Clear Signs of a bad Hosting Provider or Company

Web hosting Providers are always expected to be scalable, reliable, secured, maintenance conscious, support accessible and highly technical so as to be able to answer the needs of their clients.

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When a hosting company lacks these features and at the same time fails to employ permanent staffs or freelancers that possesses such skills they will definitely perform very awful in the business  of hosting, thereby termed as bad by their clients.

For a host to be rated among the top-notched ones they need follow professionally ascertained practices that will enable it provide state of the art services to it’s clients.

One trait common to bad hosting companies is how cheap they make their hosting services to appear, while they are indirectly giving you what you actually paid. Not all cheap host are necessarily bad, but most bad host seems to be listed among the cheapest around, this makes it mandatory for you to make extensive review of a particular host before jumping into their payment page .

This article will serve as a guideline for those seeking for a better hosting company to server their blog and those planning on purchasing a host for their company websites .

Known Reasons While Many Fall for Bad Hosting Companies:

  • Very Low Budget

You must avoid being in a hurry when choosing a host for your blog or website, if you are dead broke or on a very low budget you can start up your blog by hosting it on your local machine using wamp server, make your post daily, do all necessary designs  and configuration while saving for a better host. Even if you are a student and rely solely on pocket money for your excesses, you can still use this method effectively while gradually saving for a better hosting company that will always stand the test of time .

  • Too much Publicity
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It is a known fact that this cheap sulky hosting companies spends more money on sponsored review, advertisement and link building than they spend maintaining their hosting servers. Most of them even spend double of the money that would have gone into improving their hosting equipment and data centers  in needless adverts splattered everywhere, this in turn gives them popularity of some sort making it easy for young bloggers to get trapped in their cheap adverts and paid review .

  • Ignorance

This is another factor that makes people fall for this type of host too, they never know there is such thing as good  and bad host and as such will lay their hands on any when the opportunity comes. Most of this hosting companies also run free give-away  in some popular blogs getting some ignorant nobs trapped in the process.

  • Recommendation By Others

Some of us do not know there was such thing as affiliate when we started out and was easily deceived by  friends who gave us their affiliate links instead of listing out the good features of the said host for us. Most  bloggers are desperate for making money and will easily give out their affiliate links when contacted for recommendation.

See also : top23 2013 List of Legitimate Web hosting Companies In Nigeria & their addresses

 Signs that Tells you that a Host Could be a Bad One :

  • Too Many Sponsored review

This is one of the easiest signs to spot out a host that will chunk dry your valuable time and effort in the future. After all they ‘ve got experts in their sales and marketing department who already knows how difficult it could be making huge sales without huge positive reviews in top blogs around. When all reviews that shows up on your search result when making a search for the said host is from known sites that offers sponsored review for a fee, it is a bad sign and should raise a red flag in your mind for such host. Certainly not only popular host with millions of review are the best, still yet many new hosting companies usually pay money to get some positive review in top blogs, get hooked on with your personal discretion when starting out on such host .

  • Bad Support
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Many of us do not know how to search intensively before choosing a host, do not just enter “hosting company name good or bad” or   “hosting company name sulks or rocks” when making a review search for the hosting company you plan using, rather use keywords like “hosting company name support, awesome?” or “hosting company name features and downtime” this will enable you search for specific terms you are looking out for in a perfect host. If they ‘ve got bad support team, you need run as far as possible to avoid future heart break.

  • They Offer Free Plans

Not all free hosting company is bad but most of them will always come after  you when your site starts getting popularity. The bad aspect of it is that they may not offer you a one time upgrade plan, but will like to build a money making scheme on the success of your site.

  •   Overall Reputation and Features

If your review shows that the hosting company overall reputation is very low or do not offer the features they promised on registration, it is good enough reason for you to run too far away from them


  • Price, Downtime Disk-space and Bandwidth allocation 

It is better to pay a honest higher fee for a good host than pay some hidden fee for a host that will not make their pricing coherent enough for newbies to understand . Always make review about hidden fees and adherence to their refund policies before placing an order. Falsified Up-time, disk-space and  bandwidth allocation is one of those things this bad host uses to trap new victims to their sulky hosting services. Always ask them during the life chat section to categorically explain their disk and bandwidth policy for you before making any order  ‘cos most of them promising you unlimited disk-space and bandwidth are only using it as a marketing strategy and would never keep to it.

As full as Possible List of LiteSpeed SSD Hosting Companies for Biz

Also see : Security Advice for those who still uses free downloaded Premuim wordpress themes

Think I ‘ve omitted something ? let’s get your honest comments and opinion below

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. I really appreciate your article, it’s a great one but I will agree with you that we don’t have good Nigerian host, I’m using for my two sites, their services are very cool, good support service with fast loading time, one of my sites is IT all depends on the company we use.

  2. Adesanmi Adedotun Adesanmi Adedotun

    I personally believe you wrote this article purposely because of me, why? I was planning to move my blog from blogger platform to wordpress but contemplating on the type of host I should swap to for the first time but don’t really know much about hosting since my blog has been existing on blogger platform but with this, I think I need to look before I finally leap.

    • Thanks for your valuable comments Adesanmi, wishing you goodluck as you move your blog

  3. That’s an insightful article there. It’s also important to get advice from people who have dealt with a host before jumping in with the host. A happy birthday to Obasi Miracle, more success in your endeavours.

    • Thanks for dropping by Olumide, If you consider your site very important to you, the choice of the hosting company to power it should also be of uttermost importance to you.

      This is why I will make another post some decent foreign hosting coys out there that won’t frustrate you like mochahost and other Nigerian based local hosting companies

  4. Hello Obasi,
    You have stated it well and these are indeed signs you should look for.
    When i first started blogging new, i registered my domain with a Nigerian hosting provider. I must say that my first 3 months in the blogophere was discouraging because the hosting plan i was subscribe to, has just so many issues with their servers and the most painful part of it all, they do not have technicians. But thanks God all that is behind me now :)

    There is nothing bad in using a cheap host, but it is better to allow an expert to guide you then to fall for these mistakes that might ruin your blog…

    • Thanks for dropping by Babanature, to tell you my very honest truth, there isn’t any Nigerian webhost I can boldly recommend to a friend as it now. almost all the current hosting companies sucks except you are using it for test-running purposes.

      They even ruined a very good friend of mine recently.

      Your other tips are very helpful, thanks for that bro

      • I wonder why you guys alway speak negative of our local host,am seriously enjoying them,good customer serv ice.If you wish to know,you may visit and for details

        • Thanks for that Ebima, you might have had luck with Nigerian host simply ‘cos you are already a tech guru, definitely not because their services are great.

          Nigerian hosting company owners can hardly provide support ‘cos they are no experts themselves neither do they no much about the hosting business.

          Most of them are even worse than free hosting companies out there, they just purchase a month reseller account, install one nuked management script off they are to marketing.

          I am very sorry if my comments sounds rather too harsh.

          Note that this does not apply to majority of local host out there, but most of them really sucks big time

          • You are very right Obasi,i ran out of Luck yesterday when my site and others hosted on my host was suspended for reason am yet to understand.
            If i had saw your reply before then,i would have said you are a prophet of doom,any way am making move to move out of that host asap,thanks once again for your eye opening and timely post

          • You are always welcome, Ebimablog! Your feedback has always been awesome too

  5. Bilal Ahmed scammed me , his domain seemed professional, but he scammed a lot of people.

    • Thanks Singh for pointing out as one of the bad, scamming, sulky web hosting provider out there. More explanation on your reason for such claim and Others opinion about them will seem valuable too

  6. Temilola Globalwalyy Temilola Globalwalyy

    I couldn’t much agreed with you, but most of the reason why people uses bad host is simple because they didn’t know how bad they are, and they are so lazy or don’t know how to do some research on them, no one will intentionally throw is company name inside well..

    Thanks for this wonderful post/…

    • what you have written is a valid reason why many easily fall for bad web hosting companies

  7. Its always good to start up with a good host as those bad once can destroy your plan and cause you not to achieve your goal. Thanks for sharing, your article is really resourceful and helpful


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