5 Reasons Businesses Are Migrating Their Online Projects To The Cloud

business to cloud migration tipsAs businesses become more aware of cloud technology, the majority of them are choosing to migrate their online projects to the cloud. The shift to cloud hosting is quickly gaining traction to a point where Gartner research predicts that 80% of businesses will forego conventional data centers and migrate fully to the cloud by the year 2025.

In fact, the number of companies that move their projects to the cloud infrastructure is rising every year. Estimates in the IT market show that companies will increase their spending on critical enterprise by almost a third to build cloud infrastructure by 2022. There are good reasons for companies to shift from online storage to the cloud, below are five of these reasons:

1. To Provide A Flexible Work Environment For Staff

Increasingly, people are opting to work in companies that provide flexible working environments. Most employees don’t want to be tied down to an office desk. Instead, they want to be able to work anytime and from anywhere. Cloud computing makes this possible by enabling businesses to give their staff access to the information or data they need to work from any part of the world.

This means that companies that use cloud infrastructure can store their applications and data in the cloud and make these accessible to staff via the Internet. This is a welcome innovation considering that the society we live in is extremely mobile. This mobility underscores the need to ensure that employees in every business can access the information, applications, or data they need to do their work from any device.

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In fact, there’s no limit to what teams that work remotely can do when everything they need is accessible via the cloud. If they’re out meeting clients or attending a conference, cloud infrastructure enables them to access any information or data they need. They can also respond to emergencies anytime from anywhere without having to rush back to the office to do so.

2. To Lower Storage Costs

Cost reduction is the number one reason that businesses across the world are opting to shift their online projects to the cloud. With cloud computing, businesses enjoy the liberty to scale their storage needs on-demand. For businesses that operate on shoe-string budgets, cloud infrastructure allows them to start small and gradually increase their space needs while paying only for what they need.

This is contrary to conventional data storage plans where businesses find themselves paying for space that they don’t utilize fully. This means they lose funds they would have otherwise spent on other strategic business activities. As businesses grow, they need not worry about getting additional space. Cloud computing offers them access to servers with additional storage space. This means they can scale their cloud storage space anytime they want to meet their needs.

The other way that cloud computing enables businesses to reduce cost is to not have to pay for management and configuration of the hardware that constitutes the cloud infrastructure. When you hire a service such as ellucian migration, installation costs are taken care of by the cloud hosting service provider.

3. To Simplify Software Management

Companies that want to use new software face numerous challenges. Often, they have to purchase the software after conducting research. Once they get the software, they have to get the necessary hardware to host it, then install the software while paying attention to security flaws or migration data. This is an exhausting, time-consuming process. Furthermore, the IT team in your company must update the software regularly.

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Cloud technology simplifies all this. The IT teams that work in companies where cloud technology is utilized can host software in the cloud and even manage it from there. Often, the cloud hosting service provider handles any software changes and updates. This reduces the workload for your internal IT team. Even so, if you or your team wish to access software updates, you can do so with ease.

4. To Foster Innovation Among Teams

business to cloud migrationsBusinesses have to innovate continuously to foster business growth and stay ahead of the competition. However, the teams that spearhead product or service development can be preoccupied with routine tasks that eat into their time and reduce their creativity. For businesses that run on limited focus, the spit focus can lead to little or no innovations for the business. This would mean compromised or slow growth of the business.

Cloud infrastructure eliminates barriers that limit innovation among teams making information resources available to them. For instance, if your IT team wants to test new software tools, they’d be able to store them in a cloud server and run their tests from there. This ensures no time is wasted in gathering the resources they need.

If they realize the tool is not delivering the results they want, they can delete it from the company’s cloud server space and scale it back. This enables employees to engage in meaningful activities as opposed to losing time as they search for storage space to try their ideas out. This fosters creativity among the teams and agility as they develop and test their innovations.

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5. Secure Their Data And Information

Data security is one of the major challenges that businesses around the work are struggling with. Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to access business information. If they succeed, the data breach can be extremely costly for the business. Cloud computing helps in addressing this gap. Compared with conventional data centers, cloud hosting comes with enhanced data security features.

Cloud hosting offers users reliable backups that they can fall back to in the event a data security breach occurs. In the event of a power outage, data loss, or hack, the business continues to operate because employee productivity is not halted completely. Even with internal backups, cloud infrastructure has an advantage because restoration of data backups doesn’t distract IT teams from other tasks.

Final Thoughts

Cloud infrastructure offers businesses more benefits than conventional data centers. By allowing companies to purchase cloud server space based on their needs, cloud technology levels the ground for small and large businesses alike. If you haven’t migrated your project to the cloud, consider the five reasons discussed above, and make the best decision for your business.

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  1. Thank you for writing this informative blog.
    Businesses of all scales and sizes are migrating towards cloud technology. Cloud provides data security, data back and flexibility to work from anywhere in the world. Cloud is cheaper and improves the collaboration between different teams and departments. But I do have a question. What are the primary problems of cloud computing?


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