Stop Writing “How to” Guides, write about “What to Write”

Let’s start with an interesting image.

crazy seo writing tips

Surprisingly, “How to” articles have a clear edge over write-ups about love, as far as search results are concerned.

Because people love writing “how to’s” and it has become a tradition from trend.
Being the most overused topics for bloggers, I’m as guilty as anybody else; I know this, because each time I sit with my laptop, the blank screen stares at me, as though pleading, “Not another how-to article pleeeeeeease!!!

It’s like eating the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner, over and over again.”

The web is flooded with “how to guides”; bloggers and internet marketers are finding new problems and then solving them by writing “how to’s”, simply because these articles tend to do well in all major search engines as compared to other simpler articles.

The reason being simple; people tend to search this way.
Now the question is, to counter the overdose of “How-to’s”,

what can you write about ?

Convert a serious story into a comic one

We all follow several blogs, and few authority ones like Matt Cutt’s. When Google recently launched Penguin 2.0, everyone started covering news.

What if you made fun of it in a healthy way? Like writing a post with the title “Last night’s Penguin came home and stole my money” ; comic posts certainly have a better bounce rate and engage visitors well.

Write fearlessly about your experiences

Blogging is about writing what comes to your mind and knowing what interests your users. It doesn’t really matter that you write thousands of “how to’s”, all the while knowing that half of them are crap.

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Try to write about your personal experiences like “How a client taught me about customer retention” or maybe “How I lost 3 million dollars in 2 days”.

Disagree with the experts and write why

We all make mistakes and even the experts admit that they were wrong at some point of time. If you believe in yourself and are 100% sure, then write a blog about disagreeing with the point.

There is every chance of a controversy being created, but that will put you in the limelight for sure!

Write about your work-related fantasy

Who says fantasies don’t work in the real world? Have we forgotten about Harry Potter? It’s all about the way you present it. You may be an extremely good SEO but you must have a fantasy.

As my fantasy is one day “I will hire Matt Cutt’s as link builder and make him do link exchanges”. :)

Write about surveys and case studies

Surveys and case studies are both excellent in terms of engaging visitors. So next time, try to write a visually appealing case study and see if it works. Case studies get the maximum amount of backlinks as compared to other type of content.

Write like you are giving a presentation on a stage

Talk to your audience as though they are seated in front of you and you are making a presentation in front of them(dress up in a suit or tux if it helps!).

Make your blog as interactive and fun, as you would make your presentation.
Freely write whatever comes to your mind and then edit it.
“If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.”
(Margaret Atwood)
Free writing is the best way to write, because that is when you put your heart and sole into your writing. Your personality gets reflected in your writing, which is critical.

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So what if there are too many ideas running in your mind and you end up writing a haphazard 1000-word article; you can always edit it and remove about 700 to make it a great 300 word article in the end!.

Post contributed by Himanshu Saxena of TIIT Solutions. You Connect with him on Google+

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. I really enjoyed this post. You have a lot of creative ideas that I would not have thought of. Creativity is a skill and most people don’t realize that — there are concrete ways we can tap into our creativity, which you have shown in this article. I especially like your idea of making comedy out of the latest news story.

  2. Hi Obasi,
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart as these are the correct ways to understand the demand ans the distribution of the contents.The Google ad words is a milestone to let everyone direct to the correct website but as its very important to use the right terms and key words in the content which is going to be posted so that the readers can get the best output in a short time.Thank you once again.

  3. Muhammad saleem Muhammad saleem

    Hi Obasi
    I really appreciate this article because you pointed that what is modern way of way blogging. Qasim is also right but I a new person want to start a blog then he/she should think about it as mostly people start writing with How to articles.

    • Hey Muhammad, thanks for coming around today, I personally do coach newbie bloggers to always try using the Google adwords Keyword research tools when trying to write on their new post Ideas. Knowing also that keywords with lower competition is more likely to get you search engine traffic.

      I am happy that you love the tips

  4. Hi Obasi,

    Thanks for sharing such a great article, I believe it depends on your own website ranking; if you write about a high ranking website then How to articles can help gain high traffic since your posts already shows at the top of the search engines but if your website is low ranking then there is no point to compete for a traffic that you will never gain because of your website ranking.

    • What you have outlined is very right Qasim, Thanks for dropping by to contribute on this article having to do with latest search engine optimization Idea

  5. Really nice post about what to write, thanks.

    • Thanks for you valuable comment Kasey

  6. Wow! Amazing tips! I will utilize them on our blog. ヅ

    • Sure, Wreyzza you need do more with these tips

  7. Great post … thanks for the tips.

    • Thanks for dropping by Cheryl

  8. Interesting and educative post all your points from 1-5 are real and a good way to make a perfect and eyes-catching title, but about how to posts, it has been on search engine for long time and it will never seized to exist, most bloggers still write it, including me, thanks for sharing, we make use of this tutorial very soon.

    • Thanks for always making it here for valuable comments, you are right about the topic never going to cease in the bloggers-world

  9. Adesanmi Adedotun Adesanmi Adedotun

    Using Google keyword will make someone discover important keyword that are usually searched on the topic at hand but some strategies are needed to be added to make it more human as its shown in the image above


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