5 Reasons to switch to nRelate for showing related post on your blog

As many more options keep arriving almost on yearly basics, TBC has taken into account the reasons while there isn’t any better alternative to the “nRelate related content” services, plugin and widget for blogger and wordpress.

We understand that there are already several options out there when it comes to related post widget and plugin for website and blogs, the popular ones being; zemanta, outbrain, linkwithin, reverb and Contextly. Here are 5 reasons we think you should opt for nrelate

1. Better Engagement & Reduced Bounces

For most bloggers already having a high volume of bounces, nRelate could be the savior you must have been waiting for all these while. When your blog’s bounce rate is high, there are many things that possibly come to your mind such as; taking a look at your title and how it’s related to your content, checking your post format and white spaces, checking most of your post for errors and the likes. The truth is that many persons now prefers to scan through blog post which makes it look like the post was closed almost immediately it was opened. nRelate provides many customization options you can play around with till you discover what works best for your blog. It can keep visitors for hours as they keep moving from one post to the other, thereby increasing engagement.

2. Very Easy to Setup on Blogger

Unlike linkwithin that requires you to edit your HTML before you can be able to make it display only after post, nRelate provides you the option choose between homepage only and under single post. The better part of setting up nRelate on blogger is that you can actually do that in few minutes by visiting http://partners.nrelate.com/ and selecting blogger as the platform you want install the widget on.

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3. Best Related Post Plugin for any wordpress blog or website.

Unlike many bloated related post wordpress plugins out there, nRelate provides a unique solution that do not rely on your own server at all to function. Normally every related post plugin will need query your Database on each visit, which may cause high C.P.U load and memory peak use that may even lead to your host account suspension or at most account termination. nRelate indexes your content immediately it’s activated and won’t require your server to function thereafter.

4. Better SEO and Traffic

nRelate developers understands that it’s not every persons that considers user’s engagement a priority over a SEO [optimized] blog and has provided you with the option to use a non- JavaScript version of the script when using the plugin. When SEO is in place with the help of inter-linking provided by nRelate, traffic will increase tremendously.

5. Better Support

nRelate has the best support around and can be contacted easily to fix up technical issues having to do with any of their plugins. On two occasions, I have actually send them a tweet to resolve an issue with a client’s blog I was working on, that they did without much delay.


You have seen the 5 reasons while we think you should rather go with nRelate for displaying related contents on your blog. It is now left for you to drop your genuine thought on this discussion.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


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