50 Best Ping Submission Sites for WordPress

Ping submission sites are to a blog what print ads are to a local business, i.e., it announces the presence of new or fresh content on the blog. Ping sites do not only announce the existence of a new update but also helps in speeding up the time such contents are indexed by Google and other search engines.

So it is a good idea to have at least one of these ping sites for every of your WordPress blog or business website. Without taking much time, I’ll like to expatiate on ping submission sites for a wider view and better assimilation.

What is a ping submission site?

Except you’re running a private blog, you obviously want a lot of people to read your piece of article. At least to prove your professional writing skills and get comments from readers, or to pass out an important message to a wide audience. One of the ways your blog content can reach a global audience is when search engines index them quickly.

Indexing is done automatically if you’re using CMS such as WordPress, Blogger, and the others. However, for one reason or another, your blog articles may not be indexed; thus, they won’t appear on SERPs, and you will have to ping them to search engines manually. Ping submission is simply a good SEO practice that helps to notify various search engines that a particular link should be indexed and made to appear on SERPs.

Also, sometimes, it takes some days for your blog articles to get indexed on search engines. But with the help of ping submission sites, you can immediately send your link(s) to search engines for them to be indexed straight away. Interestingly, most of these ping submission sites are totally free to use and also support a couple of other built-in handy SEO tools.

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Rules for ping submission

Don’t ping a particular link more than two times. The advisable number of times to ping a particular link is just once, but if you do that twice, you are still safe. Pinging a link multiple times may attract a penalty. Nevertheless, you can ping different links simultaneously.

The Top 10 ping submission sites

Ping Submission sites for WordPress

Here are the most pronounced ping submission sites for blogs of all sizes. They can be used for blogs on WordPress, Blogger, Squarespace, Wix, etc.

1. Ping Sitemap – visit

This ping submission site lets you ping your website’s XML sitemap to search engines. Ping Sitemap will immediately submit sitemap URL(s) to popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask.com, and others. It is a free ping tool for all site owners.

2. Google Ping – visit

Google Ping also provides tools for other SEO practices. It is a comprehensive online ping website. However, this platform is not actually owned by Google LLC. Also, you have to provide a description and fill other information before pinging a website through this platform.

3. Ping Farm – visit

Ping Farm allows you to ping multiple URLs at the same time. Thus, you can add more than three different URLs and submit them for instant pinging to search engines. This ping submission allows you to also set keywords and descriptions for the links to be pinged.

4. FeedBurner Ping – visit

Ping Submission sites

Almost every site owner knows about FeedBurner; it was the best and most-used service for email collection and sending of newsletters. Ping FeedBurner is an online tool that allows users’ to ping their URLs to multiply search engines immediately.

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5. Backlink Ping – visit

BacklinkPing is a place to access different SEO tools, which includes online ping tool, robots.txt generator, sitemap generator, and more. This website allows you to add a description of the links.

6. Add URL – visit

Add URL is a ping submission site that adds your links to its directory. This platform charges you $1.99 for its services. It is still one of the best ping submission sites to use in 2020.

7. Ping My Links – visit

Ping My Links is an online platform that allows its registered users to ping multiple URLs. It is a free ping submission site with quite a lousy interface. Nevertheless, it supports a couple of other SEO tools.

8. Pin Goat – visit

Interestingly, PinGoat is a free ping site that helps to notify various search engines about a particular link. Also, PinGoat lets you keep track of weblogs. It is a free site; however, you must have to register to use this platform.

9. Ping O Matic – visit

Ping-O-Matic lets you add your site’s URL as well as the RSS URL. Also, you will have to enter your site’s name. This ping submission site flaunts an intuitive interface, and it is easy to use.

10. Pingler – visit

Pingler offers both free and premium accounts. It is a vast ping submission site; however, premium account users are provided with more interesting features while the free account users are left with the basic.

The Other Ping Submission Sites

Ping Submission services

Hereunder are the other top ping submission websites for WordPress blogs and portfolio websites. They are mostly free and can be added directly at – Wp-admin dashboard==> Settings ==> Writing ==> Update Services.

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S/N Name URL
1. FeedSter Ping http://api.feedster.com/ping
2. Moreover Ping List http://api.moreover.com/ping
3. Auto Pinging http://auto-ping.com/
4. Bitacoras Ping http://bitacoras.com/
5. Blog Buzzer Ping List http://blogbuzzer.com
6. Blog Matcher Ping http://blogmatcher.com
7. Bulk Feeds Ping Service http://bulkfeeds.net/rpc
8. BrainBliss FeedShark http://feedshark.brainbliss.com
9. GEO URL Ping http://geourl.org/ping
10. Ice Rocket Pinging http://icerocket.com/
11. Index Kings http://indexkings.com
12. IPings Ping List http://ipings.com
13. My Page Rank Ping http://mypagerank.net/service_pingservice_index
14. Amagle Ping http://ping.amagle.com/
15. Blogs Ping http://ping.blo.gs
16. Ping http://ping.in
17. Pingates Ping List http://pingates.com
18. Pinggator Ping http://pinggator.com
19. Ping My Blog http://pingmyblog.com/
20. Syncr Ping http://syncr.com
21. Total Ping http://totalping.com
22. Twingly Ping http://twingly.com/ping
23. All Podcasts Ping http://www.allpodcasts.com/
24. Auto Pinger Ping http://www.autopinger.com/
25. Blog Ping Tool http://www.blogpingtool.com
26. BlogShares Ping http://www.blogshares.com/rpc.php
27. Blogs Now Ping http://www.blogsnow.com/ping
28. Bulk Ping List http://www.bulkping.com/
29. WE Blogs Pinging http://www.weblogs.com/
30. We Blog Alot http://www.weblogalot.com/ping
31. Pingerati http://www.pingerati.net
32. Feed Submitter http://www.feedsubmitter.com
33. Bulk Feeds http://bulkfeeds.net/rpc
34. Blogs Now http://www.blogsnow.com/ping
35. All Podcast http://www.allpodcasts.com/
36. Blog Buzzer http://www.blogbuzzer.com
37. Blog Ping Tool http://www.blogpingtool.com
38. Core Blog http://coreblog.org/ping/
39. Ping Bomb http://www.pingbomb.com/
40. Backlink Ping http://www.backlinkping.com/

What More?

To use a ping submission site, all you’d need to do is to enter your link (URL) and then enter the relevant information for the submitted link(s). You can also use your feed URLs for a faster link indexation.

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Samuel Odamah
Ebuka O. Samuel is a technical writer at 3rd Planet Techies Media. He's a tech enthusiast, Android gadgets freak, consumer electronics tweakstar, and a lover of wearable techs.


  1. Thanks a ton for sharing this superb list of ping addresses for WordPress.

  2. Very informative post. Thanks, Samuel for sharing your knowledge.

  3. Thanks a ton for sharing this superb ping addresses for WordPress


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