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SmartWeb Nigeria Web Hosting Services Review

Smart web hosting $$


Smart web hosting is a small web hosting company that’s based in Nigeria, West Africa

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Time for a little review! Based on my own experience as a long time user of smartweb.com.ng hosting services I have decided to write this brief Smartweb hosting review for our Nigerian readers.

Smartweb hosting review

Review of Smartweb.com.ng Hosting Services and how it affected Our site PageRank .

The question of if a web-hosting Company sucks/rocks can never be taken away from the mouth of the ever-searching clients who don’t wanna be a sort of lab-rats or prey to some unserious web hosting companies who don’t have the clients at heart, making their company businesses look like it’s a child play.

About Smartweb.com.ng :

smartweb.com.ng is a Registered Local web hosting company for Nigerians and has been in operation since late 2004. Their user base has increased significantly over the years owing to their highly affordable hosting plans and pricing which has made the company very popular and also to stand out among thousands competitors in Nigeria, By far one can boldly say without fear that smartweb.com.ng is the most popular web hosting company in the whole federation considering the fact that every single web-surfer that has an idea of what hosting is all about knows about smartweb.com.ng .

My Personal Experience With Smartweb.com.ng :

In late 2009 when I first paid for a domain name myself I didn’t have to ask a question before discovering them owing to the fact that they are already very popular. After using the domain name only from them the first year I decided to purchase a hosting plan for my personal site. It was all very good at the early state as I didn’t have any reason to visit the site daily till I decided to use it as a forum.

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Before I continue narrating my personal experience with them I will like to point out the fact that I have hosted sites with popular web hosting providers like hostgator.com , godaddy.com, atspace.com,   arvixe.com, and another local hosting provider “qservers” . Now back to my experiences with smartweb.com.ng .

At first, I thought it was a scam site ‘cos of the delay in my account activation coupled with the insanely low amount registered on their pricing page till I contacted their support team who rectified the issue in less than 24hrs.

Now another difficulty I had was navigating within my account dashboard after logging in as the site keeps on signing me out every now and then, At this point, I was frustrated ‘cos I have to log in over and over again without being re-directed to where I left off before the log in issues. Although this problem no longer occurs with them but then it was really a hell spending hours in something I should have rounded up in 10mins.

Their Webhosting Offer

: Their web hosting pricing is the best so far offering a 5gb HDD  Space + 20gb bandwidth for little above $15 (N2,500) is what the poor farmers in the village wouldn’t have reason to complain of. 82.8% uptime for such an amount isn’t that bad at all let alone, 97.8% uptime.

Their Hosting Features

: Smartweb.com.ng  as a hosting firm provides all the features any serious client will be looking for in web hosting services, except for free site-builder that many don’t even use that much these days, Furthermore, the service boasts of one-click app installation, meaning you can install those site components (SMF, Joomla, WordPress, jcow, elg, PhpBB, PunBB, etc.) on your website in a single click.

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Smartweb.com.ng also includes every email option you could possibly want, including webmail, POP3, or IMAP email addresses. Additionally, you’ll have access to SMTP email, aliases, forwarding, catch-all accounts, mailing lists, autoresponders, spam protection and the ability to form mail scripts.

Smartweb.com.ng also uses Cpanel for its web-hosting interface  making it easier to utilize all the features listed in the official Cpanel demo site

Coding webpages become easier with all smartweb.com.ng  advanced features that enable a more technical and hands-on approach to web hosting. You can create custom cron jobs and error pages, and the service’s script library provides free scripts you can install on your site. You can also integrate videos on your site, as Smart web hosting panel supports both JavaScript and Flash.

Smart web also gives you the option to create unlimited additional FTP accounts, which allows other authorized users (e.g., Company it staff, web admins ) to access your site .

The Part of Smartweb.com.ng that sucks: As once a forth user of smartweb.com.ng hosting services I have been able to enjoy both the good and ugly paths of this company services :

1. Connection Problems

Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later was the first message that frightened me the first weekend I started using smartweb.com.ng hosting services.

At first, I was like what the fuck is going on here! thinking that it will be the last time I will get such a problem only to have the same problem week in week-out till I get to know that smartweb.com.ng host always gets this issue during the weekends (mostly Saturdays & Sundays ) though it doesn’t last past 30mins.

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Remember this message differs from one platform to the other as the case above was with SMF. WordPress, Joomla, custom database-driven sites all have their different messages like “xxxxx can not connect to the database”

2. Poor Customer Support:

This was a total turn off for me initially when I started using their services till I learned to get used to it, at times support tickets takes like one whole week to get a cold reply that depicts inefficiency and unprofessionalism.

But recently their support has improved tremendously up till the point I was contacted via mobile by one of their support-person to update one of my scripts when it was out of date. At times now support tickets get a reply in less than 12hrs which is a very laudable improvement from the past.


Smartweb.com.ng service is relatively good when it comes to Nigeria Homegrown hosting providers at least 92% will be a great rate for their services in relationship with their pricing. Note that ==> This is only my own personal opinion and does not represent the opinion of more than 16,000 other clients currently using their web-hosting services.

smartweb.com.ng hosting review 2013

Let’s get your applause or smite for smartweb.com.ng in the comments box below



    • So sorry Lek, you really went through such bad experience with them, your story is not very much different from what other close friend’s of mine have said about them too. I would have given you tips if you had arrived here earlier on but Huh you already sold your website. Hope you now have a better host?


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