Google Duo Already Has 1 Million Downloads : I Am Not Suprised

Me When i Heard Google Duo Just Hit 1 Million Downloads.

I dont care
I dont care, I Saw it coming…

So, at the just concluded Google I/O, we saw the coming of so many good tidings from the guys at Google, one of which is the newest trends on almost every social media platform, the Google Duo.
Just in case you are me who gets the info when everyone is already calm about it, The Google Duo is a video chat mobile app developed by Google, available on both Android and iOS. It was announced at Google I’ll I/O on May 18, 2016 alongside Allo, an instant messaging app. Duo launched in the United States on August 16, 2016
Talks about Duo
Talks about Duo

The Google Duo comes with lots of awesome features which includes:

  • HD 720p video
  • Optimized for low bandwidth mobile networks. The app optimizes WebRTC and uses QUIC over UDP. Optimisation is further achieved through the degradation of video quality through monitoring network quality.
  • “Knock Knock” – an Android-only feature which shows a live preview of the caller before the recipient picks up,which Google says is to “make calls feel more like an invitation rather than an interruption”
  • End-to-end encryption by default
  • Google Assistant support.
  • Use of phone numbers to allow users to easily call people from their contact list
  • Automatic switching between WiFi and mobile data

Yesterday being the 19th of August, it was announced that the Google Duo already hit a Milestone of 1M Downloads in the Google Play store. Now that is a hell lot of figures just within one week but as my title says, i am not surprise, I saw this coming.

Google Duo 1M Downloads
Google Duo 1M Downloads

I Guess you might want to know the reason. Funny enough, i don’t have any reason aside from the fact that the guys at Google are just good, and then play store, which happens to be the official market for all things Android App, could not but give respect to whom respect is due.
Already feeling the App? You can check it out by clicking Here.

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