Top 5 Websites to Start Online Careers as a Freelancer

Becoming a Freelancer is taking a totally new dimension. With the coming of sites like Fiverr it has become totally and completely easy to hire or become one of the many freelancers online who makes thousands of dollar from it.

There are so many freelancing websites online and it may be difficult to get the best websites to outsource many jobs and get paid in a good time.

Truth be told, most online job site goes to other very popular freelancing websites, outsource jobs, and bring it to their sites to post for a lower amount and make profit for doing nothing.

Normally, this should be a win-win scenario but most times after you have put down much effort  into the job, your payment gets delayed or other times you end up getting ripped off.

Therefore I have compiled a list the Top 5 free lancers sites for newbies who are just starting to earn money online from freelancing.

5. Freelancer:

While this website is the number one freelancing site in the world, I put it on number five choice for you because of their  extensive charges and many other limitations.

Its a good place for a professional freelancer, but for a starter you literally need to spend close to $40  monthly  to maintain your  account  even if you outsource a job or not. Therefore I do not recommend it for starters.

4. Elance:

This is a better place that  you  can start up with. Its among the top five freelancing websites in the world. So get ready for some serious competition.

With time you would get the hang of it and start making loads of cash online with the many jobs to do.

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3. Peopleperhour:

This is good for you because the cost of starting is relatively low and very cheap. You can bid on up-to  50jobs even as a newbie.

All you have to do is –> setup your profile which is completely free of charge.

2. Fiverr:

This is completely different from other freelancing websites. Its a place where you sell  gigs  for $5. A gig is a service you provide.

e.g. I will write a 500 word article for %5. This is a good place to start as people are constantly looking for gigs to buy. It takes nothing to setup and there are no hidden charges or access fees.

1. Upwork

This is an excellent place to start because all you have to do is pass a test related to what you do(or the service your are to offer).

e.g. web design, article writing, data entry etc and Upwork gives you a boost and displays it on your work profile as a skill you posses, giving you an extra boost and visible credibility for potential buyers.

Most of these test are free but some of them you have to pay for it. There are no extra fees to use their services.

In Conclusion:

Freelancing  can make you tons of money online this year if you start from the right place. Check back as I would soon post an article on how to setup a professional freelancing profile online.

Feel free to share this post to all your friends. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions be sure to leave a comment in the comment box below.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Freelancing Tips: What You Should Know About FreelancingTechBlogCom Freelancing Tips: What You Should Know About FreelancingTechBlogCom

    […] may never make you as much as you should earn. Recently, I published an Article about The Top Five Places To start your Freelancing Career Online. It is an article that would teach you as a newbie the right place to go to become successful as a […]

  2. Thanks for the great piece, but what about the links to the five freelancing sites?

    • The link to freelancing sites is already there in the body of the article, just click to visit in a new tab

  3. Nice share buddy has really made me a lot of bucks on recent times

  4. I will try it out though I have never done sonething of this nature before.
    Thanks Bro

  5. Nice article…what abt the link for each of em


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