7 important wordpress enhancement tweaks you must know

This brief tips on 7 most important or Recommended wordpress enhancement tweaks you must know isn't  an authoritative recommendation at all but rather an opinion of a pro-wordpress user who have read thousands of tutorials on wp google adsense  placement...

How to Insert Mobile Ads Unit in mobilepress – WordPress

Inserting Mobile Advert Unit in mobilepress / Responsive Wordpress themes Powered blog or website is a tip I was moved to share after getting many a few request from our steady readers who accesses this blog via Mobile Devices. This...

Arras Theme: How to add & center-Position image logo

Most Entertainment bloggers are beginning to look into something somehow custom for their news, entertainment, music and video blogs unlike the majority who chooses to leave everything at the default. The arras Free Premium wordpress theme (latest: arras.1.5, arras. and...

How to add robots.txt to WordPress without Using a plugin

Wordpress is now one of the most popular cms solution out there majority of blogs and website out there uses it. It is particularly a very seo-friendly platform which you can use to achieve big result any time any...

7 most Important WordPress Plugins

Why skip Installing this 7 most important wordpress Plugins in your blog or Website ? is the question I keep asking many of my recent clients whom I got to know via this top trusted freelance websites. After completing few...

Floating Vertical Social Media Sharing Icons: How to add them to a website

Just one of those simple guides you will like to know about: "How to Add Floating Stylish Vertical Social Media Sharing Icons to a Website" effortlessly without breaking a single line of code. This is just a JavaScript with...

How to Wrap Google adsense Unit around Post Body

This is my little 2013 simple trick on  Wrapping google adsense / other ads code around your post body, below the title in blogger , wordpress , smf , joomla , custom coded sites & other cms websites without...

How to increase adsense CTR by placing ads side by side

This is just a continuation of our last tutorial on how to easily place google adsense or any other html code, javascript advert (2x) side by side   on the home page ( Below Pagination) archive page (below pagination)...

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