Online Study Tips: Maximizing Productivity in a Virtual Classroom

Maximizing Productivity in a Virtual Classroom

Studying online can present unique challenges that are significantly different from those experienced when studying in person. There can be quite a difference between the on-campus classroom and the virtual classroom. However, the right strategies can ensure you get the most out of your study. With the increase of online courses from graduate certificates to an online MBA, making the most of your time online is key.

This article features tips and strategies to ensure your study time is as productive as possible.

Set Up A Dedicated Space

Creating a space that is dedicated to study is a great way to start putting things in place to work and study as productively as possible. There are many benefits to a dedicated space that can enhance your study experience. These include:

  • Getting in the zone
  • Having everything in one place
  • Controlling the environment
  • Increased motivation

Also, research shows that consistently using a particular space for a particular purpose helps your brain to associate that space with that activity. This association aids in motivation and productivity. Put simply: sitting at your study desk in your study space gets you ready to study.

Set Up A Dedicated Space

Manage Your Time and Stay Organised

Time management is key to ensuring you get the most out of your study. While it may take some extra effort and a little time at the beginning, ensuring that you have a study schedule in place allows you to manage your studies effectively.

There are many different strategies that people recommend to effectively use their time but ensuring you have a strategy in place from the start puts you in a strong position to enhance your productivity. Take some time to implement a strategy and develop a schedule for your study and you will reap the benefits in your classes.

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Similarly, ensuring you stay organised helps you to keep on top of your studies. Keeping track of assignments and important dates and deadlines is an important part of getting everything done in a timely manner. Staying on top of everything and keeping a handle on the many different tasks required to complete online study also helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

Minimise Distractions

Dedicating a study space and study time makes a big difference in enhancing the effectiveness of your study. Taking steps to ensure that your study time is free of distractions goes a long way to increasing your productivity. There are a few things to keep in mind when working to make your study time and space distraction-free.

Turning off notifications on your phone seems simple, but it can be highly effective in ensuring you minimise distractions and maintain your focus. Studies have shown that having devices accessible during study time significantly reduces the effectiveness of study time.

Using productivity apps to enhance your focus is particularly helpful when working in online spaces. Lastly, letting your friends, family or housemates know that you are studying helps to create some space without interruptions.

Take Regular Breaks

While it is important to dedicate time and space to your study, we need to ensure we balance our time with regular breaks. A well-regarded technique for maximising the effectiveness of your time and building in regular breaks is the Pomodoro Technique.

This suggests working with a focus for 25-minute intervals followed by a five-minute break. Through extensive experimentation, Francesco Cirillo discovered that these units of time best helped to maximise the efficiency of the time while also providing time for breaks. It also aids in avoiding procrastination and attempted multitasking.

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Actively Participate

One of the challenges of online study is the lack of personal presence. It therefore falls on a student’s self-motivation to ensure they are active participants in their online studies.

Engaging in online lectures and classes and with other students ensures that you make the most of your time and enjoy the time spent on your course. This engagement and enjoyment can then increase your motivation for further study when needed.

Form Study Groups

Form Study GroupsThe research on the effectiveness of group study is significant. A recent study revealed that over 60% of participants experienced higher learning levels in groups compared to studying alone. Also, nearly 70% reported a higher level of motivation to study. While studying independently has its merits, student-led group study offers substantial benefits. Here are a couple of tips for starting a study group:

  • Opt for a small group to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Include friends and other students to expand your network.
  • Increase the frequency of shorter meetings for targeted support.
  • Prepare an agenda and arrive ready to make the most of your time.
  • Use the opportunity to delve deeper into topics rather than merely reviewing notes.

Prioritise Self Care

Make sure to prioritise self-care, especially when studying online, as it can be stressful. Your well-being significantly affects your efficiency. Incorporate a balanced diet with brain-boosting foods, maintain a regular exercise routine, and allocate time for yourself.

These considerations ensure that when it’s time to focus and work, you’re adequately prepared. Remember only a healthy mind can handle tasks effectively. Taking care of your physical and mental health is vital in maintaining a productive and balanced approach to your study.

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Remember Why You’re There

Putting all these tips and strategies in place can help to remind you why you signed up in the first place. Many students completing courses have utilised these strategies in order to work productively and get the most out of their study experience and these tips can keep your reason for studying in sharp focus.

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