Home Mobile Computing Telecommunication Latest codes for 9Mobile (etisalat) Internet subscription

Latest codes for 9Mobile (etisalat) Internet subscription

9Mobile formerly Etisalat is one the most influential telecommunications service provider in Nigeria. It offers favorable tariff plan rates and data packages.

This article will be of help to anyone searching out for latest 9Mobile subscription codes. It has the latest valid USSD codes for 9Mobile’s data bundles and internet subscription packages.

Internet Bundle Plans (Monthly, Weekly, and Daily)

Here are the latest valid codes to subscribe to 9Mobile’s internet bundles. You can use them for your cell phone, smart watches and tablet devices.

Plan Details (Data Cap) (N) Price Duration USSD code SMS to 229
Monthly plans (Mobile and PC)
1GB (1000MB) 1,000 30 days *229*2*7#
1.5GB (1500MB) 1,200 30 days *229*2*25# AND11
2.5GB (2500MB) 2,000 30 days *229*2*8# AND2
4GB (4000MB) 3,000 30 days *229*2*35#
5.5GB (5500MB) 4,000 30 days *229*2*36#
11.5GB (11,500MB) 8,000 30 days *229*2*5# MB6
15GB (15, 000MB) 10,000 30 days *229*4*1# SM1
27.5GB (27. 500MB) 18,000 30 days *229*4*3# SM3
Weekly Plans
150MB 200 7 days (1 week) *229*2*10# LCD
Daily Plans
10MB 50 24 Hours (1 day) *229*3*8# MI3
40MB 100 24 Hours (1 day) *229*3*1# MI1

Flexible 9Mobile data plans

Flexible Data Plans
Plan Details (N) Price Duration USSD code Description
1GB 200 Daily Night Plan (5 Hours) *229*3*11# Valid for 24 hours, but can only be used at Night 12 am -5 am
2GB 1,000 Every evening and weekends (30 days) *229*3*12# Works 7 PM – 7 AM from Monday to Thursdays and works for 24 hours on weekends (Fri – Sun)
5GB + 100MB for WhatsApp 2,000 Every evening and weekends (30 days) *229*3*13# Works 7 PM – 7 AM from Monday to Thursdays and works for 24 hours on weekends (Fri – Sun)
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 Random 9mobile Data Plans

Random Data Plans
Plan Details (N) Price Duration USSD Codes SMS to 229
500MB 500 30 days *229*2*12# LCD2
Quarterly plan (30GB) 27,500 90 days *229*5*1# 4M
bi-annual plan (60GB) 55,000 120 days *229*5*2# 6M
100GB Plan 84,992 30 days *229*4*5# SM5
annual plan (120GB) 110,000 365 days (1year) *229*5*3# 12M
1GB (weekend plan) 500 Friday 11:59pm – Sunday 11:59pm (2days, 48 hours) *5995*2#  –

SmartPak Bundles

With these 9Mobile SmartPak Bundles, you are sure never going to run out of data soon. It has hourly, daily, and weekly data plans that fit into every pocket and lifestyle.

It features 5 interesting Paks – ChatPak, SocialMe Pak, Video Pak, Special Smart Chat Pak, and Special Social Pak.

SmartPak Type Price (N) Subscription Codes Access to

Chat Pak

Daily 50 *343*5*5# WhatsApp, BBM & WeChat
weekly 150 *343*5*6#
Monthly 400 *343*5*7#

Social Me Pak

Daily 100 *343*6*7# Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Eskimi, WhatsApp, BBM WeChat
weekly 300 *343*6*8#
Monthly 700 *343*6*9#

Video Pak

2 Hours 400 *229*3*5# 2 hours of unlimited video streaming from any app
3 Days 500 *253*1# 3 hours of uninterrupted video streaming + “free” night streaming ( fair usage T&C applies)
7 Days 1000 *253*2# 7 hours of uninterrupted video streaming + “free” night streaming ( fair usage T&C applies)
Special Smart Chat Pak Weekly N500 (with 1.5GB data allowance) *343*5*10# BBM, WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook messenger
Special Smart Social Pak Weekly N700 (with 2GB data allowance) *343*6*12# BBM, WhatsApp, facebook, twitter, Eskimi, Instagram, Wechat, kakao Talk

Smartphone Plans

9Mobile smartphone data plans lets you make calls at 20K/s to any network while the bundle subscription is active. The call rate switches back to 40K/s when you exhaust the bundle plan.

It is automatically renewed if you have enough airtime on your SIM. Also, you can cancel the auto-renewal by dialing *229*0#. To view your data balance, you’d need dial *228#.

Data Cap Price (N) Billed Monthly SMS to 8183 USSD Codes
500MB 500 smarta *229*2*11#
1GB 1,000 smartb *229*2*22#
2.5GB 2,000 smartc *229*2*44#
5GB 3,500 smartd *229*2*33#
11.5GB 8,000 smarte *229*2*55#

Wrap Up

These are the latest valid subscription codes for all 9Mobile’s data bundles and internet subscription packages. It all comes with fair-usage policies and unused data balance are rolled over at renewal.

What’s your say on these 9mobile data plans? Do they make the cut for you? Let’s get your views, suggestions and reviews below.


  1. Why does your network not have a top deal data plan that is more affordable like the one of N50 to get 200 mb and your night plan should be N50 to get 500mb.


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