15Five Review and How-To Increase Workplace Engagement With It

Imagine a workplace where employees feel heard, engaged, and motivated every single week. A place where managers can keep a pulse on their team’s morale and productivity without being overbearing. This isn’t a fantasy; it’s the reality that 15Five aims to create for organizations around the world. If you’re intrigued by the promise of transforming your workplace into a thriving hub of engagement and performance, this short 15Five Review and guide will come in handy for you. Welcome to our comprehensive overview of 15Five, the ultimate performance management tool designed to foster communication, drive productivity, and nurture a positive work culture. Whether you’re an HR professional seeking to streamline feedback processes, a manager looking to stay connected with your team, or an employee eager to voice your ideas and challenges, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know about 15Five.

What is 15Five?

15five tutorials 15Five is a performance management software that focuses on continuous feedback, employee engagement, and performance improvement. The name “15Five” comes from the concept that employees spend 15 minutes a week writing a report that their managers can read in five minutes. This simple yet powerful idea is at the heart of the software’s approach to improving workplace productivity and communication.

Key Features of 15Five

  1. Weekly Check-Ins
    • Employees provide weekly updates on their progress, challenges, and overall feelings. These check-ins are designed to keep managers informed and engaged with their team’s activities.
  2. Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
    • 15Five allows companies to set and track OKRs, aligning individual goals with the organization’s strategic objectives. This ensures that everyone is working towards the same targets.
  3. Continuous Feedback
    • The platform facilitates continuous feedback between employees and managers, promoting a culture of open communication and regular performance discussions.
  4. 1-on-1 Meetings
    • 15Five includes tools for scheduling and conducting 1-on-1 meetings, making it easier to have meaningful conversations about performance, career development, and personal well-being.
  5. Engagement Surveys
    • The software includes customizable engagement surveys to gather insights on employee satisfaction and areas for improvement.
  6. Recognition
    • 15Five features a peer recognition system called “High Fives,” allowing employees to acknowledge and celebrate each other’s achievements and contributions.
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How to Use 15Five: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Getting Started
  • Sign Up and Setup: Begin by signing up for 15Five and setting up your company profile. Input your organizational structure and invite team members to join the platform.
  • Initial Training: Take advantage of 15Five’s training resources to familiarize yourself and your team with the platform’s features.
Step 2: Implementing Weekly Check-Ins
  • Customize Check-In Questions: Tailor the weekly check-in questions to suit your company’s specific needs. Standard questions might include progress updates, challenges faced, and priorities for the next week.
  • Set a Schedule: Determine a regular schedule for when check-ins should be completed and reviewed. Consistency is key to maximizing the benefits of this feature.
Step 3: Setting and Tracking OKRs
  • Define Objectives: Clearly define your company’s high-level objectives and break them down into measurable key results.
  • Align Goals: Ensure that individual and team goals are aligned with these objectives. Use the OKR feature to track progress and make adjustments as needed.
Step 4: Facilitating Continuous Feedback
  • Encourage Regular Feedback: Promote a culture where giving and receiving feedback is a regular practice. Use 15Five to provide structured feedback, addressing both positive performance and areas for improvement.
  • Use Feedback for Development: Incorporate feedback into development plans and performance reviews, ensuring that it leads to actionable improvements.
Step 5: Conducting Effective 1-on-1 Meetings
  • Prepare for Meetings: Use 15Five to schedule 1-on-1 meetings and prepare discussion points based on weekly check-ins and feedback.
  • Focus on Development: During the meetings, focus on employee development, addressing career aspirations, skill gaps, and personal challenges.
  • Document Outcomes: Keep a record of meeting outcomes and action items within 15Five for future reference.
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Step 6: Engaging Employees with Surveys
  • Create Engagement Surveys: Design and deploy engagement surveys to gather feedback on employee satisfaction, workplace culture, and other key metrics.
  • Analyze Results: Use the survey data to identify trends and areas for improvement. Share the findings with your team and develop action plans to address any issues.
Step 7: Recognizing Achievements
  • Implement High Fives: Encourage employees to use the High Fives feature to recognize their peers. This fosters a positive work environment and boosts morale.
  • Celebrate Successes: Regularly highlight and celebrate the achievements recognized through High Fives, reinforcing a culture of appreciation.

Benefits of Using 15Five

15Five Review
  1. Improved Communication
    • The structured check-ins and feedback loops improve communication between employees and managers, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.
  2. Enhanced Engagement
    • Regular engagement surveys and recognition features help to keep employees motivated and invested in their work.
  3. Goal Alignment
    • The OKR feature ensures that individual efforts are aligned with company objectives, driving collective success.
  4. Employee Development
    • Continuous feedback and 1-on-1 meetings support employee development, helping individuals grow and succeed in their roles.
  5. Data-Driven Insights
    • The platform provides valuable data and insights that can inform strategic decisions and improve overall performance.

15Five Pricing

15Five Pricing 15Five offers several pricing tiers to cater to different business needs:
  • Basic Plan: Suitable for small teams, offering essential features like weekly check-ins and 1-on-1s.
  • Plus Plan: Includes additional features such as OKRs and engagement surveys, ideal for growing teams.
  • Performance Plan: Comprehensive package with advanced analytics and integrations, perfect for larger organizations seeking in-depth performance management.
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Pricing is typically based on the number of users and billed annually, with discounts available for larger teams.


15Five stands out as a leading performance management tool in 2024 due to its comprehensive features designed to enhance communication, engagement, and performance. By implementing 15Five, businesses can foster a culture of continuous improvement, align individual goals with organizational objectives, and support employee development through regular feedback and recognition. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, 15Five offers a scalable solution that can adapt to your unique needs. Its user-friendly interface, robust feature set, and data-driven insights make it an invaluable tool for any organization looking to boost productivity and engagement. Investing in a performance management system like 15Five can transform the way your team works, leading to greater satisfaction, higher performance, and ultimately, the achievement of your business goals. If you’re ready to take your performance management to the next level, 15Five is a solution worth considering.

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Ifeanyi Okondu
Ifeanyi Okondu is a tech, fitness, and health writer. He is good with Android, technology news, Gadget tweaks, and tips on consumer electronics.


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