7 Awesome Ways of Using Pinterest On Your Business

Pinterest is one of the popular social media sites these days. It is a pinboard-style photo-sharing social media site that allows the users to create and manage image collections into different themes like food, events, books and alike. Pinterest also allows people to re-pin the other images of users and hit like as well. It’s like an online scrap-booking. Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp are the creators of Pinterest.

Just like any popular social media sites, like Facebook and Instagram, Pinterest can also be used in doing business.

Read some of the easy tips for using Pinterest for your business:

1. Get Invited. Currently, Pinterest is invite-only. Invitation is pretty easy. All you need to do is ask someone you know who’s a member of Pinterest to send you an invitation or you may send a request to the site.

2. Setup your Profile. You must add a profile picture, then add your other social media accounts, some keywords on your Bio. Then prepare to integrate Pinterest share button on your other social media accounts.

3. Make your Boards. Create boards as many as you want but of course, but it should reflect the product or service you are offering. When creating your boards, use fun and interesting titles but of course include an important kewyord on it. Categorize them well.

4. The use of original pictures. The original photos in pinterest are the ones which are repinned, liked and commented and it thus becomes popular. Creating unique pictures will surely drive a lot of traffic to your Pinterest blog.

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5. Find out the needs of customers. You must know what are the needs of your customers so that you will know what kind of boards you are going to create. These boards should fit the lifestyle of your potential customers. So, you must post photos that are relevant to your products.

6. Reciprocate and be active. When follows your board, you must follow them as well. You must be active on your boards. As much as possible, you should pin a lot of images related to your product or service. Or put a comment on an image you think that’s pretty and helpful. Then repin other images that you find funny, helpful or even happy. You need to balance you boards. Boards for your business and boards for other people so that they can an inspiration from you.When repinning other people’s images, it automatically build a wider following.

7. Involve the fans/followers. When using Pinterest, it allows the other contributors to your pinboards. It’s not all about your pins because you can choose other people and let them pin pictures to your existing boards too. In order to do this, just select the most active followers and ask them to pin pictures to your boards. This can help in spreading about your product or service.

Take advantage of this popular social media too cause it will help you a lot when it comes to your business or service. Happy pinning everyone!

Image Credit : flickr.com

This Post was contributed by Elizabeth Terry or Eliz of writing services. You can connect with her on Google+.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


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