The Top 5 Elements to A Killer Website

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Image Credit: Pixabay

In today’s world, a website and a strong digital presence are almost must-haves in order to be a successful business. However, as technology improves, it is no longer sufficient to just be present on the internet. It now takes a lot of work in order to strengthen your online presence and ensure that your website is the best that it can be.

A good website could mean the difference between a business that becomes very successful and one that flops miserably. It can open up a lot of new opportunities for a business, so making sure you’re website is killer would strongly benefit you.

So what exactly makes a website high quality? Here are five elements of a great website.

Fast Load Times

If your website is to be successful, then you’ll absolutely have to have fast load times. People are very fickle when it comes to browsing the web, and the smallest thing could turn them away from your website.

In fact, many people will leave a website after just a few seconds of browsing. This means that if someone attempts to visit your website and it struggles to fully load then people won’t hesitate to try somewhere else that actually does load without issue.

If you want to ensure that you have fast load times on your website then you should be constantly checking load times and seeing what you can do to improve them.

Even if you used something like a free website builder to build your website for cheap, there are still tips and tools that you can use to ensure that your website has fast load times that can compete with the best.

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Well Organized/ Easy to Read

Another hallmark of a successful website is organization and ease of reading. As mentioned before, people rarely spend a lot of time on your website and are quick to go somewhere else.

This means that no matter how fast your website loads, customers likely won’t stick around if a disorganized mess of a website greets them.

People will come to your website to either do business or find information out about your company or organization. If you make this too difficult of a task, then they likely will give up and go somewhere else. That’s why it is important that your website is easy to read, navigable, and well organized.


As mentioned before, people will likely come to your website seeking information, so it would be wise of you to provide this information to them. This information can range from prices and product information to company history and mission statements.

That being said, you don’t want too much information on your website to the point where your visitors are overwhelmed and can’t process it all.

You want to stay organized and find that perfect balance where customers can find what they’re looking for without being overwhelmed.

Paints Company and Products In a Positive Light

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it is still important for a great website. Think of your website as the primary indicator of your online presence.

When people interact with your business or organization online, your website will be the first thing that they think of. It is important that they have a positive experience on your website and that they are exposed to many positives that are associated with your business.

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It is here where you can talk about your business’s passions and how it can change the world for the better. You could also include any charity or non-profit work your business has done in the past.

It is important that the people that visit your website leave feeling good and view your business in a more positive light.

Mobile Friendly

In today’s world, people don’t just browse the internet on their computers. There’s also a handful of mobile devices that people do their web surfing on. These devices can range from smartphones to tablets, and they play just as big a part in web traffic as computers do.

In fact, some statistics have shown that mobile web traffic has eclipsed their computer counterparts. This means that any good website absolutely has to be mobile-friendly.

If a large portion of your traffic is going to be using a mobile device, then it is in your best interest to ensure that your website is correctly formatted for mobile devices and receives just as much attention as the desktop version of your website.

Wrap Up:

These five elements do not just make your website super functional; it makes it modern and in line with the industry best practices. They should be an easy checklist for creating new websites and for working on the older ones to bring them into the 21st century.

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