How to Put Adsense Ads Below Post Title In Blogger PC/Mobile Themes

how to place ads below title in blogger
Putting Adsense ads below post title is what we are going to discuss today. Although this is quite easy, most bloggers seem to find it hard to figure out because sometimes, some elements in the blogger template are repeated severally. This makes it hard to find out the exact one to use.
I present to you the easiest method(s) I personally use top put adsense code directly below post title and also at the center bottom of the article.
There are two post titles, the first one is on the home page and the second one is in the post itself. I would show you how to place ads in any position of choice irrespective of PC or mobile.

How to Place ads Below Title & After content on Blogger (Desktop View)

Here are the steps to complete in order to place Google adsense, Bidvertiser, Chitika or any other publisher’s advertising network of choice.

Step 1: Log in to your ads management dashboard, create an ad unit (300*250 or 728*90 recommended) and copy the JavaScript or HTML code to a blank notepad document file.

Step2: Modify the ads code pasted in the notepad document with this CSS code.

<div style="text-align:center; padding:5px;">
Paste Your ads code (from step1) here

Step 3: Copy the new modified ads code and covert it to ASCII by using the free tool here. Copy the converted ads back to the notepad doc. to be used for all the positions you’d like the ads to show on blogger.

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Step 4: Log in to your blogger dashboard, ==> From the left menu items ==> click on Theme and then Edit HTML.

bloggers ads placement tips

Step 5: Click inside the blogger template codes and ==> press CTRL+F to activate search. Search for <data:post.body/> and place the ads (copied from step 3) just above it to display ads below post title and below it to display ads after post, before comments/social share buttons.

place Google adsense in various positions on blogger

Note: Most templates do come with more than one <data:post.body/>. So you can experiment with the first or second <data:post.body/>, depending on which works for your theme. But first or second <data:post.body/> will normally work for 90% of blogger templates.

How to Place ads Below Title & After content on Mobile Template

The procedure for placing Google adsense ad or any other advert code to blogger mobile template is similar to that of PC, only that you’ll be required to search for another code snippet.

Step 1: Enable mobile theme by ==> logging in to your blogger dashboard, ==> navigating to theme and click the mobile theme option(s) to activate it. Select the custom theme option as seen in the screenshot below.

how to place adsense on blogger mobile template properly

Step 2: Repeat step 1 to 4 above, but select any of the responsive ads unit when creating an ad for display on mobile devices. This helps it to adapt for smart phones and tablet devices alike.

Step 3: Ensure that the mouse cursor is blinking inside the blogger codes by clicking on it. And then, ==> press CTRL+F to activate search. Search for –

<b:includable id='mobile-post' var='post'>

Note where this code is first seen and use the arrow button to gently scroll down until you see the code below: –

<div class='post-body entry-content' expr:id='&quot;post-body-&quot; +' itemprop='articleBody'>

Step 4: Paste your Google adsense code directly below it as seen in the screenshot below.

blogger adsense placement tutorials

That’s all. Your ads should start displaying in these positions as soon as you save the template.   You can also play around with other positions like; before copyright, after comments and so on.

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Use the comments section blow to request for help on blogger Google adsense placement and/or any other blogger related challenges.

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Kyle Stevens
Kyle Stevens is an out going creative writer and tech blogger who has a passion for helping people and building creativity in the mind, through his outstanding tutorials, articles and excellent reviews of any gadget.


  1. How to put the adsense code “above the title”?

  2. thanks for your post that help me to add my ads in below post title …

  3. i have tried different ways including the one described in this article to place the Adsense Ad below the post title, but all in vain. elsewhere, they all work perfectly well but under the post title, it just leaves a blank space.. And it also looks like on my mobile device, the ads have disappeared completely once I open a post! my blog is I kindly needed your help

  4. how to add Adsense above post title in blogger ?

  5. Error: More than one widget was found with id: AdSense1. Widget IDs should be unique.

  6. very great tips on how to place ads between posts in blogger because I am using blogger at the moment.
    thanks for getting this tutorial out for us.

  7. I have been experimenting with the ad placements but I don’t seem to be getting it right at all. any help?

    • What exact challenge do you have with the ads placement?

  8. Mosharraf Hossain Mosharraf Hossain

    Thank you for a useful tutorial like this. Now I have also put Adsense code on my uszonesoft website. This is an amazing work…

  9. Cool.. Will implement it on my blog.. Thanks

  10. Hi, it works perfectly well. Thanks for sharing

    • Thanks for dropping by Ope, We’re glad you found this tutorial helpful.

  11. I tried it several times at ( but I can’t do it. Maybe I will try your method

    • Do let us know of there’s more challenges

  12. Hi,
    I have customized my blogger site to display the posts in show thumbnail, description and Read More option.
    I would like to display the ads below the title only when the post is in full read view and not in thumbnail view.
    Can you please assist? Thank you!

  13. Thanks for sharing this useful information about ad placement. I have tried this successfully on my website

    • Somebody asks me “How can I earn more with Less Traffic in Google Adsense”.
      Then I suggest the best way, to increase earning with Adsense is “How you place your Google Adsense Ads on Website”.


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