5 Renowned iPhone Apps to Master the English Language

It is often hard for the non native speakers to master the intricacies and nuances of English language. Although it is a globally recognized official language, it is still quite a task for people to communicate freely in the language, especially if it is not their first language.

In the present day, where non IT and interpersonal skills marks a lot of difference and is a prominent factor behind hiring or firing an individual from the job, there is no reason why you should delay learning the language any further. Pick up you iPad or iPhone, go to the online store and download the following apps, which are intended on improving your hold over the language.

Speak English like an American

Learn the very nuances of American English and speak the language like a locale. The amazing American English app allows everyone to master over 300 consequential and daily day expressions and idioms of the English Language.
Go through 25 different lessons and stories shared by various American families – learn their expressions, dialects and feel intricately connected to the American culture. The app is actually based on a audio CD and the bestselling book titles English Like an American and provides a rather amusing and fun way to learn and grasp the language.

Say it better in English

Would you like to use better English both, in your everyday life and also while you are out at work? Then this is the app which you must download. With amazing lively and interactive methods, the app lets you easily get a strong grip over 300+ expressions in English.
It contains various cartoon characters, which tell you how the expression actually is used in the real life settings. And if you require hearing it as an audio even that is managed by this app – Just click on speaker and the audio will appear.

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Speak English around Town

The app contains a wide range of helpful videos and resources that lets you learn the language in an exciting and friendly way, over your iPad screens. The app, in a very beautiful way teaches us the depths of communication, not only learning a few expressions. With this app in place, you learn how to say exactly what you are thinking of saying.
The app is free to use in the beginning and eventually, if you like the free lessons, you can purchase the 12 remaining lessons in just $9.99.
We recommend the app so much, because it entails a lot of expressions which will come handy while you are out shopping, or on a date, or just traveling to country whose first language happens to be English.

Speak Business English I & II App

Another app which is based on a bestselling book, Speak Business English I teaches profoundly the very intricacies of business communication. The app brings you closer to a lot of native speakers and quizzes, which you may use to improve and test your skills, respectively.
The I app broadly contains 15 chapters, which are differentiated into discussing the strategy of the company, successfully conducting an entire meeting, communicating with co-workers, discussing financial matters, discussing the outcomes of a project – both good and bad, motivation and a lot more.
Besides, you can further enhance your knowledge by downloading the II version of the same app.
The II contains over 200 new and fresh business idioms and expressions, which are extremely important and topical to the present day business environment.
The 15 chapters in the new app includes – the right way for promoting the employee and firing someone, carrying out performance analysis, the art of politely disagreeing and a lot more.

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Vocabulary Cartoons by New Monic Books, Inc

For those of you who are a visual learner, this app brings along with itself bundles of joy and surprises. The app, which follows a mnemonic approach towards teaching new concepts and vocabulary, has already become a favorite of a lot of people.
If you have already mastered the basic art of communication and now would like to raise the standards, this is the app for you. It brings together a wide variety of rhyming words, comics and pictures and hence aids in the process of you learning new and meaningful words.


There are the top 5 (+1) apps that our search revealed. We are hopeful that these apps would help you improve your hold over the language, and eventually will lend success via improved communication skills. Let us know about your experience in trying these apps, in the comment section below.
P.s. All the best, with your English learning initiatives.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


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