Blog Commenting: The Best Way To Comment On Blogs

Since blogging is all about sharing ideas and opinions, the amount and quality of comments on a blog is very important. Its like sharing your opinion with an audience in real life, you expect them to say something in return or at less air what they fell about your ideas. From this, I can infer that the quality of comments on a blog is an evidence of the quality of that blog. Not only is blogging commenting important for the audience, you as a blogger should also go to other blogs related to your niche and comment on their post.

Why commenting on Other blogs related to your niche is important

Its important that you comment on other blogs related to your niche because search engines would consider the amount of links coming back to your blog before rating your blog and giving you free traffic. Not only that, if you comment on blogs with CommentLuv Plugin enable, you are sure of getting traffic to your blog and two links. One to the main index page, the other to your latest post or any other post of your choice if the blog you comment on is using CommentLuv Premium. Also, blog commenting is also one of the best free ways of getting quality back links from high ranking domains to your blog. So if you are not commenting on blogs already, you should probably start and if you are, you should follow the methods below to improve the quality of comments you post.

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Best Way To Comment On Blogs

A link to your blog is not considered as quality if the source its coming from is not related to your niche. Therefore before you start commenting,find blogs that are related to your Niche. Follow the method below to find related blogs.
Open google and search in th is format Your keyword “This blog uses premium CommentLuv” -“The version of CommentLuv on this site is no longer supported.”
Place the your “Your keyword” with your own keyword . See the example below
blog commenting “This blog uses premium CommentLuv” -“The version ofCommentLuv on this site is no longer supported.”

Read This to Learn How To Find Blogs related to your Niche

I recommend you should comment mainly on blogs with CommentLuv Premium because it gives you ability to link directly with any post, and even choose your keywords.

The Truth Behind Do Follow and No Follow Links

so much is being placed on the Do/No follow links but the truth is when commenting on blogs, it doesn’t matter if the links you get are do follow or no follow because a No follow link from a PR7 blog is better than a do follow link from a PR2 blog. I am not saying getting do follow links isn’t important, but it should not be the only reason why you comment on other blogs. Here are some other things you can get out of commenting on blogs:

  • You become recognized by other bloggers as an authority figure in that niche
  • You improve your page rank if you get links from blogs with good page rank (either Do or No follow  links will do this for you)
  • You free traffic and unique visitors to your blog
  • You learn new things and gain ideas you can use for future posts
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How Long Your comment Should be

Commenting on a blog is like airing your own opinion after someone has aired theirs. So if someone talks for an hour and all you can say is “Thanks a lot for the talk” or “well done”, it really gets the person wondering if you are following and its not just encouraging. Next time you want to comment, and the article is more than 400 words, be sure to leave a comment of atleast 30 – 40 words or more. That way the blog owner takes your comment more seriously and you don’t come off as a spammer

Tips To Follow – When you want to start commenting full time on other blogs, don’t just leave one random comment and never come back again, it makes you appear as a spammer. What you should do is, bookmark every blog you comment on that is related to your niche and even subscribe to their feeds if its available. That way you can be a Top commentator and you gain recognition from them. So start now and bookmark every blog you visit that is related to your niche

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Kyle Stevens
Kyle Stevens is an out going creative writer and tech blogger who has a passion for helping people and building creativity in the mind, through his outstanding tutorials, articles and excellent reviews of any gadget.


  1. Thanks a lot for this informative blog. I am a professional digital marketer and I use blog commenting for my clients to get backlinks. A professional comment can bring you traffic to your site. So, don’t spam. Use the white hat techniques for commenting.

  2. Hello,

    Thanks a lot for these wonderful tips. I really learned a lot from it. Before, I used to think that it doesn’t matter how long or short your comment looks, but now after reading this article, I understand it really matters a lot.

  3. Hi,
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  4. Really helpful… I use some plugin to stop the spam comments, also try to give my views after reading the article :)

  5. Really helpful guide for newbies like me,,, Thanks

  6. Here you open a right topic those who really in web basket to keep users view and idea. Only idea is core of changes, improvement and growth. However most of comment is positive but some are negative. There are many comment tools but commentluv is good one.


  7. 101 CommentLuv Do Follow Blogs With High PageRank to Increase BlogTechBlogCom 101 CommentLuv Do Follow Blogs With High PageRank to Increase BlogTechBlogCom

    […] I would be Revealing to your 101 CommentLuv DoFollow blogs with high pagerank which you can use to increase your traffic, boost your search engine ratings and get good page rank in the long run. Blog commenting is one of the major ways to get DoFollow links back to your website, because most times when you try submitting your your guest articles to blogs with high page rank, its quite a bit of a headeche. So whats the best way to get your link blog? Blog commenting. Read the best ways to comment on blog before proceeding to commenting […]

  8. Its quite a nice thing to have you here. And I like the mind set you set about commenting on blogs, you would really make a great audience. Thanks for commenting

  9. Haha, I like the point you with respect to how long a comment should be.
    Saying just thank you for an hour talk is indeed funny.
    I prefer writing hundrend words for a comment.
    It’s my first time here and I’m really impressed.

  10. Thanks for commenting . Thats true and something I seemed to have omitted. To leave a reasonable comment, you need to read the whole article so that you can get proper understanding on what the article is about.

  11. Adesanmi Adedotun Adesanmi Adedotun

    Leaving a reasonable comment on a blog required proper understanding of the whole article. And that is why it’s more advisable to read whole article before leaving a comment so that your comment will look professional


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