Kaspersky Internet Security Review: a Proven Protection for PC, Phones

Kaspersky Internet Security $59


Kaspersky Internet Security is an award-winning antivirus software from Kaspersky Labs.

User Review
5 (1 vote)

Undaunted is an understatement when it comes to the premium protection Kaspersky Lab antivirus solutions gives to both industries and individuals that considers the overall protection of their electronic devices as priority.

Kaspersky Internet Security is basically not the only product from kaspersky Lab security solutions as they also have much more compelling products in this hierarchy;

  • Kaspersky PURE – More comprehensive solution for windows pc, latest version of it is 3.0
  • Kaspersky Internet Security – Ultimate protection for windows pc and Mac Os systems. The latest version for windows users is 2014
  • Kaspersky Internet Security – Multi-Device -> Serves all your electronic machines including computers, Apple Ios devices, smartphones and tablets using a single product license.
  • Kaspersky Anti-VirusProvides basic protection for home users. The latest version of it is 2014, it’s only available for windows pc
  • Kaspersky Password Manager – Securely and conveniently stores all your passwords and personal data, quickly logs you on to websites, and automatically fills in web forms.
  • Kaspersky Internet Security for Android – Delivers advanced protection for Android tablets and smartphones, an option if you aren’t already using the Multi-Device version of the internet security already.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint and Total Security for Business – Provides industry specific protection for business environments.

    kaspersky internet security 2014 review

For this review, we want to specifically flaunt the Kaspersky Internet Security; A single anti-virus software that gives you unrivaled and ultimate protection. Securing your digital identity and your documents, photos, music and passwords – against the latest, sophisticated malware, adware, cyber-criminals and Internet threats.

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Features of Kaspersky Internet Security

kasperky internet security review- behold the virtual keyboard

Safer Online Transactions

With Kaspersky award winning virtual and secure keyboard technologies you can easily bypass all those malicious keyloggers and other dreadful programs that captures the information that users type on their computer keyboards. This ensures your online banking and private transactions are done securely.

Better Virus & Spyware Detection

When the need for premium antivirus and antispyware protection arises look no further than grabbing a Kaspersky internet security as ensures you of better security when compared with other security programs. It can detect almost all known computer viruses type including; worms, trojan viruses, spyware, rootkits, bots, malicious adwares and other apps that could make a system vulnerable to security risks.

System Watcher and Cloud-Based Protection

Kaspersky internet security has the latest technology to guaranty you up-to date protection even when your software itself isn’t up-to date, it also adds malicious websites to it’s database, scans your network ports for other network specific threats.

Other Premium Features

Kaspersky internet security is very user-friendly, has a neat interface, comes with a widget to help you access your most needed functions easily. It also have features such as; trusted application mode, automatic exploit prevention, url advisor, anti-spam protection, anti-phishing protection, safe money, parental control, anti-banner and many other essential functions needed to attain a perfect protection status.

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System Requirement for Kaspersky Internet Security

Since the version of Kaspersky internet security used for this review is 2014, it will be very wise to use it to figure out what spec and features a basic computer or mobile device should have before it can be able to run and use the program optimally.

  • Microsoft Windows xp services pack 2 – Microsoft windows 8, Mac OS X 10.6 – 10.8 and Android 2.2 – 4.1 of min 320 x 480 screen resolution
  • Minimum of 512 MB RAM for xp and 1GB for other operating systems including Mac
  • Minimum of 800 MHz C.P.U. for xp and 1GHz for others
  • Free space on your hard disk drives
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System that are already infected will be required to use a special tool from Kaspersky labs to remove the threats before installing the internet security program.

See more features and requirement from their official website

Will I advice you to do away with your current antivirus software?

Sure, why not?

Except what you currently have installed is the free version of avast antivirus I see no other reasons while you should be paying for another security software other than kaspersky internet security.

Any Other word of advice on kaspersky internet security?

I am currently using the program and quite understands how much a live safer it has been in recent years after trying other less effective solutions like Norton internet security and Bitdefender total security.

Kaspersky internet security isn’t that expensive compared to what you are going to benefit from it, you can even start by trying a version from their website for a period of 3odays or using some available coupon codes to purchase it for a lower amount. I even over-purchased two additional licenses ‘cos that’s what I use on all of my devices and would advice any other person to do so.

Do you have a thought to share with us concerning kaspersky internet security or any other computer antivirus solution?

Drop it below……………………….using the comment form……………

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Thanks for the review. I’ll surely try this software.

  2. Christopher James Christopher James

    I’ve been using Kaspersky for years now. It never disappoints…

    • Thanks for dropping by Buddy, Kis is really a great product when it comes to computer security

  3. Nicole Gillespie Nicole Gillespie

    Great post and a really good review! Will remember this anti virus software. Thanks Obasi!

    • Thanks Nicole too, I am happy you are appreciating our review

  4. seems like really good software, will have to look into it!

    • KIS is really awesome, you should be checking it out already

  5. I’ve never heard of this software either.. But I might have to look into it..

    • Wow! buddy can I get to what antivirus program you are currently using?

  6. I never used Kaspresky before but I will try.

    • Kis is a great product to try buddy, I can vouch for it anytime any day !

  7. I prefer quickheal than kaspersky when it’s come to antivirus or internet security.

    • Thanks for checking out buddy

  8. I really like their product, an recommend it to allot of people.

    • Hey! another commenter agreeing with my review, thanks for dropping by Kun

  9. Adesanmi Adedotun Adesanmi Adedotun

    Hi Obasi,

    This is a great review about kaspersky, I really love it but I have the preference of Avast over kaspersky.

    • Wow! you three amazes me so much, gotta crusade for Avast lol, its all about perfection though

  10. Though I haven’t used Kaspersky before, I have been using Avast more than five years now without any issues whatsoever, reading your review on Kaspersky tempt me to try and see what they offer, will surely see how things work with Kaspersky anytime Avast messed up!

    • Thanks for checking this out bro, just the poster above you seems to love avast so much to have used it for five straight years without looking back.
      Kaspersky have trial versions you can download, just to test-run the awesomeness

  11. All along, Avast is one interesting Antivirus I admire the most but its obvious I’m being tempted to try this out as well!

    • Hi Emmanuel,
      I am very happy to see you contributing on this topic, Avast internet security could be awesome since the free versions aren’t bad. Going with KIS will be your best move though

  12. I agree with you Obasi . Kaspersky Internet security is one of the best Antiviruses around . I have been using it since 2 years and have never experienced any serious virus related issues on my PC till date . Thanks for sharing the info mate .


    • Sure buddy, Kaspersky Internet security is definitely the best security solution out there, they have never disappointed me for once

  13. Hello Obasi,
    You know, what the first day i bought my first desktop computer, i have always loved and still using AVG antivirus because i do feel that they are the best :). Recently, i almost got hacked but the internet security help block the malicious site i literally clicked… Well, i ‘ll just say that they are indeed life saver :).
    I have never used Kaspersky before but through your review, i’d say that they are awesome as well. Nice review and do have a wonderful weekend ahead

    • Hi Babanature,
      It’s awesome seeing you drop by to contribute on this review, Internet Security sure works better than regular antivirus programs.

      I haven’t had better opinion as regards to AVG and it’s effectiveness, I would have even advised you to dump it if not for your positive review towards them.

      Thanks for this wishes too, we do appreciate!


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