Facebook Launches Facebook Live

Facebook Founder, Mark Zukerberg released an official statement on regards Facebook live and as it seems, Facebook would be launching Facebook live anytime soon.
Facebook live have actually been on though restricted to some individuals, the Founder of Facebook actually used it to stream a video at the 2016 Mobile Week congress which took place at Barcelona.
With Facebook Live you can use your phone to share a moment instantly with the people you care about. This means your friends, family or fans can be there with you, and you can respond to their comments and see their reactions.
Facebook Live
Below is an update as gotten from Facebook’s Official News site.
“Today we’re rolling out the ability to go live in Facebook Groups and Facebook Events. Live in Groups allows you to broadcast to just the people in the Facebook Group – so you can go live in your family group, or share a workout plan in a fitness group. Live in Events means you can go live from a birthday party to allow those that can’t make it to join the fun, and a performer can go live backstage to the people who’ve RSVP-ed to the event to give them a sneak peak. You can even use Events to schedule a live Q&A session. We hope this new ability to both broadcast and watch live video within Groups and Events enables people to connect more deeply with their closest friends, family and the communities of people who share their interests.”
With this New update, there are so many exciting things you can do ranging from:

Understanding Power Purchase Agreements: A Pro Guide
  1. Creating Interactive sessions with Friends or Business Owners
  2. Discover more live videos: Invite Friends, Live Video Destination and Live Map
  3. Stream on the go with Ease

Though the app is yet to be launched, we would release an update once it goes live.
Watch this Space!

Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg will also be going live at 10:30am PT today to talk about the update and answer questions from the community.

SOURCEFacebook Official News Site
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