5 Things To Do After Setting Up Your New Blog

Now you have successfully created your Blog and ready to start posting your articles, but hold that thought, there are some things you must do on your blog before you start posting your articles. Pay attention because these are very important things that if you don’t do, you would miss out for at least the first month of blogging.
1. Notify Search Engines About Your New Blog: This is one of the most important thing you should do after designing your blog. While most bloggers ignore this and just wait for search engine bloggers to come crawl their blog at its convenience, it would give you an edge and more traffic if after creating your blog you invite search engines crawlers to it. This would also automatically get your future posts get indexed faster by search engines. There are many search engines out there on the web some you don’t even know, but follow this link to invite the two most popular search engines on the web.

Must Read:
Click Here To Notify Google of Your Blog
Click Here To Notify BING of Your Blog
2. Create Your Presence on Social Networks: Its no news that social networks, are the next best thing that happened to the internet after blogging. Why? Because I believe 80% of the people that use the internet are on one social Networks or the other, therefore if your blog is present on social networks, people know about it faster and you start getting traffic from there. Millions of social networks are out there, but are make use of the Top four Social Networks. I also recommend you create a profile on each of them.
Must Read: How To get Free Twitter followers
Google +
Also add the link for people to like your pages and follow you at the side of your blog or any other suitable area
3. Search Engine Optimization: You shouldn’t worry your self so much about traffic from search engine if you blog is just starting. But it is important you get everything in place for when it starts coming. There are a couple of ways to do this, but for one of the most popular blogging platform WordPress, I recommend “WordPress SEO by yoast“. You would need to set the Meta Title and Description of the front page, Create a good permalink structure. Your permalink structure should not be left as default. You can change it to the post name or post name and category. E.g. http://yourdomain.com/postname or http://yourdomain.com/category/postname . This would some what boost the ranking in search engine since the post name would contain keywords. Lastly, make sure you set the blog to No-index category and No-index Tags to avoid having duplicate contents index by search engines
4. Install A Mobile Version(Theme): Mobile is the fastest way people access the internet. Installing this would instantly make your blog more accessible and readable by mobile users. No body wants to visit a blog that is hard to access on their mobile, and there fore having a mobile theme would surely make your blog a better one. I recommend You you Mobile Press if you are a WordPress blogger because it gives you ability to totally customize your the theme to what ever taste you like.(Click Here To download it)
5. Install A sitemap Generator: Sitemap is the easiest way to search engine to index your site, therefore it is good your install a site map plugin, If you are using the “WordPress SEO by yoast” This feature is included, but if you are not, then Download a site map plugin and install it. I recommend “XML Generator
After doing this, your blog is ready to go live, you can start posting immediately. After your First twenty post, you can then apply for Google Adsense, if you are not a new blogger and already have an Adsense account, You should learn how to prevent invalid clicking on your blog.
Must Read: Use Click Anti-Fraud To stop Invalid Clicking and getting Ban From Google

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Kyle Stevens
Kyle Stevens is an out going creative writer and tech blogger who has a passion for helping people and building creativity in the mind, through his outstanding tutorials, articles and excellent reviews of any gadget.


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