, however, no matter what the answer is; tablets are great all the same for their own overall reasons.

Don’t lug your laptop around anymore

People have their very own reasons for wanting to purchase a computer or a tablet, for that fact. However, there are necessary reasons why people want tablets specifically more so than computers in some cases.

One of the main reasons people purchase tablets over computers is the portability tablets have to offer. This is not to say that laptops aren’t portable, but tablets are much lighter in some incidents, in addition to being smaller in size.

In conclusion, portability is one of the main reasons that people buy tablets as opposed to regular computers or laptops.

The second reason that people buy tablets is because of its ability for productivity. Having a tablet in a workplace allows a person to be productive where basic tasks are concerned.

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Some of the basic tasks in a workplace that a tablet can do is answering emails or taking care of scheduling or calendars. It’s so much easier to bring a tablet to a meeting and take notes or follow along with the presenter’s PowerPoint slides than lugging in your laptop.

All the apps you can think of

reasons to buy a tablet PCThe third reason that people like to purchase tablets is because of their great adaptability. What do you mean, you ask? It means that size doesn’t matter where the level of functionality is concerned.

Installing apps on a tablet to make it even more adaptable is also something very cool and easy to do. Customizing a tablet with a number of different apps to give it more potential is an easy process like setting up events on your calendar or checking your favorite team’s score on ESPN.

People also have their own individual reasons for purchasing tablet, as well. Some of the reasons listed here are just a few of many features that are made possible with these wonderful high-tech devices.

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Kyle Stevens
Kyle Stevens is an out going creative writer and tech blogger who has a passion for helping people and building creativity in the mind, through his outstanding tutorials, articles and excellent reviews of any gadget.


  1. For me, tablets are more handy and portable. I can carry them anywhere, even in a small bag and stay connected anywhere I want. Is it lighter for me too.

    An avid iPad 2 user here :)

    • Thanks Joseph for dropping by and sharing your opinion.
      Do have a splendid day.


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