How to Become A Beta Tester for BlackBerry Priv Marshmallow Program

As rumored last week, Blackberry priv would be coming with the Android Marshmallow Update and you know what that means, A Boom i must say.
The good news is, you can actually become a beta tester for the blackberry Priv Marshmallow program. This way, you should be among the first to try the Android OS on the Canadian smartphone maker’s first Android device. You’ll then receive an over-the-air update with the beta build.

How to Sign Up For BlackBerry Priv Marshmallow Program

Signing up for this program is easy. All you need to do is to follow the steps as detailed in this post.

  1. Go to the Sign Up Page By Clicking Here
  2. People will be accepted into the program in batches, and it looks like the first one has already been filled. You can however put yourself on the waiting list, and when a new batch of testers are let in you’ll hopefully be among them. Registrations will be open for about two weeks.

The update should be on Phones across the world either in late April or May as stated via this Post. If you have being accepted into the Beta Test program, you stand a chance of reviewing an reporting bugs through an integrated app that is in firmware for that purpose. Though we have all hope that those who makes it into the beta test program, will get an update on the final Build when it comes out, but then, we are only being optimistic as Blackberry have actually not clarified us on this regards.

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