Reasons Why People Loose their Twitter Followers?

There are some things about social media that remains to be a mystery and even the so called social media experts cannot actually predict the outcome. Experts cannot really tell or predict the behavior of the people in social media. When people start to connect with you in Facebook, LinkedIn or follow you in Twitter, there is also a huge possibility that one day they would have a change of heart and decide to “unfriend” “disconnect” or “unfollow” you.

this is why they will unfollow you on twitter

This will make you wonder why people suddenly decide to do that. This article will focus on Twitter and provide probable reasons why your Twitter followers decide to click the “unfollow” button.

Some people are really troubled about the decrease in number of Twitter followers and you suddenly decide to change your tweeting style in order to please your followers. Some people would even reach the point of acquiring apps to send those tweets or email when somebody decides to unfollow them.

It is quite interesting to know what precisely the reason behind this action of “unfollowing” you in Twitter. Here are some of the possible reasons why followers would decide to “unfollow” in Twitter:

  • Too noisy – this is probably the worst crime a person can commit in Twitter. If you are the type of Twitter user who sends tweets every minute or every hour, this could get into the nerves of your followers.
  • Too much self-promotion – the only thing you tweet about is yourself and tweet your photos too. This narcissistic behavior would cause your chum rate to go down.
  • Spamming – if you hate spams, you have to understand that your followers may feel the same way too. Do not post too many spams and stuff that are not really interesting.
  • Automated Tweets – Your followers can detect if you are using an application to do automated tweets for you. Too many repetitions in your tweets will make your follower start to unfollow.
  •  Offensive and Foul – it will be a huge turn-off to your followers if they see nothing but offensive and foul tweets from you. Aside from that, begging people to follow you on Twitter or to visit a website would also result into losing followers.
  • Too quiet – Twitter is there to share your thoughts and views, if you are too quiet and there are no activities in your account there’s no sense in maintaining a Twitter account. Don’t be a lurker, start participating in Twitter conversations.
  • Too many check-ins – your Twitter followers are not really interested about the places you have been or where you are right now. A conversational tweet is a must, not just Foursquares and check-ins.
  • Grammar errors – be careful with your grammar because some followers may find it quite annoying to see grammar errors in your tweets.
  • Too many retweets – avoid retweeting too much and do not overuse direct messages too. Using too many hash tags can be irritating too.
What is the Power from Positive Social Media Fans?

If you want to keep your Twitter chum rate steady, then you should know how to keep your Twitter community happy. Twitter is like maintaining a real life relationship, it will be much better to avoid the loopholes mentioned in this article to stop the “unfollow” bug in your Twitter account.

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About the Author:Kelly Wilson is a web designer, guest blogger and video maker. She runs her own site and the team who makes Guest Posting Service for UK clients.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. All these points are true. But there are some times that no matter what you do on twitter (I mean obeying all what is in the post), some people will still unfollow you. One thing I also think is that people tend to avoid following someone who has more people he’s following than followers.

    • You are very correct Olumide, I personally look down on any twitter account that has as much followers as he is following while running my addynamo sponsored tweet campaigns, this is because most of them are only reciprocating each other.

      We personally believe that sharing useful info as well as your popularity can skyrocket the number of your followers same way advertisement does for your websites

  2. Hi Obasi,
    Refusing to follow your followers back is can also cause reduction in tour followers!

  3. Very interesting, I just wish there was a sure way to get thousands of real tagetted twitter followers(Not robots or Spam)

    • I think the only proven and legal method for getting real human twitter followers is by making use of the twitter advertisement option that comes for a fee

  4. Great info thanks man good to know for anyone who’s keen on not losing their status with Twitter!

    • Sure Andrew! the tips will definitely guide newbies too

  5. that’s true Obasi, many people lose followers because of those reasons

    • Thanks for dropping by Nick, Hopping to get more of your feedback soon


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