Home Reviews Software Review ReclaiMe Review -A Superb tool for Recovering Lost Files from Storage Devices

ReclaiMe Review -A Superb tool for Recovering Lost Files from Storage Devices

ReclaiMe $79.5


ReclaiMe is a super-solid data recovery software from the ReclaiMe team.

User Review
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I haven’t been on the look for a better file recovery software for sometimes now, reason being that I already have a handful of them. One of the services I do render, mostly to my course mates here, is that of helping them recover their deleted files and documents.

ReclaiMe was just introduced to me recently, that was what actually moved me to try out the software to see if it will outperform the ones I already have or serve as a close alternative to them.

Amazingly ReclaiMe File Recovery Software did not only pass my test but was a better choice when it comes to recovering image files from sdcards(Memory cards).

There was this camera sdcard that was mistakenly formatted in the past by the owner, after my initial efforts trying to recover them with Active Undelete Software, the success rate was only but %75 as most of the pictures got corrupted in the process.

On discovering ReclaiMe I purposely reach out to my friend to get same sdcard, formatted the memory card (now on purpose) and tried recovering it with RecliaMe, the result I got was much more better than the previous one, hence my placing it there on top with the rest of my file recovery software solutions.

reclaimme review file recovery software review

Why ReclaiMe?

From the beginning of this review, I made it very clear that ReclaiMe isn’t the only file recovery software out there, see few among the things reclaim does that puts it among the very best data recovery software out there;

  • Very lightweight without advance options for an average user
  • Small in size, which makes it very easy to download and install
  • Compatible with all windows version from XP upwards
  • Supports almost all known disk formats including the newer Microsoft’s ReFs file system
  • Has varieties of recovery methods, can even Unformat hard drives
  • Can recover data from almost all devices with external storage media (disk) support
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Vote Upwards

Outside the many laudable features already stated in the “Why ReclaiMe?” panel, I will personally vote for its ability to recover from many file systems such as; FAT16, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, HFS, HFS+, XFS, UFS, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, ReFs and RAW.

Another mind-blowing feature of ReclaiMe File Recovery software is its ability to undelete a single file or multiple files, unformat a hard drive (including; internal, external, laptop and desktop), and even data(s) from a sdcard (memory card). It can also recover RAW filesystem drives

Vote Downwards

There aren’t many negatives or flaws to pick from the ReclaiMe File Recovery software apart from the fact that it doesn’t have a version that works with Apple Mac OS yet.

This can be very discouraging for Apple Mac OS users that will be forced to get a windows PC to be able to recover data(s) from their Apple Mac OS hard disk drives and storage devices.

Final Words

ReclaiMe File Recovery software is really a great option for recovering your document and files even from a corrupted hard disk drive.

It comes at a relatively cheap amount considering the features, there is also 30 days money back guarantee for unsatisfied customers

For more about ReclaiMe File Recovery software and it’s features, kindly check out their official website here.



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