Android 6.0 Marshmallow and Android N: What’s New?


Google is Android N logoobviously doing much to better the experiences of Android fans as Google is warming up to officially release the latest version of the Android operating system dubbed Android N.

Despite the recent release of the Android 6.0 marshmallow and its variant (Android 6.1), it seems the new Android N will be one of those things we will see at the upcoming Google i/O.

But just before that happens, let’s see what differences the upcoming Android N has with the current Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

1. Optimized Battery Life.

One key improvement on the Android 6.0 marshmallow that we will be seeing on the upcoming Android N Is in the area of battery consumption.

From what we know, the new Android N comes with an improvement on the ‘Doze mode.’ Though the current Android 6.0 marshmallow also features a Doze mode, your phone only goes into Doze mode if it has not been used for a long while.

On the upcoming Android N Your smart phone will switch to Doze mode the moment the screen goes off. This means that your smartphone will act as though it’s turned off, thus, more battery juice will be saved.

The new Android N also features a lot of power saving options which you can take advantage of. Generally speaking, the new Android N is optimized so it won’t consume much power.

2. Major Improvements on the Notification Panel

On the new Android N Google seem to have paid more attention to the notification panel. First, the notification panel on the Android N has a new redesign to make icons clearer.

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Secondly, you can easily reply messages from WhatsApp or Facebook directly from the notification panel without launching the app.

The notification panel on the new Android N has six level of importance which can be set on a per app basis. This means notifications from any app on the first level will always come first and so on.

3. Multi Windows Feature

During the preview stage of the Android 6.0 marshmallow we saw a multi window feature but unfortunately it didn’t make it to the final release.

The good gist here however is that the new Android N will be launching with the multi window feature which will be similar to the windowing in some high end Samsung and LG devices.
This feature will allow you to run two apps side by side on your device.

4. Miscellaneous Features

The new Android N will also feature what Google calls ‘night mode.’ This means you will have the option to optimize your smartphone with a dark theme during the night periods and a white theme during the day periods.

Additionally, it was rumoured that the new Android N will feature a Google version of Apple’s 3D Touch pressure sensing, reports say that it now won’t be ready for the final release. Hence we will have to just wait to see what Google is cooking.


The Android N is currently available only as a developer preview. This means the new OS is currently installed only on Google’s smartphones such as the Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Pixel C, Nexus 9 and Nexus Player.

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Other products will have to keep rocking the Android 6.0 marshmallow probably until the upcoming Google I/O. The first preview of the Android N OS was on March 17th and another was held in April. Hence we should be expecting the final release soon.

Our Early Verdict

The new Android N looks like a life saver and should out-date the current version 6,0 especially with the various tweaks to save more battery juice.

We look forward to seeing more OEM adopting the new operating system for their flagship devices.

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Felix Silas
Felix Silas is a tech ardent, an Android fanatic, a computer user and very vast with mobile tips and tweak. He's dedicated to churning out tips on technology and Innovations.


  1. Thanks for sharing such a grate, very informative and useful article to miscellaneous features.
    Keep it up.

  2. Meanwhile I’m sitting here with my android 4.2 device “goes and cries in a corner”

    • That sounds somehow funny George, I think you should your hands on the latest Android smart phone already. Do have a lovely day ahead

      • Yes I’ll have to get a phone with the latest Android but for now I’ll focus on getting my Laptop haha. Hope you’ll have a nice day too Obasi.

        • Sure thing that George and thanks for the kind wishes.

  3. Its been a while since Marshmallow showed up in the market, but I did not yet get with me. I needed some useful info about it before I give a try. So, I must thanks you for such an essential update about Marshmallow android OS.


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