How To Adapt Your SEO Strategies to Navigate Through the Pandemic

When the pandemic begun the world literally came to a halt. As businesses also had to shut down, some owners also let go of their normal marketing efforts. If you did this, that may have been a mistake. Thanks to the internet many businesses including small ones were able to stay afloat even when most pl0061ces were under lockdown.

Once you implement digital marketing strategies, your business will be positively impacted. SEO is crucial during this pandemic as well as afterward. Even if you gave up on digital marketing at the start of the pandemic you can still get back ok track. One of the most effective ways to do so is by adapting SEO for your business. Here are some ways to do this.

  1. Improving the page loading space

fast loading siteFast-loading pages are still high on the ranking factors when it comes to SEO. This all boils down to your visitors leaving your site if they are experiencing a long waiting time. The search engine is signaled and ultimately your SERP ranking will be lower due to poor user experience.

In the case of loading speed, every second counts and can make a significant difference. Although there isn’t an exact figure, it goes without saying that people visiting your site want high speed. Most will usually abandon the site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Therefore, you should try at least – target to make loading time less than 3 seconds. check out an SEO agency such as Local Digital to help you achieve this. When your page meets the loading speed standards, you will be able to boost your rankings. You will have a longer dwell time, low bounce rates as well as higher traffic. Effective ways to improve your site’s loading speed are minifying your script, optimizing your images, and updating your plugins.

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2. Adding relevant content

Another way to adapt your site to SEO is to put up helpful and relevant content. Among the top factors determining traffic to webs is how long your visitors spend time there. When the information on your website is useful to your readers, they will tend to stay longer on your pages to take it in.

In SEO marketing this is known as the “dwell time“. For the best results, your goal should be to at least have a dwell time of 30 seconds. To achieve this, ensure that you put quality content on your pages. The content should also be relevant to your demographic.

Your site will usually have different pages such as the product pages and blog section. Depending on the section it is best to have about 2000-2500 words. This range usually ranks highest in search engine results. Still, writing 2000-word long posts isn’t always necessary. It can also be challenging. If this content is irrelevant to your audience, it will be futile.

Having longer content allows you to include extra keywords and insert backlinks among others. Such add value to your content and allow you to offer more value to your visitors. You can also include questions to improve the quality of your content.

3. Improving user experience

improve user experienceCertain search engines such as Google want your visitors to navigate through your sites easily and find what they are searching for. Therefore, user experience is among the most significant considerations.

For instance, you will rank low if your bounce rate is high. On the other hand, if your visitors after clicking in the search results spend more time on your pages, it raises your dwell time. Ultimately this will help your business gain a higher ranking. Data points such as dwell time and bounce rate show your search engine whether or not you are offering your visitors a positive experience.

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4. Optimizing your images

Optimizing your images increases your site’s speed and also boosts your SEO. When adding images onto your site it is also possible to include attributes, captions, and file names. The HTML image attributes are the text that describes your image. This information also alerts your search engine bots which in turn scan your site to know what it’s about. This scanning process can add information that can help boost your rankings.

Images are important because they add a valuable visual element that appeals to your visitors, drawing them to your site. Your images will help explain more about your business by showcasing your product or service.

Additionally, they break up your website copy and encourage your readers to continue looking through. To adapt your content to SEO, include high-quality images to elevate your business brand and engage your target audience.

5. Optimizing for voice search

The number of voice searches is on a rise due to the increased use of virtual assistants such as Siri and Alexa. A larger percentage of people that own smart speakers attest to using them in their daily routines.

It is important to adapt your site to smart speakers as the number of users continues to increase. Voice search optimization is different from the traditional one. For instance, most times voice searches produce a single result, unlike text searches. The result will often be pulled from featured snippets.

The quick answer will also be generated depending on the question or answer a user seeks. You can optimize your voice search by using keywords like “best”, “how” and “what”. These are often used by visitors as they usually seek simple and straightforward answers.

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6. Overhauling pages that miss the first page results

Typically, when a page ranks on the second page of search results the amount of visitor traffic will drop significantly. This also applies to the third page going back. If you wish to know what page your content ranks you could use software such as Google Analytics. Once you see your ranking results you can then work towards improving them. For the most ideal results, you can hire a reputable team to conduct an SEO overhaul for your pages.

This process will include modifying your meta titles, images, and even copy, in line with the best SEO practices. Ultimately, they will all help to boost your SERP rankings

Wrapping it Up:

These 6 are just some of the tricks that you can use to make your page SEO friendly. Your main goal should be to ensure that users are staying longer on your site, interacting with you, and also boosting your rankings.

The secret is to remain patient as search engine optimization takes a little time. Be sure to focus on organic growth for your site, and the combined efforts will ultimately benefit your brand.

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3ptechies Team
Team 3ptechies is a legion of tech apostles who are gadgets freak, tech enthusiasts, and lover of modern techs. Note: Our words are ours and as such doesn't represent the opinion of 3rd Planet Techies.


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