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Career Coaching and its Need for Students

Career Coaching
Many people spend eight hours a day at work except Saturday and Sunday. A huge percentage of them go to the office in the worst mood ever and count the minutes until they return home. And the awful part is that the time spent on the least favorite job never comes back. Indeed, lots of us hate everyday routines and thus face burnout and depression.

And now, imagine what would happen if everyone did what they loved? The necessary step towards such reality is already known, and that is career coaching. In this article, we have collected the reasons why it is so essential for students and what to keep in mind when choosing a career path.

We hope our article will inspire you to immerse into your abilities and see what the market offers today. Surely, you can start by freeing up time in your schedule. Perhaps the best solution would be to buy an essay, which means that your homework will be in good hands. Talented writers always do their best to meet your requirements, so your teachers will certainly be pleased with your results.

Let’s Start With The Basics

Career coaches often receive a simple yet difficult question: “What is the point of your job?” Well, the answer is obvious. Many school students have no idea what they are going to do in life. This is a huge problem that must be addressed at different levels: the state, the market, society, and the family, of course.

Unfortunately, students’ expectations often have nothing in common with the market’s needs. Not to mention those who have no clue what they are good at. And that’s when career coaches save the day: they provide valuable insights and offer guidance to those searching for their path.

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According to the Atlas of Emerging Jobs, 186 new jobs will appear, and 57 will disappear by the year 2030. Even such timeless professions as a doctor or a teacher are transforming due to rapid technological progress. Therefore, it’s essential to know what the future has in store and how to choose a job that won’t lose its relevance soon after.

In fact, career coaching is all about a conscious approach to selecting a field where one can apply their qualities and skills. Surely, one’s interests and abilities are taken into account to decide which college to enter.

What Does a Career Coach Session Look Like?

The whole practice of career coaching comes from the statement that every person is talented, and one must determine where to apply their skills.

To realize what these areas are, the specialist discusses what the student is passionate about, be it hobbies (writing, design, finances), dreams, or plans for the future. Sometimes learners are excited about the job which was brought to their attention by the media or friends. However, they usually don’t know about its pitfalls. That’s when the career coach helps to take the rose-colored glasses off and see things the way they are.

Then comes the stage of matching. What are their predispositions? What are they ready to learn? Next comes choosing a job and a place to get the necessary theoretical base (universities, faculties, online courses, etc.).

Does this mean that one session is enough to get all answers? Surely not, as life is too unpredictable. But still, the student will have a roadmap with career trajectories, as well as the opportunity to try their hand in various areas (through internships, for instance).

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Career Guidance Methods

This part can be of great interest to both students and beginner career coaches.

The first and most popular way to see which job suits you best is tests and consultations. Surely, tests can show which direction you should go in, but the theory is certainly not enough. It’s like completing college papers or riding a bike: everyone needs at least a little practice. So, start with having a conversation with people from the chosen professional field. They can share their experience and give a couple of cool tips.

The second is university career centers. They organize lectures from leading labor market experts and inform students about new job openings and internships. Large companies love to partner with career centers. Arranging their booths at the universities attracts talented and motivated students.

The last and perhaps the most effective method is to literally immerse yourself in the job. Isn’t it amazing to work on a real project being guided by a specialist? This is in many ways similar to an internship, but the requirements are much less. Such things are typically organized by the abovementioned career centers.

Career Guidance Methods

The Career Needs Every Student Has

Popular culture often shows us images of people who are SEOs of large corporations. They radiate happiness and seem to have everything we dream about: stability, money, and confidence. But in practice, not everyone needs to become a top manager. Some are just happy when helping people, and they don’t look for power or fame. Others aim to take risks and discover something new.

So, the sooner you know your career needs, the better. Psychologists mention four types of them:

  • These employees are motivated to be at the top of the pyramid. Thus, if the company doesn’t have noticeable distinct criteria for success, applicants will quickly lose interest. Such candidates aren’t afraid to take responsibility and are ready to sacrifice personal life and leisure for the sake of success;
  • Expertise and recognition. Such employees are crazy about their profession and want to understand it to the smallest detail. Experts are ready for long-term training, be it master’s or doctoral studies, advanced training courses, and reading tons of literature;
  • Self-realization. For them, the career ladder is horizontal. These workers master the main job and then try themselves in related industries. They are often engaged in different departments within the same company. Employees of this type adore unusual tasks and challenges;
  • Risks, new impressions, and wide horizons – that’s what they expect from work. Such employees easily master new areas, but due to boredom, they can’t stay in one place for long. Therefore, they are unlikely to move up the career ladder in one organization.
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To Wrap It Up

Looking for a job without a career coach is like being in the middle of the ocean and not knowing how to swim. Luckily, this specialist will help you see your strengths and needs, write a compelling resume and even prepare for an interview.

If you are still in school, feel free to reach out to them when choosing the university and faculty. And once you are a college student, head to the career center to get the best tips about upcoming internships.

Of course, career coaches don’t guarantee you employment, as they aren’t wizards. But they will surely give you a hand at studying yourself and adapting to the labor market’s realities.



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