Cheetah Media Link (MobPartner) Review: Earn big from your Mobile Traffic

Over the years it ‘ve been either google adsense for mobile, admob or But since the launch of and other competitive mobile advertisement options, bloggers has found numerous means of earning solid income via the mobile traffic only.

cheetah media link (formerly MobPartner) honest review and verdict

This is a very good development considering how numerous the number of persons browsing via tablets, phablets, smartphones, pocket pcS and other mobile devices are.

You never can tell how much money you could be making by exploring other means of advertisement for your mobile visitors.

Introducing MobPartner

MobPartner works just like clickbank and paydotcom. It is a kinda Mobile Affiliate Network, that allows mobile Publishers and Advertisers to use Mobile Affiliate Campaign based on CPA, CPS or CPL to increase website earning or products sales.

As an avid user of the said platform, I can assure you of making decent earning by just promoting products, apps and mobile related services on Network.

Reasons why I think MobPartner will work best for you

  1. Easy to make sales: Unlike PPC networks where you can’t control what adverts displays to various visitors, MobPartner just like paydotcom will give you the full control to choose what advert best suit your website or blog users.
  2. Higher earning per action: No PPC network can boast of paying higher than $0.1 for mobile only traffic, this means that it takes over a hundred clicks to earn close to $3. While promoting with MobPartner, you can see products that pays as much as $30 per sale and other competitive ones that pays good for each download you generate from your account.
  3. Has option for Country Targeting: This means that you can promote products based on the country that gives you the highest mobile visitors.
  4. Has option for Device and Os targeting: You can easily promote apps for android or games for iOS depending on what your google analytics dashboard reports as regards to mobile visitors and the device they are using to visit your site.
  5. Pays you via Paypal: With MobPartner, you don’t have to wait for ages before receiving your payments, as the payout is done at the end of every month, all you need do is wait for your paypal email alert while busy promoting your ads.
  6. Great Promotional Tools: You can easily embed your affiliate id into your mobile applications or pick up banners, text link and even animated images that’s best suited for your blog and website’s mobile visitors.
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How to earn big

There is no big deal here, all you need do is study the advance panel of your google analytics, check out for the visitors and what devices they are visiting with.

==> If mostly android, promote games, apps or services that you are sure every android user will like to download. Always look for the ones with option for trial download, this way the user can easily try the app or product before subscribing for premium version of it.

As we all know, apps like opera mini, UC browser and Most games are free and as such won’t pay you so much per download.

Also check out for products that sales fine in the country that brings the most mobile traffic to your website or blog.

==> If your mobile visitors comes mostly with iPad or other iOS devices, simply look out for products that targets such visitors as explained above and you might end up adding a huge sum to your monthly earning.


Be Smart! Many 6 figure income earners don’t work so hard! They work smart instead.

You can easily sign up to mobPartner network following this link. It works great to your mobile traffic, just like paydotcom does to your web traffic.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


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