How Car Wreckers Hamilton Use Technology To Process End-of-Life Vehicles

It’s said that New Zealand car wreckers take vehicle stripping seriously. And with the rising number of end-of-life vehicles (ELV), car wreckers use processes involving tech-based solutions to do the job efficiently. To be clear, ELVs are various types of vehicles that have already exceeded their expected lifespan.

If you have an auto sitting on your property because it can’t be used anymore, it’s better to turn them over to car wreckers who’ll know what to do with it and properly handle affairs concerning its proper disposal. Continue reading to learn how car wreckers Hamilton break down vehicles using their highly specialized tools and processes.

Using Technology To Process End-of-Life Vehicles

Vehicle Sourcing

The first step to every car wrecking is acquisition. Car owners who want to sell their vehicles would call or log into a car wrecking company website. They’ll need to answer questions by describing the state of their cars and other details. Car wreckers Hamilton and from nearby areas primarily want vehicles that have been de-registered, irreparable, and old.  

Car wrecking companies also typically accept vehicles in various brands and models. Aside from cars, they’d gladly accept old and used buses, vans, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), and other cars. They’ll inspect the vehicle and make an offer; if the owner accepts, the car wreckers will tow the car away.  

Sometimes car wreckers will consider offering more if the vehicle is still working. The cars will be appraised and compromised an acceptable offer. It’s said that car wrecking companies are willing to pay thousands of dollars. It’ll depend on the condition of the car parts and the scrap metal they’ll get out of the car.  

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Recycling Technology

Car wreckers are using recycling technology when processing ELVs. Some car owners with ELVs on their properties would sell them to car wrecking companies to get cash in exchange of used cars

Auto recycling used to conjure images of rows of old scrapped and rusty cars in the junkyard. They’ll also be hauled one by one into the crusher that minimizes old cars into manageable sizes. Nowadays, however, the recycling process is also influenced by reforms in environmental efforts and the surge of technological advancements.  

The technological changes in the automotive industry finally pushed for a stronger and more beneficial relationship between automotive manufacturers and recycling partners. Due to the evolution of vehicle manufacturing technology, there’s been a conclusion that the auto recycling industry must also advance to dismantle vehicles and handle their parts and scrap metal efficiently. 

Today, not only scrap metal and car parts are recycled. High-voltage batteries and plastic parts are also receiving attention. Manuals have been published for batteries by the auto industry, along with the development of transportation, labeling, packaging and testing, and recycling standards.  

Car Dismantling Equipment

How To Use Technology To Process End-of-Life Vehicles Processing old vehicles to aid vehicle recycling efforts is believed to be now more efficient, thanks to the multiple innovations in auto recycling equipment. There are various types for specific purposes, and the following are the possible machinery that car wreckers Hamilton uses:

  • Vehicle Tilter

Every vehicle section must receive proper inspection and dismantling, including the underside. For the car wreckers to properly view every nook and cranny in the safest way possible, they’ll need a vehicle tilter that uses ramp technology. With this equipment, creators aim to reduce the time that car dismantlers use to scrap vehicles.  

  • Engine Lifter Or Engine Hoist

The weight of an engine with transmission can reach up to 272kgs. With the transmission, it’s still a hefty 160kgs. Engines are typically heavy, which is why they’re difficult to remove and dangerous. It’s even detrimental to attempt it without any gear or equipment.  

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Car wreckers Hamilton use engine hoist equipment to lift the engine off the car. Most companies mainly utilize the single-post type, which is just as helpful in raising heavy car parts.  

While anyone can use such equipment, it’s essential to know how to use it and observe safety precautions properly. Hoisting an engine is also preferably done with assistance from someone. You can quickly finish the task without injuring yourself and possibly causing harm to the engine itself.  

  • Car Flattener

Those who do business with scrap metal and car wreckers use car flatteners to make it easier to process the metal from old cars. 

Car flatteners are durable and continue to help businesses do specific tasks. There are two types of car flatteners: straight and angled. Car wreckers and scrap merchants will decide on the type they need depending on the operations and logistics.  

Car wreckers also use hand tools when dismantling cars. Here are some standard devices they will use to make it easier to break apart vehicles:

  • Fluid And Refrigerant Recovery Tools

An engine requires different types of fluids to operate, which need to be drained out of the engine during processing. The problem is that they pose environmental risks such as groundwater poisoning. Luckily, the automotive industry has developed tools to make fluid and refrigerant recovery safer and help car wreckers prevent these liquids from reckless disposal.  

A licensed professional may sometimes be on call to handle these fluids from non-working vehicles. They’ll know which tools to use and how to properly as some cities and countries depend on them to do the task instead of encouraging do-it-yourselfers (DIY-ers).  

  • Cutting Tools

The exterior of vehicles is mostly made of steel. Car wreckers use high-quality cutting tools when they dismantle cars for scrap metal. Various cutting tools are multipurpose to help them with cutting tasks.  

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Due to electro-hydraulic technology, some cutting tools can break through thick wiring and brackets. Local hardware shops and rental outlets tend to carry them. Seek out knowledgeable staff members for advice on how to best use them. But professional car wreckers will know how to use them if you doubt your DIY abilities properly.  

Car wreckers will also know how to use a utility knife for cutting hoses and wires efficiently. They’re accustomed to using these highly sharp tools and would know how to use them carefully.  


Car wreckers are provided with tools and equipment to efficiently and safely process vehicles at the end of their lifespans. It’s a joint effort of the car manufacturers and car wrecking industry to make processing safer for the environment. 

Car wreckers Hamilton can save reusable car parts and scrap metal and sell them off instead of ending up in landfills. That’s why if you’re off to sell your non-working vehicles, ensure that the car wreckers you hire are knowledgeable about eco-friendly auto processing.  

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