Meet Mijana App: The App that lets you Send Bulk SMS without GSM Numbers


Meet Mijana App: The App that lets you Send Bulk SMS without GSM Numbers.
There comes a time when  you will need to send bulk messages to friends, relatives or customers of your startup, then you check the cost of doing all this, boom, not so friendly. You also consider how to get the phone numbers of people [target audience] you would like to send bulk messages to.
All these and more are one among the thousands of stress you will pass through when trying to send bulk messages online. At this point, i think it i would be nice if i introduce you to Mijana App.
The app that lets you send bulk sms messages without gsm Phone numbers.


Mijana App is an SMS base message sharing application (Available for Android only as at the time of writing this article).

It is an innovative bulk SMS app which anyone can use to reach millions of Nigerians by SMS in any LGA, State or Nationwide without the need to buy GSM numbers.

It is also a financial empowerment platform for Nigerians especially youths as those with smart phones can use it to make as much as N15,000 monthly by sharing adverts and messages of others with the contacts in their phone in not more than an hour each day.

Mijana App Social Background

With the conventional bulk SMS service, you either pull up the mobile numbers in your phone and edit them into a CSV or manually add commas after each number.

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Another way to send a bulk SMS especially when you want to send to a large number of people say a Local Government, a state or the entire country is to buy GSM numbers.

Buying GSM numbers had lately gained little credibility against the recent past when most of the taunted GSM numbers were generated using a software.

How genuine is the GSM numbers bought is a question still not answered as there is no guarantee the company or in most cases the individual you are buying it from did not generate those numbers.

To address this issue of generated GSM numbers, we decided to do a mobile application that ensures you have over 98% guarantee that the mobile numbers your message will be sent to is genuine.

How can this be done you may ask? To do this, it is better others send your message to the contacts on their mobile phone.

These contacts had been personally collected and stored in the phone over a long period of time and constant communication ongoing with those contacts.

Understandably, asking someone to send another person’s message to his contacts does not sound interesting much less possible. So what we decided to do is to reward those sending these messages with cash.

Do I hear you say people can do crazy things like generating numbers and store them in their phone when cash is involve, so how do we ensure this is not done?

 To ensure advertisers get return for their money, we only pay those sharing the messages for only delivered messages. This is to discourage scamming and sending messages to generated contacts.

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Mijana App On Login


Posting a Message/Advert

NOTE: Each message is billed 1 SMS unit for each contact your message is shared with.

To post a message, Download the app available on play store here.

create account and login with your details and press POST A MESSAGE at the base of the next page after you login.

Enter your post details and chose the number of units (how many contacts you want your message shared with), choose the reach (part of the country you wish your message shared) and select the location and tap on POST THIS MESSAGE to post your message. Make payment to our bank using the Post Title as the depositor’s name. Once payment is confirmed, your post will be approved.

Posting Message in Mijana App

Sharing a Message 

After you login, you will be taken to the message page. Select a message to share or when in other pages, press SHARE A MESSAGE at the base to go to more messages.

On the SHARE MESSAGE page, you will see how many messages you can share and the number of contacts you can share that message with.

Then Press CHOOSE CONTACT TO SHARE AND Select the contacts you know the message will be useful to.

Press SHARE WITH [# of contact] CONTACT at the base to share the message.

Press MY SHARE to see the messages you have shared and the number of delivered and failed share.

Share in Mijana App

Convert Shared Messages to Cash

We pay for delivered messages only. At the moment, each delivered message is equivalent to NGN0.35 and the sharer must have at least 10,000 delivered messages (which is possible in a week) before he/she can convert shared messages to cash. Converted cash will be paid into sharer specified bank detail within 48 hours.

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Convert Messages to Cash in Mijana App

To convert your shared messages;

1. Go to your account and press CONVERT MY SHARED at the down part of the page.

You will see the equivalent cash of the total current shared (delivered) messages. Click CONVERT and specify the bank details you want the converted cash paid into. You shall be contact on phone and the converted cash will be paid to your account within 48 hours.

Churches, schools, businesses individuals or government institutions can now reach millions of mobile phone users and have a true return on the amount invested as against getting in wrong hands who generates mobile numbers to sell to unsuspecting audience.

Download Mijana App for Android here 

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