Automobile Repair and Maintenance Tips for all Road Vehicles

best repair tips for automobilesThe possibilities of modern vehicles is so mind-boggling, from modern GPS system to mobile internet in cars and the ability to run apps and movies. The modern automobiles needs as much care as possible in order to last you for a very long time.

Having this in mind, the 3rd Planet Techies editors have decided to compile a decent enough repair and maintenance tips for road vehicles and automobiles.

We strongly believe that this is going to complement our earlier post on Top 10 Best Car Maintenance Tips that was focused on cars alone.

In this improved version, we considered the best maintenance tips for automobiles covering wider categories. Viz;

  • Motorbikes
  • Cars
  • Heavy Duty Vehicles
  • Electrical/Electronic Components in Vehicles

Best Repair and Maintenance Tips for Motorbikes

  1. Bleed the Brakes
  2. Clean the Chain
  3. Change the Oil
  • Bleed the Brakes: – Cleaning the brake fluid for brakes running easier is an important thing to do for every motorcycle user.

The tools needed?

I.                Bottle for old fluid

II.                New brake fluid

III.                Hand tools

Start with the simple rear brake. Attached the catch bottle the brake nipple as well press the hand brakes to release the liquid.

Use a screwdriver top of the master cylinder reservoir then check the level as you bleed out the old fluid. If the reservoir is empty, fill it with new fluid.

Before you go to the road, press the brakes down to make sure they are working properly then check below your bike for any leaks.

  • Cleaning the Chain: To clean your motorcycle’s chain effectively you’ll need the tools listed below and use accordingly

I.                Brush

II.                De-greaser

III.                Lubricant

Dunk a brush in degreaser plus wipe down the whole chain, make sure that it can not remove from the sprocket. Once you clean the chain, implement oil on the inside of the chain to promote smooth play. Start your motorcycle furthermore checks to make sure the chain is properly attached.


  • Change the Oil: – Change the oil of your motorcycle after every 4,000 miles or after every six months. This is particularly stated on the motorcycle manual.

Tools need for this;-

I.            Engine Oil (recommended for your motorcycle by the manufacturer, usually a litre)

II.            Oil filter

III.            Funnel

IV.            Drip Pan

Remove the bolt from the rear side of the Engine, empty old engine oil and fit back the bolt using a 17″ spanner. Pour in the new engine oil using the tools listed above.

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Best Repair and Maintenance Tips for Cars

For vehicle repair and basic maintenance tips, you’ll need look at the following aspects of your vehicles and give proper attention to it.

  • Air Filter Tip
  • Windshield Wipers Tip
  • Spark Plugs Tip
  • Oil and Oil Filter Tips
  • Battery Maintenance Tips
  • Radiator Flush Tip
  • Brake Pad Tip
  • Fuel Filter Replacement Tip

Air Filter

You have need for a new air filter after  every 12 months or 12,000 miles for your car, which comes first. It’s in black rectangular box which is covered by metal clips.

Check the position of the old filter how it fits Or not. Remove the old one from the place and put in new one on the same spot.

Windshield Wipers

You have to change your car Windshield Wipers after every 6 months or after a year. Lift the blades as if you were washing your wisdshield by hand, and old one.

Take note of how old one is attached to the metal arms. Attach the new one on same position pay attention so it doesn’t get damaged or bends.

Spark Plugs

In general you have to change your Car Spark Plug after the 30,000 miles. But for the more information check your car service manual which is given by your service center.

Remove the wire which wind to the spark plugs don’t remove all the wire at once, because you have to maintain the order of the Plug. Install new one on same position.

Oil and Oil Filter

It is a recommended action  to always change your car oil after 3,000 miles. But if your car operating is smoother then change your car oil after every 5,000 miles.

For more information check your car manual. Never change car oil when your car engine is hot. Wait for a while to make sure that the engine is cool.

You must get engine cool before getting the work. Locate your car oil pan, and remove the old oil from the oil pan and then install the new oil in same pan.

Battery Maintenance

If you want better performance and run your car smoothly then it is essential that your car battery is in good condition.

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Remove your battery terminal which straight fair process Make sure that you remove negative cables first. Then clean the posts. Rinse the clean oil with a little water. Dry the posts with rags. Replace battery terminals.

Radiator Flush

Radiator and cooling system needs to be clean for your car to work efficiently and effectively. Make sure that your car is cool before going to work.

Replace the drain plugs and remove the radiator cap. Use the funnel to use the funnel cleaning solution and then fill the radiator with the water and then replace the radiator cap.

Brake Pads

Needs to replace your Break Pad after 20,000 miles for a better performance. If you use your car consistently then you have to change your car break pad frequently.

Jack up your car and remove the wheel, remove the break caliper so that break pad slide out. The break cap should be at 12 o’clock position.

Then remove the old Break pad and replace the newer one on the same position. Re-install the break caliper and then simply put your car wheel back on.

Fuel Filter Replacement

You have to change Fuel filter annually in other to maintain smooth and effective working of your car. Start the car pull the fuse when the engine dies, you’ll know you choose the correct one.

Disconnect the fuel line from the fuel filter. Turn the bolt counter-clock wise until it remove. Repeat same process for the other side of the fuel. Remove the old filter. Change the filter washers, which are connected to the fuel line.

Install the new filter, do the opposite process for the removing of the old filter. Return the fuel pump fuse and start the car.

Knowing these few basic DIY car maintenance tips would help you save some bucks on repairs and give you an idea of when to visit an auto-mechanic and/or auto-service shop for the servicing of your cars.

Maintaining a neat vehicle by washing it regularly is another tip that mustn’t be overlooked by either old or new car owners.

Best Repair and Maintenance Tips for Heavy Duty Vehicles

While such vehicles aren’t usually used by individuals, it is important to know some basic tips for maintaining them. The tips can come handy for advice and reference purposes.

I.            Setup calendar For a Personalized Preventative Maintains Plan

a.     Scan your equipment from front to back as well inside or out. Make a list of areas that require checks. Follow the same process quarterly.

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b.     Make the copy of that checks and bring with you when your on rode. Also take the mechanic suggestion that point are correct.

c.      Keep the track when the certain parts and equipment requires attention.

II.            Pre and Post Trip Inspection list

A.     All Lights and Signals: – It should  include any not working marker lights, tail lights, headlights, high beams, low beams, as well as turn indicators.

B.     Check Tire Thread: – The tire thread should be greater than 4/32 on steer position. For other tire positions 3/32.

C.     Check for Oil Leaks: Oil leaks may be happening in the engine areas, transmission, differentials as well as wheel seals.

D.    Check Air System for any Leaks tire as well as break.

E.     Make Sure the Air Brake system Light on the heavy duty vehicle Functions Correctly

F.     Check Oil as well as Coolant Levels.

G.    Check that Windshield is working properly.

H.    Check Air Hoses for Rubbing as well as Chaffing

III.            Don’t Wait:-

This tips are only helpful when you take the action. If you are ignoring your preventative maintenance schedule, then it will turn in bigger cost and higher risk safety problem.

IV.            What Does Maintenance Routine Look Like?

Being proactive in your maintenance routine can lead to big savings in terms of time, money, stress and sundry commitments.

Best Repair & Maintenance Tips for Electrical/Electronic Components in Vehicles

This is the final aspect of vehicle maintenance tips that we are going to be considering today. Usually the electrical/electronic components of vehicles doesn’t need as much servicing as the mechanical parts but must be given appropriate attention to prevent any form of hazards and safety blunders.

Some of the components that needs regular attention is listed below for your perusal.

  • Light System
  • Audio/ Video Devices
  • Video Accessories
  • Charging system
  • Electrical supply system
  • Sensors and etc.

It is a recommended practice to replace these parts once they are faulty, except they are classified as serviceable.

This is usually done by a certified professional. Make it a routine to check for their proper working once in a while and consult a certified technician once there’s an issue with any of them.

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3ptechies Team
Team 3ptechies is a legion of tech apostles who are gadgets freak, tech enthusiasts, and lover of modern techs. Note: Our words are ours and as such doesn't represent the opinion of 3rd Planet Techies.


  1. Thanks for the advice on how to better maintain your vehicle! I have never been one to work on my car myself because there are so many different components that you need to know. It definitely interests me and I hope to learn one day! I never knew that different kinds of brake fluid can change the way that your car operates! Thanks again!

  2. I agree with your tip about making sure your car battery is in good condition to keep your car in good shape. My brother is really good at helping me when I need to get my car checked out. I will be sharing these car maintenance tips with my brother.

  3. Thank you so much for the information about when to replace your brake pads! I have been driving my car for quite some time and I have been hearing some weird noises recently. I have not replaced my brake pads in quite some time — I think that is causing the noises. I appreciate that you also inform us of how to change the brake pads yourself. Thanks again!

  4. Thanks for the tip to change the air filters and windshield wipers often on your car. You also said that you should install a new air filter every 12 months. I think it’s a good idea to do minor maintenance on your car yourself to save some money at the repair shop.

  5. I have always had the mindset that it is better to spend a small amount of money and time on maintenance rather than a large amount of time and Monday on a big fix that came from a lack of maintenance. Like you said, it is important to check and replace things like the air filter and oil filter. Making those small replacements makes the overall car work better and avoid future problems.

  6. These are good tips for car maintenance especially for people like me that are newer to the car world. I didn’t realize that you needed to change care oil so frequently, looks like I will be making a trip to an auto repair shop for an oil change. One thing that’s been helping me is reading through my car’s manual, it’s a lot of information to take in but it’s good things to know for proper care of the car.

  7. I like that you talked about how you should make sure that your car doesn’t have any oil leaks. It does seem like a good thing to be aware of if you want to have your car working well. I know that I wouldn’t have thought that it would be a huge problem.

  8. Johnny McCarron Johnny McCarron

    You know, I think it is a really good thing that you talked about how to check your oil. That is something that you would think would be common knowledge, but many people aren’t familiar with that process. I, for one, didn’t know how to check oil until recently. Your tips should help out a bit. Do you have any other advice about vehicle maintenance?

  9. Thanks for sharing some tips for keeping your vehicle in reliable shape. You make a good point about how important it is to make sure you are changing your car’s oil. I didn’t realize that this could have such a huge affect on the way your vehicle operates. I will have to make sure I am doing everything I can to keep my engine running smoothly.

  10. It would be great if everyone knew these tips about their cars. That way, they can prevent any problems or dangers from occurring. Then they don’t end up getting into accidents because of faulty brake pads. And, they also won’t have to spend a bunch of money getting a problem fixed that could have been easily fixed beforehand.

  11. I like that you pointed out that it would be smart to keep a list of parts that are used or changed in your car. that would be a really good thing to do if you need to get some work down on your engine. It seems like that would help the machine shop working on your car do a better job if they know where things that were already having a problem are.


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