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See The Little Pack That can Convert Your iPhone into An Android Phone

Necessity they say is the mother of innovation/invention blah blah blah. I think someone just made that quote come to existence once more, following the invention of a little pack that can convert your iPhone into an Android Phone.
A developer, who goes by the name, Nick Lee, has come up with something out of the box. A pack that can easily convert your iPhone into an Android phone. This never went so well for him considering the work Apple and the team put into the iPhone. You obviously should know that he went through a lot of hurdles just to make this come to live.

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Singing: Am Walking Away!

The specimen below should give you a glimpse of what it looks like. It comes with a panel which acts as a custom case for the iPhone with a form of development board attached to the battery, a HDMI cable and USB port for other activities you might want to perform.
iPhone to Android Converter
image of the iPhone to Android Converter.

And the Video below would give you a clearer introduction of this awesome device.

What is your take on this? Cool or Nay stuff?



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