Anti-spam Plugin Betters Akismet in Blocking Spams for this Reasons

To many wordpress users Akismet is the only plugin that rings to their ear whenever issues concerning spam comments is made mention of, this was exactly the same feeling I had when I started using wordpress, in fact the plugin was installed by default from the auto-installer software that comes with cpanel.

I was very much overwhelmed with great feelings of ecstasy, just moments after getting my API key, it has been like that all these years as I had never done a single wordpress blog design project without installing this plugin.

Why Did you Stop Using Akismet?

stop spam comments on wordpress

Well this part will be very surprising to some, I actually decided to hunt for other alternatives when the false positives was coming up regularly on a larger number, I was also not enjoying the need to be checking between 500 other spam comments in order to pick up the false positives. Even when I decided to ignore those false positives since they were on lower count, I can’t just overlook those notification about them from my dashboard, I even thought of a way to disable the notifications without any easy option for it from their settings page.

Why Did you switch to Anti-spam Plugin?

how to stop spam commments

It was just the right thing to do considering that; the other plugins competing with it didn’t really come close to it’s effectiveness, apart from human spam that can only be controlled either via comment moderation or by publishing  comments from users that have had a previously published ones. The Anti-spam plugin is also great for both site users and the admin, considering there is neither captcha for users nor options for admin.

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Akismet vs Anti-spam Plugin

In a bit, I will outline the reasons behind my switching from Akismet  to Anti-spam wordpress plugin as a preferred solution for fighting spam comments on my blog and that of my clients.

Akismet Plugin Features

  • Easy to install
  • Akismet will require the admin to sign up for an API key from the Akismet website, this can be really time-consuming for an average wordpress user. Making a choice between their mouth-watering premium features and the free one can also help eat up time for any new user of the plugin.
  • Akismet works hand in hand with the blog admin when fighting spam comments.
  • There is the availability of a premium API key which automatically limits free users to features they would have loved to have
  • Fights spam comments without CAPTCHA but with lots of false positives

Anti-spam plugin features

  • Easy to install too
  • Ant-spam plugin neither does require configuration nor have options to do so, all you need do is install-> activate -> and start enjoying a spam-free blog .
  • Anti-spam plugin uses its magic technology to fight spam comments without needing the services of the blog administrator
  • There is neither premium nor any account at all needed to use the awesome plugin
  • Fights spam comments without CAPTCHA and without false positives.

Final words:

Both are really great plugins, when it comes to fighting spam comments on blog and wordpress powered sites, but for me, the Anti-spam plugin seems to work better for me and my clients. I have also chosen the Anti-spam plugin over Akismet at least for now, it has and still serving me the way it should.

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They are great options when it comes to fighting machine generated trackbacks too, you should give the Anti-spam plugin a try today. It might end up being the better companion for your blog as an admin who doesn’t enjoy deleting spam comments every now and then because you are never gonna see any to delete after installing the Anti-spam wordpress plugin.

Have you used any of this wordpress plugins in the past? Kindly drop your opinion and review below.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


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