How to Free Up More Storage Space on Your Macbook

Before you know it, you could end up in a situation when there is not enough space on your Macbook’s hard drive. That should never happen, but it just so happens that some individuals still find themselves facing this problem.

free up space

There are plenty of different reasons for that happening. This article has got you covered as it will show exactly what needs to be done. And keep in mind that you can always take the route of downloading a cleaning software. These reviews of free mac cleaners should be of use in case you pick that option. And as for those who like to get their hands dirty, well, all the answers are below.

Taking Out the Trash

Just because you delete the files, it does not mean that they disappear for good. There is a trash bin icon on the desktop, and you should always clear it whenever you see that it has some items in it.

It may not seem like that big of a deal, but the problem will get out of hand if you are not careful and neglect this particular point. Not to mention the fact that getting in such a habit will help you a lot in the future as well.

Anti-Virus Software

Anti virus software

Some experts suggest that we will need antivirus software for almost everything that is connected to the internet in the future, not just computers or smartphones.

Everyone ought to be familiar with malware and what problems that can cause. It is only natural that a virus will also bring down the amount of free space on a hard drive even if the responsible file takes very little by itself.

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There is absolutely no reason not to have antivirus on a computer. Get one as soon as possible and start to scan. And if you do find something, the situation ought to turn for the better when you get rid of the malware.

Removing Duplicate Files

It is possible that you might have downloaded some files twice or accidentally and forgot to remove the duplicates. Again, this is not something that one ought to undertake manually as it can get pretty tedious.

The only exception could be media files. If you launch iTunes, click File and then Library, you will see an option to look at duplicates.

External Drives

USB Disk

Even if you keep deleting the files you no longer need but the problem persists, consider putting some of your stuff in the cloud-based software.

Buying an external hard drive is also a good piece of advice. These days, you can get something for a relatively cheap price and despite its cost, the drive will do its job the way it should.

Useless Applications

The first time you visit the official application store, you may find yourself getting as much stuff as you can and giving it a try.

But the time will come when some of those apps will become obsolete and serve you no purpose. The option is obvious – delete whatever you are no longer using.

Cache Files

Cache files accumulate by using browsers, applications, software. Even if you delete these files they will come back the next time you use an app. The focus here is to get rid of cached files of the things you no longer use.

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It does not mean that there is no merit in deleting all the caches regularly. In fact, doing so will help with boosting the overall performance of your Macbook.

Email Attachments

Email Attachments

If you rely on your email as a means of communication, be it work or casual stuff, you are bound to open quite a few attachments. These files also end up on your computer in the mail folder.

If you have not had a chance to check out that folder, you will want to do that immediately. The amount of useless stuff in there may surprise you, but the moment you delete it, you will be happy that there is more space available on the drive.

Language Files

Some applications have multiple languages for them. The number can go over 50 in some cases. Well, one can only imagine that having multiple apps like that does not help when you are looking to lessen the load on your hard drive.

Look through the list of the applications you have installed and see what the situation is like with the languages. You can delete each language separately, but remember than English is the default for most of them, and never delete that.

In summary, these tips ought to help those who have been struggling with the space on their hard drives. The more you use, the better off you will be. Finally, doing either of these for one time will not help in the long run. Remember that you need to turn everything into the habit and ensure that the problem of not having enough space will never happen again.

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3ptechies Team
Team 3ptechies is a legion of tech apostles who are gadgets freak, tech enthusiasts, and lover of modern techs. Note: Our words are ours and as such doesn't represent the opinion of 3rd Planet Techies.


  1. The manual ways to free up space on Mac seems to take so much time. So I have tried some free Mac cleaners to do those tasks for me.

  2. These are such great tips. I can now free up more space on my Macbook. Thanks so much!


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