6 Free Software Apps to Solve Maths and Scientific Equations

6 free software for solving mathsThere are free software and applications that can help you solve complicated maths problems and scientific equations, we’ll be looking at the top 6 programs you can use to solve mathematical equations from your computer and/or mobile devices.

1. MindMaster

MindMaster is a handy utility app for solving maths and scientific problems. It is a cross-platform app, and as such, available for Windows, Mac, Linux, internet browsers, Google extension, IOS, and Android. Its cloud storage feature allows you to synchronize your data across all your devices.

The Mindmaster science suite has support for online collaboration, formula library, and virtually all commonly used math equation symbols such as relationship and operator, modifier, arrow, separators, fractions, Square roots, Subscripts and superscripts, summation, results and set, integral, underlines and overlines, label arrow, and rectangle.

2. College Algebra Solved!

College Algebra Solved! is a student’s friendly software from Bagatrix. It was used by many college students as a tool for attempting maths homework and scientific projects.

It can solve extensive algebraic equations, plot graph, mark trigonometric values as well as present several tests for improving one’s skill in Mathematics and sciences.

Download Link : Bagatrix has stopped the official distribution of this software, luckily, I’ve got a fully functional copy of it in my system which I uploaded here for your convenience.

Download, install, use and give feedback on what you think about the College Algebra Solved! software.

3. Algebra 2 Solved!

Algebra 2 Solved! is an improvement on the College Algebra Solved! software. More functions were added to it, more detailed working methods were used to present solutions to problems.

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Solving simultaneous equations, polynomials, surd, and several algebraic equations is made possible, easy, and effortless with the Algebra 2 Solved! PC software.

Download Link: Just like the College Algebra Solved! software, Bagatrix stopped the official distribution of this app a long time ago. There’s an existing thread on forum.3ptechies.com, where you can download it and give your feedback.

5 free software for solving maths

4. Mathway [Web & Mobile App]

Mathway combines the power of College Algebra Solved!, Algebra 2 Solved! and Calculus Solved! to bring you an all-efficient web and mobile app to solve complicated mathematical expressions and scientific equations.

Mathway can solve problems in Basic Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus, Statistics, Finite Math, Linear Algebra, and Chemistry. It is a very handy maths tool for teachers, parents, students, and engineers.

In addition to your Casio fx-991MS Scientific Calculator as an engineer or science student, you should think of getting a working version of Mathway to make your working with maths & equations fun.

Mathway for iOS: You can download the mathway app to your iPhone, iPad or any other iOS device by visiting the iTunes app store link.

Mathway for Android: Mathway is available on android and can be installed on your phone, tablets, and phablets. Visit the Google play store link to download.

Mathway for Mac OS & PC: For windows, mac, browsers and Linux machines, there’s the web-app to help with your mathematics and engineering problems.

5. Math Expert

Math Expert is a very useful android app for attempting maths and scientific problems, it is not as robust as the other apps we listed above, but still efficient for engineering and maths students.

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Math Expert has a vast database for physics, chemistry, and maths formulas. You can download for free via the Google Play Store link or go for their pro version with more features.

6. f(x) Mathematics

f(x) Mathematics is a free android app to solve mathematics and scientific problems, it can solve problems related to:

  • Statistics
  • Differential and integral calculus
  • Linear algebra, vectors, matrices
  • Complex number calculation
  • Modulo calculation with big integer and fractions
  • Curve sketching, limes, minima, maxima

f(x) Mathematics calculates any formula you want and show them in a 2d or 3d plot. The natural display shows fractions, roots and exponents as you would expect it from mathematics.

Download Link :  You can download this app for free at the Google play store or go for similar at the iTunes app store.

Your Turn

Have you ever used an app or software to attempt a mathematics homework and/or school projects?

Share them with us below if they really solved those problems for free and efficiently. Do not forget to share this page with your friends that are studying an engineering course, practicing engineering technology or ‘are’ science students.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


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