A Smart Look at the Must Use Top 10 Plugins for Oxwall

What plugin is needed?

Which is the best option?

It’s no secret regarding the rapid growth of the Oxwall software nor the amount of social networking and dating websites powered by the Oxwall and Skadate platform. With that in mind questions like the ones above are bound to arise. Today we shall take a look at the top 10 plugins for Oxwall that will help you manage your Oxwall-powered social network or Skadate dating site and build a “user friendly” community.

Top 10 Plugins for oxwall

Do not get it all wrong, the plugins that are shortlisted here are not necessarily the most good-looking plugin that gives your site ultra-modern look or the most expensive or high sounding plugins rather they are what I termed “core Oxwall plugins” and a must use for every Oxwall/Skadate powered site.

N/B: please note that the plugins listed herein  are the ones that are not installed by default in your website.

A Shortlist of the Top 10 Oxwall/Skadate “Core” Plugins

  1. Smart Captcha

Plugin Preview

Is no coincident that this plugin made our top list, considering the enormity of it’s essence, it’s also no brainier that is one of the most needed plugin for every oxwall powered site.

The smart captcha plugin as the name implies, is a customizable plugin that gives your website captcha a smart look and protect your site with customizable questions that only human can answer, thereby, reducing the numbers of spam registration and prevent robots from creating spam accounts on your website.

customer reviews
customer reviews
smart captcha comments
Users Testimony on Smart Captcha

Features of the Smart Captcha Plugin

  1. Customizable Layout: The smart captcha plugin layout can be fully customized through the admin dashboard=> plugins=> installed=> smart captcha=> settings. Areas of customization include: the color & dimension (height & Width).
  2. Custom Question: The plugin give you an option to add and delete captcha question and also provide a room for multiple answers. i.e you can add a question like: nine + 3 which have more than one answers (i.e twelve, 12).
  3. Auto-Load:If you added more than one question, the smart captcha randomize your question for each visitor. N/B: It is recommended that you add at least 10  questions and ones very difficult for robots to answer e.g. Who is the president of the United States of America or even more, provide a different link and ask the user to tell the page color of the link you provided.
  4. A Smart Look: This is probably the most less important factor to consider, but it comes quite handy if you are running a professional site. If you are “beauty freak” I can assure you that the smart captcha is a lot more flashy than you think or at least better than the oxwall default captcha.
How I added 4 Footer Widget Area to my Smf Forum

Show me the Demo

Don’t be so fast, “the master of patience is the master of all things” viz… here it is….

Plugin title Smart Captcha
Item published Kairat Bakitow
Category Authentication
Demo page oxplugins.net/join
License The BSD License
Description Protect your site with questions that only a human being can answer.Requirements: Oxwall 1.5.2+

Download Smart Captcha

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics

This plugins helps you to monitor your site starts directly from your admin dashboard.

Plugin Details

Plugin title Google Analytics
Item published Oxwall Software
Category System, Utilities
License The BSD License
Description Track your site visitor statistics with Google Analytics

Download Google Analytics

3. Ultimate Landing Page (Facebook Clone)

Ultimate Landing Page (Facebook Clone)

Now fully compatible with Skadate platform! – A powerful fully responsive Oxwall application that let you have a professional landing page – customizable to your taste without breaking the bank.
The plugin allows you to setup a professional landing page for your social network/dating site. Though termed “Facebook Clone”, you can customize the look of your landing page through the admin dashboard.

Customer reviews

Plugin Details

Plugin title Ultimate Landing Page (Facebook Clone)
Item published Ebenezer Obasi
Category Interface, Optimization
Price $16
Demo page http://oxwall.ewtnet.us
License OSCL
Description Now fully compatible with Skadate platform! – A powerful fully responsive Oxwall application that let you have a professional landing page – customizable to your taste without breaking the bank.

Ultimate Landing Page (Facebook Clone)

4. PayPal Billing

PayPal Billing

If you are running a site that requires users to make payment, such as purchasing user credit, donation or if you are using the fundraisung plugin, then you need paypal billing as well.

Plugin Details.

Plugin title PayPal Billing
Item published Skalfa LLC
Category Integrations, Monetization
Price $20
License OSCL
Description Accept payments from users with PayPal payment provider

Download PayPal Billing

5. HTML Mail Weaver Oxwall/Skadate Plugin

Create your own professional e-mail template within a few minutes without any coding skills. Easily change texts, colors, fonts, pictures, alignment and see all your changes immediately in the live preview.

HTML Mail Weaver is a Skadate compatible Oxwall plugin that allows you to design beautiful email templates for your Oxwall/Skadate website. The plugin wraps all your outgoing emails from your Skadate/Oxwall within the HTML template you have designed.

5 Important Rules in Website Design

Email Design Features of HTML Mail Weaver

  • CUSTOM COLORS: Customize all colors for header, footer background, fonts and tables with color pickers
  • EDIT FONTS: All fonts can be styled according to your corporate design. Headlines, content, order items, variations, footer, ….
  • HEADER: Use your logo, a full width header or just a text header.
  • FOOTER EDITOR: Your email footer can contain any formatted text, links or even images.
  • SAVE DESIGN: Save your design and load it into workspace for re-use.
  • RESPONSIVE: Emails are optimized for desktop and mobile email clients.
  • MULTI-LINGUA SUPPORT: Currently, the plugin is available on English language. Users, however, are encourage to share their language pack with the community.
Oxwall/Skadate Email template designer plugin
HTML Mail Weaver Reviews

HTML Mail Weaver Plugin Details

Plugin title HTML Mail Weaver
Item published Ebenezer Obasi
Category System, Utilities
Price $149
Demo page www.eobasi.com/projects/oxwall-html-mail/
License OSCL
Description Build beautiful responsive HTML Skadate/Oxwall HTML email templates, fully customizable without any coding knowledge. Create your own professional email template with your own logo within a few minutes.

Download HTML Mail Weaver

6. Country Flag Extreme

For some reasons I believe that this is where oxwall missed it all, then one begins to wonder “how come this never occur to them”. This plugin will add a country flag option to your website.

Customers Review
Customer Review

Features of Country Flag Extreme

  1. New profile field: This plugin will add a new profile questions that will show on your join page by default. This field gives you a complete countries list in a dropdown format and allows users to select only one country.
  2. Profile Flag: The Country Flag Extreme plugin adds a sleek flag just below users avatar when their profile is visited. This option can be enabled by visiting the admin dashboard=> plugins=> Installed=> Country Flag Extreme=> settings, after installing the plugin.
  3. Auto detect country: Country Flag Extreme plugin detect new users country based on ip during signup
  4. Privacy settings: Users allowed to set who sees their country from privacy settings.

Plugin Details

Plugin title Country Flag Extreme
Item published Roderick
Category Interface, Social networking
Demo page oxwallplugins.top-motion.be
License The BSD License
Description Show user country flag.- Adds profile question for country- Auto detect based on ip on new user signup- Admin settings to show flag below avatar or in profile fields.- Privacy settings
bbpress Review - How to install forum in wordpress

Download Country Flag Extreme

7. Cache Cleaner Extreme

Cache Cleaner Extreme

I must admit that this plugin changed my life… viz, saved me the stress of enabling and disabling dev mod from my cpanel. Now I can clear my cache directly from my admin dashboard=> plugins=> installed=> Cache Cleaner Extreme=> settings.

 Customer reviews
Customer reviews

Plugin Details

Plugin title Cache Cleaner Extreme
Item published Roderick
Category System, Utilities
Demo page oxwallplugins.top-motion.be
License The BSD License
Description Clear the cache while NOT in DEV-mode- Template Cache- Backend Cache- Themes static contents- Plugins static contents

Download Cache Cleaner Extreme


8. External NoFollow

Scare away spammers with this plugin, just incase you didn’t  notice  “spammers hates nofollow links just the way you hate spammers themselves” reason is because search engine pay no attention to links with the rel nofollow tag. This plugin will add a rel nofollow tag to all the external links in your website, I specially recommend this plugin to every social network site owner.

Customer Review

Plugin Details

Plugin title External NoFollow
Item published Purusothaman Ramanujam
Category Authentication, Utilities
Demo page oxwall-demo.iyaffle.com
License http://www.iYaffle.com
Description Automatically add rel=”nofollow” attributes for all external links to discourage spam bots. Not all search engines can parse this.

Download External NoFollow

9.Top Users

 Top Users

A free plugin that let members rate other members profile.

 Customer reviews
Customer reviews

 Plugin Details

Plugin title Top Users
Item published Oxwall CandyStore
Category Collaboration, Social networking
License The BSD License
Description Top users plugin, enables profile rating

Download Top Users


10. Advertisement

On a second thought, this plugin should be topping this list, though the last but no the least, the Advertisement plugin gives oxwall cms powered site owner the power to add advertisement code in their website. This plugin lets you add your custom html or JavaScript code such as adsense, chitika, addynamo, yahoobing media.net adds, etc. code in your global header, bottom section, individual pages and plugins.

 Customer reviews

Features of the Advertisement Plugin

  1. Geo-targeting: This plugin features a geo-targeting option that enable you choose which country sees a particular ad.
  2. Randomize Ad: This plugins also provide you with the option to place more than one ad in one ad space and automatically load different ad each time a page is been reloaded.

Plugin Details

Plugin title Advertisement
Item published Oxwall Software
Category Monetization
License The BSD License
Description Simple banner ad management with geo-targeting

Download Advertisement

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Obasi Ebenezer
Obasi Ebenezer, popularly known as "De Gurusmaker" is a proud blogger who specializes on writing tips for webmasters, developers, & Wannabe designers. He enjoys talking, so feel free to connect with him on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.


  1. I am very grateful for your nice article.

  2. Obasi, I am very grateful for your nice article.
    After I nstalled on my server, I am now ready to try this plugins that you recommended.

    Thanks again.

  3. Great info … what is the oxwall though … inbox me with the answer

  4. As always Obasi, you provide some great useful content that we can use. Thanks for sharing!!

  5. great look at the must use oxwall plugins – thanks Obasi !

  6. Some plugin like google analytic,external no-follow,paypal billing are well known to me.Rest are the new.


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