How to Digitally Promote Your Pest Control Services?

The global pest management market is anticipated to reach USD 31.94 billion by 2027. The industry itself is exploding as a result of the warming climate and the expanding urban growth. What can your pest treatment business do to get a bigger share of that slice this year?

Gaining new clients should be simple given that most homeowners will require your solutions at some point during their lifespan. But you’re not alone while you’re struggling to come up with pest control promotional ideas.

What got you pest management leads in 2018 definitely won’t earn you any in 2022, as the business world has changed significantly over the past couple of years.

Digitally Promote Your Pest Control Services

The Top 8 Pest Control Promotional Strategies to Expand your Company

To assist you, we’ve prepared a list of eight tried-and-true pest control promotional strategies which will enable you to gain a larger share of your industry’s pie, boost pest control sales and leads, and establish your name as a provider unique in the sector:

1. Design a fabulous website

People frequently first engage with your firm through your site. They will form an opinion of your organization, depending on the appearance of your website.

In reality, 48% of users ranked a website’s layout as the most important element that determines a company’s legitimacy, and users make a judgment about your homepage in.05 seconds after it loads.

To compete with the best pest control businesses, your website must have the following features:

  • Intuitive navigation
  • Contact information
  • Value-enhancing claims
  • Engrossing, excellent visuals
  • Client portals
  • Resources, including blogs and libraries
  • A search bar
  • Evidence of excellence
  • Social networking site links
  • Online capability for scheduling

But in addition to needing to possess those qualities in order to appeal to a pest control customer base, it also has to be:

  • Fast: Within seconds of seeing your website, a prospective must experience something to convert them into a lead.
  • Secure: As a result of recent data privacy breaches and customer data intrusions, individuals are more concerned about their digital security. So ensure that your website is safe.
  • Mobile-friendly: 67% of internet searches for “pest control companies” are made on smartphones. Hence, your website must be optimized for mobiles.

2. Experiment with email marketing

An extremely efficient technique to expand your pest treatment business is through email marketing:

  • Return on investment (ROI) for email campaigns is 4,400%!
  • 66% of corporate executives check their emails first thing every morning.
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You can systematize email campaigns for nurturing unclosed prospects and keeping in contact with prior clients. Use services that are simple to use and offer useful analytical information.

3. Remodel your social media promotional strategies

No, social marketing is unlikely to generate thousands of leads through Facebook every month—the same is true for the majority of pest treatment businesses.

That doesn’t imply, however, that social media advertising doesn’t have a myriad of benefits. We urge you to utilize social media for the following reasons:

  • Obtain testimonials
  • Run paid advertisements to enliven a loyal following
  • Utilize Facebook to increase website visitors
  • Spread the word about new goods and services
  • Give character to your brand
  • Make it clear that you are a real organization with helpful staff
  • Use social media templates and posts to connect with your customers. auto-publish and schedule your posts to always stay in touch with your audience

4. Invest in paid online and offline marketing

paid online and offline marketing

Popular social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have changed to a pay-to-play system for businesses.

Organic reach still is feasible, but it’s much less common than it was a few years ago. Consider purchasing an online pest management advertisement space. Although the initial training can be challenging, social media adverts offer some of the finest yields of any promotional tactic. It can be beneficial to spend on offline advertising because the majority of pest treatment businesses are targeting the domestic market.

Banners, radio adverts, small business flyers, and TV commercials are a few offline pest management advertising concepts. Investing in these advertisements isn’t as pricey as you would imagine unless you reside in one of many major American cities.

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In a small town, a radio ad might only charge a few bucks for a valuable 30 seconds of marketing time. Investigate the various choices in your region. To establish oneself in the neighborhood, start off small with either a radio commercial or ad space in the newspaper.

5. Blog about pest control

The ease with which knowledge can now be found has made the evolving customer research-obsessed.

Research indicates that consumers utilize search to optimize their life. They can feel less worried and more comfortable as a result. With a blog on pest control, you may simultaneously soothe homeowners’ passion for learning and convert them into customers. Additionally, blogs can generate massive traffic for your website.

Below are some excellent ideas for pest control blogs:

  • Establish a pest repository.
  • Use your blogs as a tool for pest control promotion by writing about current events and news that have an impact on nearby residents.
  • Establish a DIY (do-it-yourself) section.
  • Make a chart to help your customers identify bug bites.
  • Create how-to and educational short pest control promotional videos for your vlogs on YouTube.

6. Shoot business videos

A video has a 50 times higher chance of ranking organically in search results than textual sites.

What’s more significant is that compared to businesses, which don’t use videos in their promotion, those who do have an average increase in click-through rate (CTR) of 27% and online conversion rates of 34%.

As a result, videos can:

  • Create information for the user who is devoted to research
  • Boost your SEO initiatives
  • Boost online user interaction with your site
  • Give personality to your brand
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Try these videos first for pest control businesses:

  • How-to tutorials on preventing pests and easy fixes
  • Video testimonies and reviews
  • Videos introducing businesses
  • Videos showcasing technicians
  • Videos of completed projects and examples of various forms of insect damage
  • Videos with information that address frequently asked questions

7. Design simple infographics

Infographics should be used in your promotional materials for pest management. They’re popular, and for valid reasons. They are ideal for reducing a wealth of details while still communicating your point.

Humans are naturally visual beings. People prefer looking at graphics and watching videos to learn things.

8. Create glorious reviews

90% of people research online before contacting a business, and 88 percent of customers value online reviews.

If your business doesn’t have a system to generate reviews, think again. Additionally, search results take into account the number of reviews plus the overall rating you have received. You can start by requesting more internet reviews if you want more of them.

According to our observations, another of the main reasons pest treatment businesses don’t get many reviews online is that they don’t request them.


We hope we have offered enough suggestions for pest control promotion to get you through 2022. However, if we have to provide you with one solid recommendation, it would be to conduct an online marketing study.

It will help you analyze your digital footprint to identify areas where you require significant improvements and how you compare to your rivals.

A strong analysis should review your site and search for improvements, identify spaces in search engines, recognize digital assets, and recommend internet advertising tactics across different mediums.

Without conducting an analysis, you face a risk of using marketing tactics that will demonstrably fall short of your goals for expanding your business.

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