How to Make Money Online 101: 50 Best Ways with Screen Tutorials

How to Make Money Online in Nigeria working from home or office is a tutorial I have been nursing for years.  I really did not want to rush it because my intention was to solve the challenge once and for all.

This is my sole reason for creating this comprehensive guide on how to make money in Nigeria as well as listing the best 50 online businesses you can do from Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and some other African countries with good online presence.

One good thing about this guide is that – it solves the problem of how to make money online irrespective of your country and/or current location.

The Nigeria part is added because some online businesses do not allow participation from those residing in Nigeria, Ghana and some other third-world countries. One of those is clickbank Nigeria disallowance, which is a very popular topic among Nigerian marketers.

Before diving into the tutorial proper, I’ll like to explain some terms, our aims, objectives and reasons why this guide should be the last bus stop for all your how to make money in Africa, Asia and what_ever_continent_you_are_reading_from questions.

Our Goal, Aims and Objectives

Getting a genuine guide that’s focused on teaching you how to make money online rather than trying to sale some junk eBooks can be a daunting task. This is judging from my early days when a search for best work from home jobs in Nigeria would bring up results that creates more problems than it tries to solve.

So the goal of this guide, is to empower Nigerians that are looking for genuine ways to invest their time for profit and make huge daily income.

We aim that – after reading this tutorial, any one that’s willing to invest his time and practice the secrets revealed in this post should be making nothing less than $1,000 monthly and that without much efforts.

Warning: Making money online can be intoxicating! In fact, I have a friend that makes as much as $500 for some of the writing jobs he completes, but complains of lack of rest, as he invests so much time making solid researches that churns out the content.

So aim to make money online happily by creating a schedule that’s flexible enough for your online business options, day-to-day activities and personal learning.

50 Best Ways to Make Money in Nigeria via Online Businesses

Here comes the part you’ve been waiting for. It takes on the best 50 online businesses you can do from Nigeria and make money in matter of days.

The first part of this section is elaborate with solid tutorials, while the later part deals on creating awareness for other business options for making huge money online.

Note: All screen shots used in this page is owned by us and shouldn’t be used elsewhere without our permission. They were added not just to prove how possible it is to make passive income online, but to enlighten you on the various “make money online methods” that really works for Nigerians.

*Disclaimer: This guide isn’t a guarantee or promise to turn you to a multi-millionaire over-night. This is because making money online requires investing time, hard work and great amount of devotion in learning what works and what doesn’t work! The sole aim of this tutorial is to guide you on how to make money online in Nigeria and not to give you some sort of magic wands that makes you money without works.

1. Fiverr

How to Make Money Online in Nigeria by doing Fiverr gigs
(c) 2017. |

A lot has been said about Fiverr here, but none has been targeted at newbies that wants to get started with making money from the internet.  This section will guide you on how to make your first $$ on Fiverr by offering services.

To make a good amount of money on Fiverr, you need to offer professional services to clients. How then can you offer professional services without learning a craft?

The good part of Fiverr is this; there is a job for everyone irrespective of skills and/or expertise. Writing, Proof-reading, and translation niche is one section that can accommodate every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

How to Make Money Online in Nigeria with Fiverr

So, the first step is to identify the skills you’re willing to work with. You can learn new ones to complement the ones you already have. Some of the best-selling Fiverr skills you can learn and add to your ranks is: –

  • Graphic Design
  • Video Editing
  • Cartoon and Animations
  • Technical Writing
  • Digital Marketing
  • SEO, Online Advertising and SMM
  • Web Programming and CMS Installation
  • Web Design and CSS Customization
  • Proof-reading, Content Marketing, and Translation Services.

Since we are targeting a larger audience here, I’ll proceed with the content writing and proof-reading niche. This is on the assumption that everyone that’s reading this – must have got a good background in English and as such should be able to write articles for clients and/or businesses.

I’ll advise you to shop for Brighter Grammar (African Edition) by Charles Ewart Eckersley and Margaret Macaulay. It will help you deliver your article writing jobs with little or no grammatical errors.

fiverr make money online business in Nigeria Tutorials

Also, learn to type fast on PC or Mobile as you’ll be working with a large number of clients (see screenshot above) after delivering your first five (5) orders successfully.

How to Get your First Order on Fiverr

Getting first orders is usually the most difficult part of the Fiverr marketing journey. But then, to make money on Fiverr, you need orders and it takes some good positive reviews to get a hand-full of it.

Here, I am going to show you the secret to maintaining a healthy Fiverr account. Recall that you need orders to get reviews and buyers in succession.

Here are some Fiverr Gig ideas to start with-:

  • I will dance to your music with a masquerade attire while recording it
  • I will dance to any music with African best dancing moves.
  • I will proof-read your work with unlimited reviews.
  • I will write 1000 words unique articles on African dishes.
  • I will translate your English work to Yoruba/Igbo/Hausa or any other Fiverr Gig ideas you’re an expert on.

Now that you have concluded on the best Fiverr gig idea to start your marketing journey with, it is time to move on to the next step.

Best online businesses in Nigeria

Visit, hit the Join button, and click on Continue to create an account with them.  Create your first Fiverr gig (using one of the ideas above), publish and promote the same on social networks to get some visibility.

Hover your mouse above selling, select buyer request, and browse around it to see if there are buyer specific requests that are related to the services you’re offering.

Send offers to requests that are related to your Fiverr skills, download the Fiverr mobile app and tick the go online button to stay online always, offer ridiculous service extras (such as offering 1500 words article instead of 500 words to your first 10 buyers), or just anything tempting enough for buyers.

Once there is a good number of positive reviews for your account, alter the gig for profitability and sail on to the bigger part of your “make money online” journey.

2. YouTube Videos

Making money in Nigeria by publishing videos online is easier than the Fiverr method above, but takes time and a huge number of YouTube video views to rank in tangible income.

In this section, I’ll show you how to make money online in Nigeria by uploading videos to YouTube as well as show you a secret to creating videos that make you money while you sleep.

How to Make Money in Nigeria Publishing YouTube Videos

To make money with YouTube videos in Nigeria, you need to create YouTube videos that are unique, shareable, and highly engaging to your targeted audience.

Example of such Videos is -:

  • Comedy skits.
  • Unique Dancing moves.
  • How to prepare (a particular Nigerian dish).
  • DIY Guides
  • Live recording of local football matches, cultural displays, and other forms of entertaining content.

Once your video is created, edited, and ready for publication, sign up for a free account on YouTube and publish as many Unique Videos as possible.

Monitor the account for engagement and sign up to their monetization program (using this guide) as soon as the number of views is encouraging enough to earn you a fortune monthly. Now, it’s that easy to legitimately make money on Youtube without using unpopular/blackhat methods.

The YouTube Video Secret

This is not really a secret per se but comes in handy to anyone that learns about it. It lets you create videos that make money on YouTube while lying down on your bed or playing some cool Android games.

In simple terms, the biggest challenges with earning on YouTube is copyright issues. You are not allowed to monetize videos recorded from your TV screen or that has a protected music background on it. This method lets you create and upload unique videos by recording your favorite Nigerian Android games.

Here’s how it works! –

  • Identify a popular Nigerian game (multi-level games recommended) with more than 10,000 downloads on Google play store.
  • Install it to your device and play it for sometimes; say 2-3 days.
  • Download and install a-z screen recorder app from Google play store.
  • Launch the screen recorder app and click on record as soon as you are set to start playing your favorite game.
  • Click on stop recording once you’re done with a difficult level.
  • Edit and upload same to YouTube for profitable views.

Here’s a sample video that was created with a-z screen recorder and uploaded to YouTube for tutorial purposes.

This means that – you can upload non-Nigerian games that are multi-level. That is – if you’re able to find any that isn’t already saturated with uploads on YouTube.

Note: The best game-play(s) to record and upload is the most difficult levels as they usually have the highest number of searches on Google/YouTube.

Affiliate Marketing

affiliate promotion for hosts is better than clickbank nigeria experiments

Affiliate marketing is gold mine to every internet marketer.  In fact, affiliate promotion for well-paying hosting companies is actually better than clickbank Nigeria experiments being taught by popular Nigerian marketers.

The earning screenshot above is for our Arvixe affiliate promotions while we were still promoting and/or referring new customers to them. We stopped promoting them as soon as their services became bad, this is because of our strict policy.

In our policy, we promote only the services we use and can recommend to all and sundry. This way, we gain our reader’s trust as well as earn some bucks when they buy a qualifying plan(s) from the services we promote.

You can adopt this same policy or just create a new one that works for your online affiliate marketing business target. Another thing is this; we are never aggressive in our affiliate marketing strategies. This is because we are driven by passion rather than money.

This explains the reasons there aren’t promotional banners and/or too many affiliate links littered around our website. But then, you can do just the opposite of this (if it works for you) to earn more, since you’re targeting users from Nigeria and/or other African countries.

The first step to your affiliate marketing success is to identify the services you can sale to your website’s followers, email list and/or social media fans.

We are going to list out some of the best affiliate marketing ideas/strategies that works for those targeting Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and/or other African countries. Use the ideas to identify your best-selling affiliate marketing strategy and go ahead to succeed with it.

3. Konga Affiliate Program

best work from home jobs in nigeria

You can make money online in Nigeria by promoting products from Konga. It might not earn you as much, when in comparison with it’s foreign counterpart, but does pay for every sale that comes to them through your affiliate link(s).

Konga YuBoss affiliate program works like that of Amazon, but will lesser commission and/or product reach.

How to Make Money Online in Nigeria by Promoting Products on Konga

Getting started with Konga Affiliate marketing is a straight-forward process. All you need do is – visit their official website at and click on the become an affiliate button seen at the bottom footer-center section of the website (see the screenshot below).

how to earn money online in NIgeria with konga Affiliate program

And then complete the sign up form to kick-start your affiliate marketing journey. Many have made millions already by promoting Konga’s products during it’s early days.

4. Jumia Affiliate Program

Jumia affiliate program lets you earn money online by promoting Jumia products to not just Nigerians, but other African countries as well.

how to make money online in Africa by promoting Jumia products

The sign up process is as straight-forward as that of Konga. Just visit their official website at and use the Become an Affiliate Partner button at the footer-left section of the website to join.

They also have another form of reward service that lets you earn online by working as a sales consultant with them. This one is a little more difficult, but works for crowded estates, populous communities, student’s environment and campuses.

5. Payporte Products Promotion

Payporte does have an affiliate program that lets you earn online by promoting their products to your website readers and social media followers alike.

It is similar to that of Konga and Jumia, but their sign up process is easier. All you need do is – log on to their official website at and use the Affiliates button (top-center location of the website) to join the program.

6. Amazon Associate Program

To be frank here, Amazon associate program is not an easy nut to crack for most newbies. This is because the niche is already dominated by top USA, UK, India and Australian marketers that have been working in this niche for like ages.

How to Experience Better Sound on Hulu?

The only secret to making $$$$$$ on Amazon associate program is to have a high traffic website or a niche blog that converts. There’s a recent case-study here that talks about the best tools niche blogging experts are using to rake-in millions of dollar monthly.

More on blogs and niche blogging (see wiki) would be revealed in the later part of this tutorial. The link to join Amazon associate program is

7. Make Money Online by Promoting Domain Registrars

how to make money in Africa by promoting domain registrars

Web business is lucrative, hence many businesses are getting online with each having as much as 10 domain names to it’s credit.

Besides, new bloggers, marketers and Netpreneurs are on the web daily, looking out for the best ways to get their business online safely.

You can make good amount of money online monthly by recommending the best domain name registration services to them. One good part of this strategy is that – almost every top domain registrar on the web lets you earn some commission by referring new users to them.

Joining domain name services promotion is quite easy. All you need do is – visit the company’s website (we recommend the ones linked in the paragraph above) and use the affiliates button to sign up to their partnership programs.

8. Earn Online Massively by Promoting Web Hosting Companies

how to make money online with a2 affiliate program

Making money online in Nigeria by promoting web hosting services is similar to the domain registration strategy listed above. All you need do is – join their affiliate program, refer new users to their hosting services and get a commission.

Being an ICT Consultant has helped us excel in this field, as we are forced to troubleshoot, review, and recommend several web hosting options for business.

We are currently affiliated with Arvixe hosting, Hostgator, Bluehost, iPage, NameCheap, MediaTemple, SiteGround, GreenGeeks, and lots of other hosting companies. But we limit our promotion to only the best options for hosting a serious website.

We can never be caught dead promoting a hosting service we’ve never used or have had a first-hand experience with. You can take an exception to this as everyone’s business model is never the same.

In all, you can rank in good income monthly by promoting hosting companies, SEO tools and/or other profitable digital services.

9. Earn Online by Promoting Software, Apps and/or Services

earning report for VPN services promotion

Assuming that you are an ICT professional that works with specialized apps and utility software such as anti-virus programs, USB security apps, malware protect and similar tools.

You can make money online in Nigeria by signing up to the affiliate services of such apps and recommend them to your clients by asking them to buy such products with your affiliate link.

Video editors alike can make money with such programs by asking their students to buy the video editing software via their affiliate link.

The biggest of it all is by linking to such products from your website (assuming that you blog on software, tools and/or mobile apps). The screen shot above is from the tiny link we placed (recently) on a page where best VPN software is discussed.

In all, the process is simple. Identify the software/app you’d like to promote, ==> sign up to their affiliate program ==> and choose the best medium to refer buyers to their website.

CPA Marketing

This is last option we’re going to introduce for best online businesses in Nigeria. It is a great option for best work from home jobs in Nigeria as it lets you work few hours a day for huge monthly returns

The better part of it is that – anyone with an online presence can join and make money from sales referred to the company’s product. It is far better than the so-called Clickbank Nigeria experiment that tends to keep you on the toe daily.

Joining such programs is easy, all you need do is pick from the most popular options below.

10. Commission Junction (CJ)

Commission Junction (renamed CJ) lets you make money online by promoting products from several categories.

Here, you can promote software, apps, online marketing tools and just any product that’s related to your field or profession. The biggest secret to making money on CJ is by promoting startups and newer launches from major vendors. Their official website is

11. Shareasale

We’ll like to spice up the affiliate/CPA programs list with shareasale. They let you earn a good sum by promoting CPA offers.

Top vendors are already on this platform which make it easy to make sales and rake up some $$$. The link to sign up to their affiliate program is

12. Avangate

Avangate is a popular platform to promote software and CPA offers. There’s large database of software vendors already on the platform. There are Anti-virus program vendors, utility app developers and etc.

This means better opportunities for any one that’s ready to work and earn online by promoting apps and/or utility software. You can join their affiliate program by clicking on this link.

13. Make Money by Promoting PayDotCom CPA Offers

PayDotCom was a direct competitor to ClickBank during its early days, but seems to have gone asleep already.

They let you get paid by referring buyers for products sold on their platform.  Nowadays, there are better CPA websites with better offer than paydotcom, but then, they are still a formidable option for affiliate/CPA promotions.

Note: The secret to succeed in this section is to identify the best-selling software (or services) with good conversion rate and better percentage on affiliate commissions.

A look through the commission structure of Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery Software (we once did affiliate promotions for them) shows that – they are ready to pay you for your time and efforts.

how to earn with Stellar Phoenix data recovery software

Once you’ve signed up to their program, identify the products that can be sold easily to your website visitors, email subscribers and/or social media fans and start promoting them for a percentage commission.

14. Make Money Online Blogging

Blogging is multi-million Naira business for individuals, companies and online agencies. It can pay your bills and that of your family comfortably with so much left for profitable investment(s).

The problem with majority of Nigerian bloggers is their approach to blogging. You’ll see a basic-three (3) school drop-out reporting news when he’s 100% oblivious of the rules of journalism.

The worst of it all is the copy and paste so-called health bloggers that are endangering the life of many by giving health tips from God_Knows_where in the name of trying to make money online.

To succeed in blogging, you need to know the rules of etiquette and the best tools to use for your online success.

This is one of the objectives of this how to make money online in Nigeria 101 tutorial: to guide you on the best ways to blog and earn online from the comfort of your home and/or office by learning from an expert blogger.

Introducing Niche Blogging

Niche blogging seems to be the new craze in town, even though it is as old as Adam and Eve.

This is because Lord Google is cramping down on dump sites (most persons called blog) by dumping them in their 10th page where they rightly belong. Fortunately, the 10th page is visited only by dead spirits in search of spinach to keep a healthy flesh.

Dump blogs, forums and websites succeeded in the past; where a blogger can make money off people’s content or by populating poor quality articles that adds little or no meaning to the online searchers that lands to it.

Nowadays, Google and other top search engines prefers showing quality contents that answer’s the user’s query. This is the reason for the niche blogging craze in 2017.

So, what is niche blogging? Niche blogging is the act of creating blogs on topics you are an expert on. It means blogging on topics you can teach and establish authority on.

It sounds ideal for a banker to blog on such topics as; investment ideas, pension plans, financial discipline tips and best retirement option for career civil servants.

In the same vein, a hotel/hospitality management graduate can blog on; cooking recipes, continental dishes, table manners and local dishes preparation.

This tiny topics make up what we refer to as Niches in blogging. You can even narrow it down to a micro-niche by blogging solely on your favorite topics. Eg. Calabar Dishes Blog, Best Joints in Bonny Island, Latest PolyStar Products Review, Tecno Android Blog and etc.

For the sake of this tutorial, we are going to introduced some untapped profitable Niches for Nigerian bloggers.

Niches to Kick-Start your Blogging Career in Nigeria

Here are some niche ideas for new bloggers that wants to start making money online in Nigeria. They are just random ideas to aid you make proper research on the Niches that’s best suited for your online business goals.

Remember that blogging is the mother of every other make-money-online programs. The only exception to this is custom apps, viral products and unique services.

  • Best Yam Pounding Machine
  • Andrakk Products Review
  • Job interview past questions (focus on big companies and/or organizations).
  • Best “Relaxation (hotels, motels, mama-put, beer parlour et al) joints” in (put the biggest city in your location).
  • Cooking recipes/food blog
  • Best Nigerian Kitchen Cooking Appliances
  • Best Fruit Juice Extractors
  • Cheap Oven and Micro-Wave Reviews
  • PolyStar Appliances Blog
  • Best Washing Machines in Nigeria
  • Best Cooking Gas in Nigeria
  • Electric Appliances review and etc.

Once you have completed your niche research and settled for a topic to blog on, you’d need proceed to creating a professional blog for your chosen Niche.

How to Create a Profitable Blog in Nigeria

Since our focus is on creating a professional blog that makes good money while you sleep, we are going to pick the self-hosted platform for our blogging business.

step 1.

Buy a Domain Name

You need a domain name that’s related to your chosen niche. For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll go with Best Yam Pounding Machine, which is the first in our list.

So, the domain name we’ll like to buy for it is – With this in mind, ==> go to namesilo domain search page ==> enter your chosen domain name (recall ==> and click the search button as seen in the screen shot below.

make money online in Nigeria blogging

==> From the screen shot below, the domain name we have chosen for our blog is still available for all TLDs. So we’ll go ahead and tick the .com and click on register checked domain to complete our domain name registration.

namesilo domain registration guide

==> From the next page,  enter silorocks15 coupon code (as seen in the screen shot below) to reduce your total order amount by $1 and click on continue to complete your domain name order.

namesilo Tutorials

==> Use your GT Bank Master Card or Access Bank VISA card to complete order.

Step 2.

Buy a Shared Hosting Server

This is the next step to complete for your professional blog setup. We separated the domain company from the hosting service for flexibility and professionalism.

We recommend you go with any of MDD or A2 hosting services (see our hosting experiences so far). So, here are few steps to complete while buying a hosting server for your online business.

==> Go to A2 Hosting homepage and click on shared hosting. ==> Select the lite plan and enter Flash 51 coupon code to complete order.

make money online blogging tutorial

==> scroll down to additional options and select WordPress – A2 Optimized from Auto-Install Application arrow menu options.

How to earn online in Nigeria Blogging

==> Copy down the WordPress details and keep them safe. ==> Complete the installation process and move on to something more useful.

Step 3.

Customize WordPress

Now that the installation is completed, and you are able to log in to your WordPress back-end. It is time to setup menu, privacy page, about us and contact pages.

You can also spice up your website by activating the jetpack plugin’s top features such as; subscription, publicize and social media sharing buttons.

Step 4.

Add Contents

Since our focus here is on creating professional blogs that would rank well and make good amount of money monthly, you will not need to rush this part.

Take your time and create quality contents (like the one you are reading right now) for your Niche blog or website. One or Two article(s) is enough for this stage.

Remember to create the about page, contact page and privacy policy pages content professionally, and with little or no grammatical errors.

step 5.

Rank Your Blog

This is the most important part of your make money online blogging journey. One funny thing about it is that it is a continuous exercise that exists throughout the lifespan of your blog.

For a start, install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin. Use it to create a sitemap URL that will be submitted to Google, Bing, Yandex (Russian traffic targeting) and (Chinese traffic targeting).

Take note of the created sitemap URL and submit same to Google webmaster’s and/or Bing webmaster’s dashboard.

No-index Category, tags, author and attachment pages with the Yoast SEO plugin and get some social media signal by promoting your homepage and the article(s) you created (in step 4 above) on FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest, Stumbleupon and Google+.

Hurray! You are done with the first part of your make money online blogging success. The next step is to pick one of the advertising options below as soon as your blog starts getting traffic.

Blogging Tips for Companies and those with a Fat Pocket

If are aiming at investing huge amount on your online business for better returns (ROI), then this part is for you. There are many bigger niches you can make money online from in Nigeria.

Inevitable Things To Avoid When Emailing Your List

Even though they do require some investments initially, the profit comes faster and bigger than micro-niche blogging with zero financial commitment.

The niches to explore is –

  • Celebrity Gossip
  • Education
  • Religion
  • Reviews
  • Mobile Phones Review
  • Tech and Gadgets
  • Digital Marketing Blog
  • Health Niche (with licensed medical practitioners on your payroll).
  • Events and Entertainment niche (with paid video/photographers on your payroll).
  • Music/Video/Lyrics Blog (With paid contributors on your payroll).
  • Food/Recipes/Table etiquette blog (with paid contributors on your payroll).
  • Science and Nature Blog
  • Blog on Machineries and Automobile
  • HowTo tutorial blog and etc.

To succeed in this type of saturated niches, you need map out some advertising budget, outsource some of the core jobs and have paid contributors in your payroll. Remember that you need unique contents to rank well on Google and make it big from blogging.

Other Make Money Online Options for Bloggers

Once the traffic starts coming, you can experiment with any of this custom ads placement option before diving into the big world of ads publishing networks.

15. Earn with

Here is the ultimate option for earning with your not-so-popular blog as it lets you push your blog to the eager hands of willing advertisers.

The only down-side is the cut they are going to take for bringing direct advertisers to you. To earn with, it is expected that you to provide website stats and how much you’re willing to charge the advertisers. You can join them by visiting their official website or by opting for, who are their better alternative.

16. Sponsored Posts/Sponsored Reviews

You can let advertisers submit a post (or press release) for publication or insert paid link to your well-ranking posts. Music/Video bloggers can promote upcoming artists musics for a fee in this type of advertorials.

You can also allow advertisers to contact you directly to write a review of their product or services for a fee. You can also contact advertisers (assuming that your run a product review blog) for a chance to feature their product (or services) on your blog for a fee.

17. Sponsored Interview

Here, an advertiser requests for some publicity in the form of an interview. Internet marketers, property agents and start-up owners usually request for such opportunity. You can fix a price for it on your blog or negotiate per advertiser’s contact request.

18. Paid Giveaways

Here an advertiser approaches you to run a giveaway for his product (or services) by either giving you some free copy to share to your readers  or by paying for it.

In either case, you can choose to charge them for it and offer some percentage reduction in price where or when free copies are provided.

19. Buy/Sale Ads

BuySaleAds lets you display your website for advertisers to place their bids. Their official website is seated at

The best alternative to BuySaleAds is adclerks. Kingley Felix, a good friend of mine and an avid follower of 3ptechies makes good returns for his health blog from adclerks monthly. Moreniches is another top-solid option for health bloggers that wishes to make money online.

20. Advertorials

Here, we are grouping text ads, banner and video ads space on your blog to one. You can approach advertisers directly or let them contact you for any of this advertorial types.

It works for blogs, YouTube channels, social media profiles and pages alike. It all depends on how lively/engaging your content+audience network is.

21. Sell Digital Products & Merchandize

You can make money from your blog by selling eBooks, phone consultation service, group coaching and selling of digital notes to your audience.

In addition, a lot of bloggers make money by selling their merchandise online, you can create your own merchandise line with help from a local supplier or online print on demand service.

You can also create games, plugins, and anything else that’d make sense to your blog readers. Promote and sell for steady income.

22. Place a Donation Button

This option works best for tech hacks, educational materials (eg. exam past questions, job interview past questions, study materials et al) tech gadget firmware ROMs, food recipes, musical notes and religious blogs.

This is because their audience are more glued to them than the other niches. They’re most likely to support their work by making steady donations. Most popular niche forums makes money by having a subscription/donation program.

ADs Publishing

This is a multi-billion Naira business. Many ads publishing networks (such as AdDynamo, ShareTori et al) has graced the African cyber-space without being able to outwit the intelligence and popularity of Google adsense, the obviously unchallenged king in ads publishing business.

Many bloggers and/or online publishers that earned by placing adverts for visitors has sourced for some other good programs to complement the earning from Google adsense.

Those options together with the Google adsense program ( that pays directly to your bank account in Nigeria) is what we are going to talk about in this section.

23. Get Paid in Nigeria Monthly by Publishing for BidVertiser

how to work from home by publishing for BidVertiser

Bidvertiser isn’t the best ads publishing platform, but would work for 99% of persons reading this post. It is easy to sign up to Bidvertiser’s ads publishing network and start earning money with your website and/or apps.

Getting qualifying websites (irrespective of country) approved on Bidvertiser is as easy as A-B-C.

best paying online businesses in Nigeria

All you need do is – visit their official website at and click on the join free button (top-right section) as seen in the screen shot above.

24. Make Money with Google Adsense Program

Google adsense program has been paying for ages and is still paying today. All you need have in order to start earning six figure online monthly with the Google adsense program is a serious website, blog (discussed extensively below), web app and/or mobile app.

The good part of Google adsense program is the fact- you are paid monthly directly to your domiciliary and/or savings account in Nigeria as soon as you hit the $100 threshold.

how to make money online in Nigeria with Google adsense prove

Another good thing with this program is the huge amount advertisers are willing to pay for every click that comes from search engines. It is one of the highest in the industry.

You can get as much as $50 per/click for a good paying keyword from Tier 1 countries (viz; USA, Canada, Australia and UK). This has made the competition so stiff that you need a good traffic (visitors) to earn online steadily with the Google adsense program.

Assuming that you have built up the required traffic to earn online monthly with Google adsense  program. You’d need sign up to their monetization scheme by following after the tips here.

Once your application is approved and ads placed correctly on your app/website. You’re all set to start receiving monthly payment from Google.

25. Earn Online Monthly with

Yahoo/Bing advertising platform lets you make money online by publishing ads for them. They are second only to Google adsense or maybe YouTube.

get paid online monthly by publishing for

We tested them during their early days but quited because their ads were competing with our Google adsense banners. So far, we haven’t got a payment from them, but does have some $$$ lying in our account with them.

To earn with, you need good number of monthly readership from USA, UK and Canada.

If your website visitors aren’t coming from this Tier 1 countries, you can do yourself a huge favor by skipping them for other ads publishing options discussed here.

The link to sign up to services is this (you’ll get 10% more in your finalized earning by using this link to sign up).

26. viglink

Viglink introduced a unique monetization program that lets you earn online via your website by automatically commercializing profitable keywords found within your website.

Their minimum payout amount is fair and the program is available for mobile ads, desktop ads and other contextual advertisement options. Click here to join their network.

27. Chitika

Chitika lets you earn online monthly by monetizing your website adverting space and/or contents via their publisher’s network.

It works best for content’s website with good audience from USA and Canada. We were promoted to a gold-level publisher while with them and have actually withdrawn from them twice before leaving the platform.

We tried logging in today to capture the earning screenshot but got the account disabled message. In all, Chitika is good platform to make money online publishing ads. The link to sign up to their ads publishing program is

28. Revenue Hits

Revenue hits is a premier ads publishing program that lets even the worst websites earn $$$ from their platform. It is the best for aggressive publishing.

You can earn from pop-up ads, screen take-over ads, page take-over ads and other forms of contextual ads. In fact, revenue hits is the best for 16+ websites, music downloads and movie promotion services.

This is because their ads pattern is persuasive in nature and can make an unwilling visitor tap-in to see what program is in there. The link to sign up to their services is

29. publishing platform takes a different shape from the programs listed earlier. It lets you display ads that comes in the form of a related post to the one- the visitor is reading.

A lot of Nigerians are already publishing and making money with Their acceptance policy is a bit tough, but not as difficult as that of Google adsense and The link to sign up and publish with them is

30. InfoLinks

InfoLinks took a 360 degree deviation from the norms of adverting networks by offering ads that can run alongside a contextual ad.

It lets you monetize the profitable keywords on your website by adding sponsored links to them. We made few buck with them, but stopped in favor of our reader’s experience. The link to their publisher’s program is

31. Make Money as a Nigerian App Developer with Google AdMob

make money online developing apps for smartphones

You can make money online as a Nigerian developer by publishing ads in mobile games and/or apps with AdMob advertising network.

App developers like Ghislain Pellegrin that developed the popular Awale Online puzzle game uses it to make money online monthly.

Once a user clicks on the ads displayed from your game/app, you earn a commission based on what the advertiser is bidding for the location the click is coming from. The link to sign up, publish and earn with AdMob is

*32. Adtwirl

Adtwirl is another good platform to earn money online by placing ads in mobile app, mobile websites and mobile products. You can fall back to adtwirl, if for any reason, your ads publishing application is rejected by Google AdMob.

The link to sign up, publish and earn online for your mobile traffic is

*33. Media Link

Media Link mobile advertising network lets you promote apps download and CPA offers to your mobile audience. We used their services during their MobPartner days and sees them as a good option for earning online with mobile traffic.

One good thing about their mobile offers is that you can choose to promote offers via your favorite mobile traffic source. The link to join their program is

34. PropellerAds

Propellerads is good make money online option. It lets you earn by publishing ads and boasts that their ads are never blocked by some known ad-blockers.

There are lots of profitable advertisers on their platform which makes it another good option for Nigerian bloggers. Their official website is

Warning: Listing many ads publishing networks here does not mean that you should use them at once on a single blog or website.

They are listed for learning purposes and to provide a backup plan for those rejected by Google adsense and/or other difficult-to-approve-website publishing platforms.

Feel free try several of them before settling for one that works best for your blog. Ignore the other ads publishing options if Google adsense is already active on your blog. This is because affiliate programs works best for combining with Google adsense for more online earning.

Create App and Solutions or Sell Products Online

This is another multi-million Naira make money online in Nigeria method that’s barely tapped by highly successful netpreneurs.

Do you know how much Aboki FX App owner makes per day telling you what dollar to Naira exchange rate in the black market is? or how much the good skull at makes per month selling subscription and examination past questions to millions of Nigerians?

That’s exactly how a good entrepreneur that wants to make money online thinks! They look around their surroundings for what problems technology can solve and creates a quick solution for it. Then make their cash from advertisement and/or subscription services.

Yudala, just like Konga was created by a Nigerian that saw a unique need in the Nigerian Online Shopping space. They were the first to create an offline store in every Nigerian big cities, just to market their online products.

They obviously succeeded in it as most Nigerians with trust issues, would simply place an order online and walk in to their offline store(s) to pay and collect their items.

Apps like the highly successful Vconnect local business search engine/directory was created by a Nigerian. Just like the online gas station directory that was launched two years ago by a young Nigerian.

In all, what it takes to make money online in Nigeria by creating solutions- is to look around you for a challenge that can be solved with technology, ==> hire a developer ==> or invest in a growing team with a positive mindset, ==> promote your app/solution with some advertising budgets and watch it grow to a million(s) per/month industry.

35. Make Money Online in Nigeria by Creating Apps, Web Tools/CMS Plugins

make money online selling oxwall plugins

The screen shot above is for some of our plugins sales. We made a fortune selling Oxwall plugins and PHP modules to clients and other developers.

How to Choose the Right YouTube Video Downloader

The successful FaceBook Clone Oxwall Plugin was launched some 3 years ago by Ebenezer (one of our lead developers) and have so far recorded a good number of sales.

You can create premium plugins for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and other popular content management systems (CMS) and sale same on codecanyon, phpscriptsmallmojomarketplace and etc.

36. Mini-Importation Business

Mini-importation is another way to make money online in Nigeria. You’ll succeed with this niche if you already have cheaper means of earning/sourcing for dollars. Else, your best bet would be to buy from digital currency exchangers or from the parallel market.

Once you are sure of getting FX for your transactions, you can move forward to niche-research for your mini-importation business.

We recommend that you ignore the band-wagon by jumping into mobile phones, power banks and/or other saturated niches.

Look for products that would sale very well in your location without much competition. You can also choose to sell them online via Konga, Jumia, Payporte and other eCommerce stores that allows it.

Some of the niche ideas to start your research from is –

  • Digital/Electronic Toothbrushes
  • Condenser MicroPhones
  • Tripod, Selfie sticks and cheap mobile accessories in high demand.
  • Digital condoms, s*x gadgets and other adult gadgets that are in high demand.
  • Water tools, modernized farming tools and gadgets that are dirt cheap.
  • Non-so-popular kitchen appliances and sundry.

Once you are done with your product research, the next step is to look for best-sellers (1,000+ sales with not-less-than 4.8 stars review) on Aliexpress, Gearbest,, Taobao Marketplace or Alibaba.

You can start with free shipping (up to 2 weeks wait time) and then move on to paid shifting options once you starts succeeding with it.

Note: you can negotiate with sellers (privately) for price reduction when you’re buying products in large quantity. To get the best service from free shipping, go to the nearest post office in your location, collect the clerk’s number as well as find out from him what the postal code for your area is.

37. eCommerce Websites

make money online in Nigeia 101 tutorials by 3ptechies

You can make money online in Nigeria by creating an eCommerce website. Here again, I must warn you to stop copying popular online shopping websites, outranking them is never is a simple task.

Since your advertising budget is small at this stage, I,ll advice that you stick to niches you can promote easily to your social media fans, neighbors, friends and colleagues. You can also improve on sales with $2 ads on FaceBook per-week.

Here are some niche-ideas to kick-start your eCommerce store –

  • Mens watches
  • Sport wears
  • S*x toys
  • Pleasure gadgets
  • Religious books
  • Musical Notes or digital products.
  • Mobile/PC accessories (for a start, stick to fancy ones that are dirt cheap).
  • Jewelries, Wrist-band and female wares.
  • Traditional attires.
  • Palm-wine, Bush meat and other ideas that can sell quickly in your location or among your friends/colleagues.

Once you are done with the niche research, and feasibility studies, you can then proceed to magento, shopify, and/or other top apps that lets you create a website for free to design your eCommerce store.

Make Money Online by Working as a Middleman

Few weeks ago, a friend of mine made NGN250,000 in “my very before” by working as a middle man. You can make as much as NGN300,000 monthly (or even NGN600,000 in bountiful months) depending on the niche you choose.

The most lucrative niches is –

  • Auto Mobiles
  • Machineries and heavy duty tools.
  • Premium Gadgets (eg, iPhone, Macbook, Video Cameras) and electronic devices.
  • Land and Properties.

Here is how it works. Once you have identified the niche you are willing to work with, head on to pick any of the 3 options below to market your services.

38. Make Money by Working with

Here you can stroll around your environment for friends that wants to sale their cars, equipment, generator and what-have-you, and then take their pictures,  place a free ad for it on and watch the calls coming in.

You can also print a N5 whitepaper handout or NGN500 banner (most of your targeted audience are offline or hardly with an online presence) telling the people around that you can help market their old products quickly.

You choose what price to fix for them on, plus commission from product owners once they are sold successfully. This sum up to your profit per sale.

Note: You can get products to sale quickly by running a $1 Facebook ads targeting only the city/community you are interested in. This way, you get lots of them subscribing to your middle-man services.

This is because a lot of Nigerians are scared of dealing with strangers, thereby selling their products dirt cheap to friends and in worst cases, dump an item that could have been sold for profit.

39. OLX Nigeria is similar to It is provided as backup option to promote the products to willing buyers. You can sell electronic products, help your neighbors to sale their household items and make a fortune from the extra commissions.

It works great for students and those with not-so-techy surrounding.

40. Sell on SM or Your own Website

This would work best for those working as house, land or property agents. You can market your agency services to your social media fans or create a free website where clients can book for your services.

This is a make money online method that’s proven to work for house agents and honest property dealers.

Sale Virtual/Digital Products

You can make money in Nigeria by selling digital products. Some of the best products type to sale in Nigeria is –

41. Make Money Online by Selling eBooks

You can sale electronic tutorials (like the one you are reading for free right now), info-products (popularly called information marketing), secrets and etc. in form of Docx, PDF, Kindlebook et al to Nigerian audience on Fiverr, Amazon and lots of other options.

You can even sell such instructions on your own blog or website. Once your marketing is good, and the content is meaningful, you are going to get buyers for it.

42. Sell Audio Lectures

Just like the eBook option above, you can actually sale audio notes like; cooking guide, farming secrets, a field-specific professional tips, special tuts and sundry by using the top online platform available or well-appreciated by Nigerians.

Jumia, Konga, and Amazon are good platform to sell such audio products. You can also sell math tuts to schools and/or lesson places.

43: Video Products

There was a video product on mini-importation that was advertised by Konga few months back, it really sold fine on their platform. You can make money in Nigeria by creating and selling such video courses online.

I have also watched one on advanced algebra. It sold fine and had lots of positive reviews.

44. T-shirt Designs

There are many websites you can use to create T-shirt designs free and sale to Nigerians for a fee. It is advisable to print-design trending items such as; Biafra/Phyno Slangs (for Igbos), trending Wizkid/Olamide slang (for Yoruba) and similar prints.

A website like is of the most popular option for this niche. You can use free tools like designEvo to create and perfect any T-shirt design of your choice.

45. Graphic design and Art works

A lot of Nigerians are killing it big with this Niche. Websites like shutterstock can pay you handsomely for capturing a unique photo of a masquerade and/or other rich African cultural displays.

You can also sale unique Logo designs, photo arts and lots of other photo options with websites like shutterstock, 99designsdeviantart and smugmug.

46. OutSourcing

Assuming that your primary source of income is painting, framing and banner graphics. You can top-up your monthly income by advertising for digital frames, sign board and other related services.

Bill a client that comes for them high enough and outsource same online (to freelancers) for more than 50% profit.

47. URL Shortening

get paid online in Nigeria by using

This is  a lazy man’s method to make money online quarterly. Mind you, you aren’t going to succeed easily with earning by shortening website’s URLs except your blog po**n or is a figure head on a popular forum that allows shortened URLs.

Imagine your post making Nairaland’s front-page with a shortened URL? Sad enough, they do not allow this yet. This scheme makes it possible for users to make money online by shortening website addresses.

The screen shot attached is for my account which I didn’t use for more than two months. I am not of fan of it because of the poor user’s experience that comes with it.

In all, you can earn online by shortening URLs with or similar websites.

48. Earn Online by Creating a Digital FX Website

This is a very lucrative online business for Nigerians. You can make as much as NGN100,000 per transaction depending on the volume a client is willing to buy at a time.

It is easy to start and doesn’t require much commitment from the investor. The only down side is the big risks (such as Paypal charge-back, fraud et al) that comes with it.

Big players in this field includes; topupgold, OnlineNaira and Ijam exchange. The most needed diligence for succeeding with digital FX business is the ability to find a good balance between the Aboki FX Rate and your digital currencies without losing out to your fiercest competitors.

49. Earn by Renting your Car to Uber Nigeria

You can make some additional income monthly by renting/using your car(s) for Uber and/or similar Services.

At the moment, their services is fully available in Lagos and Abuja and might be expanding to other Nigerian cities. Every decent four door car(s) from 2005 and above can be used for Uber Nigeria services. They pay you per trip based on the applicable percentile commission.

50. Write for Blog and Websites

It is not every one that has the mental or financial wherewithal to run a successful blog. Even for some that already owns a blog at the moment, they are not making enough money to cover their offline bills.

You can reach out to successful blogs (or websites) in your niche and request to work for them. Most successful blogs are willing to train newbies just to work for them. At the moment, we are even hiring competent hands in tech gadgets review, video tutorials and technical writing.

All you’d need do to succeed in this niche, is to contact as many blogs as possible, go through their offers and pick the one that works best for your online business goals.

Bonus Tips

How Nigerians can Make Money Online by Freelancing.

How Nigerians can make money online freelancing

Freelancing is the unchallenged king in making six figures online monthly. The only down side of it is the fact you’re required to work before you can earn.

Unlike affiliate marketing and blogging where some disposable $$$ drops from time to time, you must work to earn with freelancing.

The best websites to start your freelancing career is SEOClerks, Upwork and any of the other seven options here.

Tools to Succeed Online

It is assumed that you already have an internet-enabled device (PC or Mobile), since you are able to read this tutorial to this point.

We want to suggest some other tools that can help your internet marketing journey.

  1. Payoneer MasterCard (Sign up from here & get $25 free): Lets you own a free USA, Germany and UK bank account for free. You can use their card to shop on any website without limitations. Can come in handy for domain/hosting, online tools and mini-importation shopping.
  2. Grammarly: Grammarly is a must-have tool for any one that’s willing to earn big on Fiverr and other freelancing websites by working on the writing/translation niche. It helps you create contents that are at least 95% free from errors. This would help you retain clients and maintain a positive profile  for your writing jobs. Click here to sign up to grammarly free or paid services.
  3. Power Back-Up: If your area is suffering from poor power supply, you can get a solar power backup system (would be reviewed in our next posts) or a laptop power bank. There are lots of options to choose from in today’s tech market.
  4. Rechargeable Fan: This can come in handy for hot weathers and stuffy environments. We recommend you get one, if there’s no solid power backup plan in place already. We reviewed one here and will be reviewing another one this week.
  5. Steady Internet: Internet connection is necessary for developers, freelancers, marketers and bloggers alike. This is because steady research is required to succeed in any of this niches. Luckily, there’s cheaper data plans for networks in Nigeria.

We are fully committed to your online success. Go ahead and succeed beyond depth!

What More?

As already stated above, making money online in Nigeria requires that you learn from the experts in this field. You can sign up with us here or leave a comment below.

To show you how committed we are to anyone that’s willing to take action right now, we’ll be giving ₦ 100 airtime credit to the first 1,000 persons to share this page with his/her friends on social media.

Use the contact page to notify us of your social media actions as well as drop the contact number to send the airtime to using the same medium.

feel free to share other make money online in Nigeria methods that has worked for you in the past. You can also download the PDF version of how to make money online in Nigeria 101 tutorial by requesting for it via any of our social media pages.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


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  9. One of very good ways to make money online is creating web site and selling ads (this way you’re a publisher). Then if you decide to monetize your site, I’d recommend to find some good programmatic company, such as Smartyads.

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    • Thanks for dropping by Mike, you can get in touch by using the details found at the contact page.

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    • Thanks for your honest feedback Tochukwu,

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    • Thanks for sharing your opinion about this Junior, all you need do is – take action already. Wishes without efforts usually amount to little or next-to-nothing.

    • OP, you’ve really done a nice job!
      More ink to your pen.


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