ConnectPal Review: Helps Bloggers & Celebrities Find New Marketing Avenue

ConnectPal FREE


ConnectPal is a platform that allows anyone who cares – to create a page and start posting useful content and articles that can attract readers to subscribe. The platform is all about creators and readers; the creators publish informative articles, and readers are asked to pay a small subscription fee to read the articles.

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Connect-Pal – mere interpretation of the name explains the platform to be a place to meet with new people. Well, there are different avenues where we meet with potential individuals that can help us in many ways. There are social media channels, forums, and the likes where bloggers and celebrities connect with each other. However, ConnectPal provides a more professional platform for everyone that has a service to offer or that’s looking for a service/skill to learn. Today’s post on ConnectPal Review seeks to introduce ConnectPal’s features and functionalities in the best possible way.

Unlike a typical social media site, ConnectPal lets you showcase your services or skills and get paid as people subscribe to your profile. It is a unique marketing platform for bloggers, celebrities, advertisers, and other professionals.

ConnectPal Overview

ConnectPal Review and Ratings

As a content platform, ConnectPal allows anyone who cares – to create a page and start posting useful content and articles that can attract readers to subscribe. The platform is all about creators and readers; the creators publish informative articles, and readers are asked to pay a small subscription fee to read the articles.

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It looks to be a very perfect place for bloggers, as they can monetize their articles without doing much, such as the expenses and stress of having a personal blog/website. All they need do is sign up on ConnectPal and enter the details of the services and skills they will offer to visitors to their pages.

Also, irrespective of whether you have a ConnectPal creator page or not, for you to read other people’s publications, you have to subscribe to their page. On ConnectPal, you can post text statuses, upload audio or videos, as well as add documents and photos. It is a comprehensive platform for virtually all internet users.

There are lots of cool features to enjoy on ConnectPal if you’re a celebrity. Interestingly, you can edit or update any section of your profile page at any time. ConnectPal offers flexible features and settings, which help users to design compelling pages to attract readers/subscribers. Since no one can access your publications until they subscribe to your page, you need to make your page look professional and compelling enough to convince a reader to pay to access what you share on your personalized page.

How does ConnectPal work?

ConnectPal profile directories

It is important to note that ConnectPal looks at your profile before you get approved to use the platform. The subscription fee paid by page readers is sent to the page owner on the last day of the calendar month.

You’ll receive payment in regards to the total number of active subscribers to your ConnectPal page. Nevertheless, your page must make up to $200 or more before you can get paid at the end of the month by ConnectPal.

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The platform works in a very simple way; you create a page to offer services to people, and in turn, get paid for offering those services.

In the same way, you pay to follow up on other pages that interest you. ConnectPal is most perfect for bloggers and celebrities because they have relevant updates to share with a broad audience.

ConnectPal Pricing

Also, you’re not going to pay any fee to create a ConnectPal page. Unless you’re going to subscribe to other pages, ConnectPal remains completely free to use. Also, you’re the one to set the subscription rate people will pay to view your published content and articles. This subscription is renewed on a monthly basis for readers, and the page owners get paid every month too.

However, ConnectPal includes a service fee to the subscription price of your page. Thus, if your page price is $4/month, your page readers are to pay $4.99/month. The addition .99  cents is the service fee by ConnectPal. Below is how much ConnectPal charges you as a subscriber to a ConnectPal’s profile page.

Subscription Price ConnectPal Service Fee
$4 or less $0.99
$5 – $15 $1.99
$16 & above 15% of the subscription price

ConnectPal Review and Summary

Anyone can register on ConnectPal and the earnings are released at the end of each month; however, you must attain a minimum of $200 to receive payments. Also, ConnectPal is intuitive and user-friendly. Plus, asides from celebrities and bloggers using the platform as a unique marketing avenue, it is also a place for every content creator.

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Samuel Odamah
Ebuka O. Samuel is a technical writer at 3rd Planet Techies Media. He's a tech enthusiast, Android gadgets freak, consumer electronics tweakstar, and a lover of wearable techs.


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