Tips to Increase Domain Authority and Quality WebSites to get Backlinks

Google Page rank Update ‘Second phase’ is just around the corner and many have started out with the wrong methods of building links so as to increase their backlinks , domain authority, alexa reputation and goggle pagerank not remembering that the effect of negative Link building can not easily be overturned even in a very long time .

Tricks for Getting pr3 in next google pagerank update

I Just remember my early days of blogging how I started out with blog commenting , spamming , useless forum signature , keyword stuffing , email spamming and social media chat spamming all for one useless .blogspot domain of mine that I have now deleted ‘cos it garnered itself a lot of negative links and even most people blacklisted it in their forum, in my case  I was very lucky ‘cos ’twas just a free .blogspot domain from blogger, every other person might not be as lucky as I was ‘cos there is no way you are going to delete those spam comments from those blogs ‘cos you don’t own them and can’t force the blog owners to remove them .

At One point I remembered begging a very good friend of mine (Don Caprio) to remove  a comment (Second comment from Obasi Miracle ) I personally don’t like from his blog  post which He vehemently refused till date . This goes to show how bad it is to start building links the negative way .


How  To Build Authority Links From Dofollow High Ranking Forum & Sites Without Attracting a Ban / Blacklist 

After google panda and penguin update many high ranking sites lost their pagerank and will not want to give out link juice  any more to some low ranking sites without a price attached to it . The question now is how can you still build a link that google will value as being natural and real ?

1. Guest Posting The Matured Way:

Many young guest posters are very much inexperienced and are regular culprit of guest posting the wrong , imagine  the 6hrs you put in preparing your guest post put to null simply ‘cos you refused to study the matured way of guest posting .

Google hates link marketing, article marketing and reciprocal links , It is wise to try leaving a link  to a post in your blog ( something like “here” or “shared here” ) in the body of   your guest article and a link to the main page (home page ) in the signature so as to make it look like a natural link , by so doing you will be scaring the google police from suspecting your links as being unnatural .

How to Get an IPhone Cheap: See the Best Methods that really Works

2. Asking Highly Technical Questions In Fora :

Yeah this works I will tell you how ! No forum admin irrespective of the rank of his site will allow you get links from his site so cheaply without paying a price .

I will be posting some authority forum at the end of this tutorial for you to go and build your links , Do no ask questions like “how do I make my blog (your blog link) open in 2seconds” in a student forum as this will only tell the admin you are a damn broke spammer who is just looking for cheap links. Don’t know how to ask highly sincere and honest question and still get a link back to your site ? kindly draw a clue from my question here

3. Offer Widgets, Plugins , Themes , Css and Java Scripts:

This trick works better than any other known tricks , I still recall how some JavaScript and widgets like; Adding Facebook Like pop-up box on smf, wordpress, blogspot and How to add floating Social media Icons to Smf, Vbulletin, Phbb, wordpress and blogger I shared during their early days got some really reasonable endorsement for my site from some popular support forum. Even my younger brother (Obasi Ebenezer ) Blog gained pr2 two months after he Started sharing some free plugin,  themes , css hack and tricks . So it is an established fact that this method works for building high authority back-links .

4. Create Only  a Kinda Stunna Profiles:

Creating really stunning forum profiles is one of those ways you can use to get visitors to your site , earn  endorsement and quality backlinks to your site. I remembered following a link in the signature of a guy in Geeks forum ‘cos it was well crafted  and latter recommended his link on a support topic on smf community . Google may not value links from forum signatures this days but you can still make it look natural and real by adding stuff like “click here to download my tutorials ” instead of share great tutorials .

Inevitable Things To Avoid When Emailing Your List

5. Commenting Like a Pro :

Commenting on comment luv enabled blogs helps but not always , take a clue here :

Mr A  arrived at a high ranking dofollow blog discussing on ‘how to unlock a zte modem’ and asked ‘please how do I unlock my huawei modem

‘ it’s kinda urgent

Blog Admin replies ” I will create a tutorial on that during my next blog update’ you can use google for now

The Pro-commenter arrives ‘I created a really decent tutorial on this two weeks ago , do you mind me sharing ?’

Both Mr A , the Blog Admin and other readers screams  ‘please do , we are very much interested ‘

The Pro-commenter comes back after a day or two seeing the favorable comments he replies with ‘this is the link to the post on how to unlock your modem ‘

hope you catch the gist , be creative while commenting with links so as to help the blog and your own blog as well .

6. Good Site Title When Filling Your Profile:

Most of the sites we are going to list at the end of this article do not support Signature , but do support website address when filling your profile , so try as much as possible to be very creative when adding your site title and url .

Writing Quality Content With Catchy Title

Most copy and paste bloggers usually take to their feet when they stumbles upon a post they want to copy and discovers that it’s very lengthy ‘cos they are lazy and wouldn’t even have the time to proofread, edit or re-write the post and so will be left with  only the choice of linking back to your post if they love it so much .


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Stop Writing “How to” Guides, write about “What to Write”

List of High Ranking ( pr9 to pr6 ) Authority Sites & Forum to Build Your Dofollow BackLinks so as to Increase Your Alexa Reputation & Google Pagerank :

Please don’t forget to follow all the tricks and instruction above when building your links with this sites and forum.

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Must Read Today : Sure as hell Tips For Driving Traffic To Your Blog


For Entertainment Bloggers:

The tricks listed above might not directly favor entertainment bloggers in that case I will suggest you try to be very creative with the backlink building tools provided by lc  Entertainment and news can be referenced in any site so I don’t really think there will be any danger for entertainment bloggers building backlink with this tool . Also note that your own commenting doesn’t need much technicality if it’s on a niche related to yours after-all some news will fade once the trend is over .

Concluding Lines :

I took my time to create this tutorial so as to let  you make maximum use of this free tools in building authority links for your site , if you love it simply share the url only with your friend’s or simply use the sharing Icons underneath it . I couldn’t post some .edu sites here ‘cos of the limited time available while creating the tutorial . Let’s get some of this dofollow pr6 and above links rolling in the comments so as to help everyone . Your comments, contribution and questions will be highly appreciated too, Don’t forget to read about the mistakes that diminished our site from pr3 to pr1 .

If you don’t have much time and would like us to handle the seo of your site for you  , do contact us from this link

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Hello,
    Thanks for sharing the links in this post. I’m glad you found this piece useful.

  2. I was unaware of the domain authority and how to increase it too. But after reading your article i came to know, what it is and it’s importance. I will try to follow the footprints in order to increase the domain authority for my blog. Few quality links are better than 100 of poor link, this is what i am going to follow.

  3. Having a good page rank is best for a website, and also helpful factor in getting good success of business. With an better page rank you can get good position in google and other search engines. The authority sites which you have shared in above post, may help to get desired task.

  4. Increase in page rank of a website is the basic requirement of every web based business for its success. I would like to thanks for sharing an informative list of websites which may help to increase the website page rank.

  5. The page rank is an most important factor which plays a best role in online business promotion. I would like to thanks for sharing useful tricks which may help to increase page rank of a website.

    • Thanks for stopping by buddy, hope to see more of your feedback from time to time

  6. I admire your quality contents just like i went through the other useful posts on your website.These methods are really awesome and it can really help a site grow up with an repaid way.i would like to read more and more of your publishing.

  7. NICE LIST obasi thanks for sharing with us all

  8. Thank you for sharing. I have bookmarked the site; will be visiting the links and points you have given later on.

  9. Daniela Stevens Daniela Stevens

    I am def book marking you my friend. So much to learn, so little time.

    I’ll be back!


    • Thanks for Dropping by Buddy, hopping to get more of your feedback

  10. Wow! Thanks for all the information! Some really fantastic tips there! :)

  11. I’m very intrigued by this, but honestly alot is above my “pay grade” Lol. I will need sometime to study this because I have gathered alot of valuable information here. Thanks for the tips :-)

    • You got me cracking with the “pay grade” phrase. Thanks for dropping by

  12. This tutorial will help my blogging tremendously. Newbies like me,need it all layed out. Thanks

    • Sure, it helps building high authority backlink for your website / blog

  13. I like it how you break down what to do, and what no to do for the reader, and you follow through with a list of websites that are useful when someone wants to create back-links for SEO. It’s amazing how, what worked 2-3 years ago online (or even last year) doesn’t work for SEO this year. But just the way the net works, always changing!

    • Yeah Nick, SEO is dynamic , always changing with time & tide

  14. Thanks for the info, have had trouble with people pushing ‘link swapping’ and now I have a better understanding of the impact of doing it the wrong way.

    • Thanks for dropping by Melanie. I’m glad you found this piece useful

  15. Thanks for all the info. Going to make me a better blogger

  16. Thanks for the information. I am going to have to read it a few times to really understand it but it makes sense !

  17. Some great tips for ranking, thanks

  18. Obasi you are too much thanks for this info at least we all know that finding a forum or blog to participate and get backlinks is always had for any webmasters/blogger

  19. Yeah your site must contain not just a dofollow link from high authority sites, but the site containing your links must be at least related to what you write / do in your own site. In other words, niche related link juice is valued so much by search engines , That’s the reason why some pro-bloggers will recommend you start with guest posting for your new blog ‘cos this gives you the right to choose where your link is going to appear

  20. I have been thinking so hard on how one can actually improve on the page ranking, but this article has said it all. Is it a most that your site/blog most contain a link from this high ranking sites?

  21. Next google pagerank update will be between now and 3rd week of may Stephen . Thanks for dropping by Oluwayomi

  22. This is a wonderful info here, well written and am surprised this is just for free. Thanks for sharing the links in this post.

  23. Thks for this great tutorial. But when is the PR update coming?


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