Earn money online as an affiliate without having your own website

Although it is usually adviced that you have your own website in order to promote your affiliate programs, it is still possible for anyone to earn affiliate commissions without having a website. As an affiliate, you earn some commission for every sale that you create, and all you have to do is to direct visitors to the merchant’s website. Affiliate marketing is very appealing to people who want to start making money online quickly. You don’t have to have your own product, and you don’t need to worry about payment processing or product handling. When you have decided that you want make some money online with affiliate programs, you just sign up with an affiliate marketing program and choose the products you want to promote and start making money!

Since it is so easy to join an affiliate program and start making some money, how can you start marketing these affiliate programs if you do not have your own website?

  1. Use Pay per Click (PPC) advertising to drive traffic to the merchant’s website using your affiliate link. When the people you direct to the website purchase a product, you earn commissions.
  2. Participate in relevant online groups and forums and have your affiliate link in your signature. As you make posts in the forums, you will be advertising your affiliate link and driving traffic to the merchant’s website. When these people you send to the merchant’s website through your affiliate link purchase a product, you earn commissions.
  3.  Write articles and have your affiliate link in your resource box or author biography. People who will read your article will then visit the affiliate program’s website through your affiliate link, and this will earn you some commissions.
  4. Write product reviews and post them on other people’s websites. Many webmasters can accept some product reviews on their websites if these websites are on related niches. At the end of your product reviews, include your affiliate links, and this will drive traffic to the affiliate program’s website through your link.
  5. Start a blog. Starting a blog is easier and quicker than starting a website, so you can start a bolg. It does not cost you anything because you can sign up for a free blog with blogger.com and start publishing on your blog straight away. Write posts related to the affiliate products that you are promoting and add affiliate links to your posts. This is an effective way of promoting your affiliate products.
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So, as you can see, you can still make money online with affiliate programs even if you do not have your own website. In fact, you can start to promote your affiliate products as recommended above without a website, and once you start making some money, then you can build a website.

read more about affiliate marketing tips to keep learning

Tips For Succeeding In Working At Home As An Affiliate Marketer

  1. Set the hours that you will be working everyday and stick to them. Affiliate marketing involves a lot of work especially when you are still starting to build your business. It is therefore important that you allocate enough time everyday to work on your affiliate marketing business. While working at home, many things can happen that can take you away from your work, but you must exercise a lot of discipline so that you do not neglect your business.
  2. Have your own office where you can work without any interruptions. Although the benefit of working from home is that you can work in your pajamas anyway you want, it is recommended that you have an office where you can organize your work and be able to work in peace and quiet without any disturbances. Having a suitable working environment will increase your productivity.
  3. Have the necessary tools. Obviously, to succeed as an online entrepreneur you need the necessary tools. This includes your own computer, printer and fast internet connection. If you handle your affiliate marketing business professionally, you will succeed in making money online.
  4. Do not neglect your health. Most affiliate markets are driven to succeed quickly. As a result they can work long hours during the day and night to grow their business and start to earn big commissions. It is important for you to take a break, exercise and get enough rest.
  5. Get a mentor and interact with other affiliate markets. Depending on your experience in internet marketing, interacting with other marketers can help you learn some tips that you can use to grow your affiliate marketing business.
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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. More great information on how to make money online and without a website. Thanks!

  2. Great ideas! Love it when you show how to make money!! As long as you follow through, you can make some moolah!! Thanks

  3. Great Post! The info on the ways to make the money are spot on!

  4. Hi, I enjoyed your blog. I especially liked the tips on working from home efficiently – I think this is where people fall down, they think that money will just come to them, that they don’t need to set aside time or a proper working space. Thanks for the reminder!

    • Emily you are so so right on your little contribution to this, thanks for dropping by

  5. Id say a lot of people get caught up in their business and let their health go to crap.

  6. I’ve tried the garden variety affiliate programs before but the options presented here a much more comprehensive than I ever considered.

  7. Great post as always Obasi … there are so many ways to make money from affiliate programs

    • Thanks for all this whole compliment buddy

  8. forums, google ppc, … facebook pages? blog, all great ways to make money online as an affiliate – cheers Obasi!

    • Thanks for dropping by Nick


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