10 Must Have Blogger Widgets for blogs

The best blogger widgets for every blog. Widgets are simply addons to put to your website/blog to enhance user experience and improve the blog’s design. It can somewhat be addressed as plugins as it is known on wordpress. There are some widgets that every blogger should have on their blog because they add more value to the blogs and improve traffic greatly. Installing one or more of these plugins below is a sure way to fire up conversation, increase subscribers list, social network presence etc. so here it goes

  • Search widget:

Every blog should have a search box! Often it is not put to use by visitors, but it gives them the assurance that they can easily search for any of your previously published articles. Search box is automatically installed on blogger, but if you’re using a custom theme, you can enhance the look and make it look more attractive for readers. 

  • Subscribe widget:

It’s very easy to forget about a blog once you close the page, but having a subscribe widget installed on your blog allows reader to subscribe to your blog feeds, so that they get notified of new articles, this will help increase your blog popularity and traffic once you’re able to compile a list of loyal readers and subscribers over time.

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  • Share widget:

A share button is a must have for all blogs, it allows readers to share your articles on social networks, this will help increase the volume of traffic coming to your blog, and it can help your blog go viral on the internet.

  • Tag widget:

When an article is published, you would add a tag, this tag summarize what the post is all about, adding a tag widget to your blog allows visitors to read various articles around the same topic. It would help increase the number of time visitors spends on your blog, and indirectly reduce the blog bounce rate.

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  • Popular post:

This widget displays the most read article on your blog, allowing visitors to read and learn from them. It creates a link to the article directly from the home page, increasing your on-page seo and show casing the article to readers, which indirectly leads to more views.

  • Recent post:

This displays your most recent post, creating a link to them on the homepage allowing visitors to locate your recent post from the home page.

Must Read: 10 Reasons why wordpress is better than blogger

  • About me:

An about me widget on your blog gives the reader a sense of personal relationship, it allows your reader to know more about you and probable follow your personal profile on social networks.

  • Facebook like box:

A facebook like box allows your fan to click the like button and join your blog community on facebook. Having a huge fan base on facebook will help notify your readers through your page whenever you publish a new article on your blog.

  • Top commenter:

Having a top commenter widget on your blog increase the number of comments you have on your blog, because visitors would want to appear of the top commenter section which provides a link back to their blog too.

  • Ads box:

What’s the essence of running a blog that doesn’t make money? It’s very important to have an ads box on your blog, allowing direct advertisers to contact you. This is different from the space created for Google AdSense and other third party ads company.

Now Your Turn

Having the best plugins on your blog is a sure way to boost your traffic, spark conversation and build list, lets use the comment box below to list plugins that have been useful to us in our blogging.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Hi, i absolutely got tons of value from your latest post. Please i have 2 quick questions on blogging.
    1. What is the number of plugins every blogger shouldn’t exceed? I currently have about 18 installed, would you consider that number outrageous. Please could you also check out my site and offer me a recommendation about this?
    2. Your font is really beautiful. would you suggest plugins that would give me beautiful fonts just like yours?
    Finally, would you spare a few seconds to check out my blogsite and offer me your candid advice?


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