Internet Data Bundle Plans, Subscription Codes for Nigerian Networks

The last time I wrote about latest subscription and activation codes for all networks in Nigeria was when I was still using Nokia phone for browsing.

A lot has changed since then which actually prompted me to provide a more accurate, latest and updated list of all Nigerian Internet Data Bundle Plans and subscription codes for Smartphones, Phablets, Tablet devices and computer.

all nigeria networks data plans for phone and computer

The prices and activation codes provided in this post is complete and should work for your smartphone, PC or any other internet enabled device. All you need do is to make sure they (your internet devices) are configured properly following after the network recommended access points and/or proxy values.


Latest and Updated Data Bundle Plan and Subscription Codes for MTN Nigeria

Bundle Plan Price
Data Allowance
Validity Period USSD Code SMS to 131
Best for?
MTN Daily Plans N100 30MB 24 hours *104# 104 Phones
200 100MB 24 hours *113# 113 Tablet/iPad/PC
MTN Weekly Plan ₦500 750MB 7 days *103# 103 SmartPhones
MTN Monthly Plans 1,000 1.5GB 30 days *106# 106 Smart Phones
₦2,000 3.5GB 30 days *110# 110 PC/Tabs
5,000 10GB 30 days *116# 116 Video Streaming
10,000 22GB 30 days *117# 117 Heavy Users
20,000 50GB 2 months (60days) *118# 118 Wi-fi / hotspot
50,000 85GB 3 months (90days) *133# 133 Mini-Cafe`


Bonus Tips

  • Send “2” as an sms to “131” to check your remaining subscription data allowance.
  • Dial *131# to easily access the “ussd” menu that helps you to check and subscribe to data plans without having to cram them.
  • You can buy a data plan for your grandma by  using this format “GIFT [phone#][data plan code][PIN] to 131” after you must have gotten your unique pin by sending “REG to 131”.
  • You can always follow updates on all latest MTN Nigeria data bundle activation codes here.

Also see: top9 sites to download Apps to your android phone using Opera Mini

Latest and Updated Data Bundle Plan and Subscription Codes for GLO Nigeria

Bundle Plan Price Data Allowance New Customers & Auto Renewal Validity Period USSD Code SMS to 127 Best for?
GLO daily Plans N50 15MB 30MB 24 hours *127*14# 14 Handset
N100 35MB 70MB 24 hours *127*51# 51 Handset
N200 100MB 200MB 24 hours *127*56# 56 PC/Tabs
GLO weekly Plan N500 800MB 1.6GB 10 Days *127*57# 57 Home
Glo monthly Plans N1,000 1.6GB 3.2 GB 30 Days *127*53# 53 Handset
N2,000 3.75GB 7.5GB 30 days *127*55# 55 Tablet/iPad
N2,500 5GB 10GB 30 days *127*58# 58 Computer (PC)
N3,000 6GB 12GB 30 days *127*54# 54 Heavy Users
N4,000 8GB 16GB 30 days *127*59# 59 wi-fi / Router
N5,000 12GB 24GB 30 days *127*1# 11 Router
N8,000 16GB 32GB 30 days *127*2# 12 Router
N10,000 23GB 46GB 30 days *127*11# 15 Router
N15,000 30GB 60GB 30 days *127*12# 16 Router
N18,000 45GB 90GB 30 days *127*13# 17 Router
Special Plans
Plan Name Price Data Allowance Validity USSD Code SMS to 127 Best For?
TGIF – weekend plan N500 3GB 7 days (Weekend – Saturday 12 am – Sunday 11.59pm) *127*61# 61 Handset
Night Plan N200 1GB 24 hours (12am-5am) *127*60# 60 Handset
GLO 100 Hours N6,000 4GB 100 hours x 30days *127*5# 20 Home/Cafe
GLO 300 N15,000 12GB 300 hours 30 days *127*4# 21 Multiple Devices
GLO liesure N5,000 12GB 8pm-9am x 30days 24/7 on weekends *127*7# 30 Working Class
GLO work N6,000 12GB 8am-9pm x 30days *127*6# 31 Time-Based

GLO Campus Booster

Price Data Allowance Validity Off-Campus On-Campus Glo to Glo Bonus Free Data for Gifting
N100 100MB 48 hours 100MB 225MB N100 25MB
N200 200MB 96 hours 200MB 450MB N200 50MB
N500 500MB 1 week (7days) 500MB 1.12GB N500 125MB
N1,000 1GB 15 days 1GB 2.25GB N1000 250MB
N2,000 2GB 30 days 2GB 4.5GB N2000 500MB
N5000 5GB 30 days 5GB 11.3GB N5000 1250MB
7 Ways to Renew your Satellite TV Subscription Abroad


Bonus Tips:

  • Send “info” as an sms to “127” to check your remaining subscription data allowance
  • Visit with your default browser to select plans automatically, this will save you the stress of having to cram all this codes. You can also dial *127# USSD code instead and this works on PC, tablets and cell phones.
  • Sending “menu” as an sms to “127”  will let you receive help regarding data subscription status or challenges.
  • You can always follow updates on all latest GLO Nigeria data bundle plans and activation codes here.

Latest and Updated Data Bundle Plan and Subscription Codes for Airtel Nigeria

Bundle Plan Price
Data Allowance Validity Period USSD Code SMS to 141
Best for?
Airtel Entry Level Plans
Free 160MB 30 days *400# Trial Testing Speed
N100 50MB 24 hours *410# Daily Phone
N200 200MB 3 days *412# 3-days Smart Phone
N100 25MB (5MB p/d) 5 days *401# 5-STAR Social Apps
Airtel Weekly Plan N300 350MB 7 days *417# Weekly Phone
Airtel 14 days Plan N500 750MB 14 days *418# Easy Smartphones
Airtel 2G Lite N200 unlimited 10 days *482*1# 2G FeaturePhones
Airtel 2G Max N500 unlimited 25 days *482*2# 2G Max Cell Phones
Airtel Monthly Plans
₦ 1,000 1.5GB 30 days *496# And 1.0 SmartPhones
₦ 1,500 3GB 30 days *435# Unlimited Computer (PC)
₦ 2,000 3.5GB 30 days *437# And 2.0 PC/Tablets
N2,500 5GB 30 days *437*1# And 2.5 PC
N3,500 7GB 30 days *438# And 3.5 PC/Mi-Fi
N4,000 9GB 30 days *438*1# And 4.0 Mi-Fi/HotSpot
N5,000 10GB 30 days *452# Mega 5 4G LTE Device
N8,000 16GB 30 days *460# Mega 8 Heavy Users
N10,000 22GB 30 days *462# Mega 10 Vloggers
N15,000 30GB 2mths (60 days) *463# Mega 15 Mini-cafe
N36,000 50GB 6mths (180 days) *406# Mega36 Bus. Centre
N70,000 100GB 1yr (365 days) *407# Mega 70 Computer(s)
N136,000 200GB 1yr (365 days) *408# Mega 136 LAN
Airtel Time-Based/Night/Weekend Plans
₦30 unlimited 30 Minutes *439*3# T 30 Quik download
₦500 unlimited 1hr *439*4# T60 PC Downloads
₦1,000 all nights (3hrs) b/w 12am-5:59am *481*2# Night Movies Dwns
₦200 200MB from Sat-Sun *472# Sat/Sun Sermon Prep.
₦500 500MB from Sat-Sun *473# weekend2 Sermon(s)
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Bonus Tips:

  • Dial *141*11*0# or *140# to check your remaining subscription data allowance.
  • Using the *141# USSD menu will let you choose from various data bundle subscription plans without having to memorize the activation codes.
  • You can always follow updates on all latest Airtel Nigeria data bundle plans and activation codes here.

Also see: 6 Tips to use 3gb data a month: Reducing Dial-up Internet Cost

Latest and Updated Data Bundle Plan and Subscription Codes for 9Mobile Nigeria

Bundle Plan Price
Data Allowance
Validity Period USSD Code SMS to 229
Best for?
9Mobile Daily Plans N50 10MB 24 hours *229*3*8# MI3 Phones
N100 40MB 24 hours *229*3*1# MI1 Smartphones
9Mobile Weekly Plans N200 150MB 7 days *229*2*10# LCD Smartphones
9Mobile Monthly Plans N500 500MB 30 days *229*2*12# LCD2 Smartphones
N1000 1GB 30 days *229*2*7# Smartphones
N1,200 1.5GB 30 days *229*2*25# AND11 Smartphones/Tabs
N2,000 2.5GB 30 days *229*2*8# AND2 Smartphones/Tabs
N3,000 4GB 30 days *229*2*35# Smartphones/Tabs
N4,000 5.5GB 30 days *229*2*36# Smartphone/tabs
N8,000 11.5GB 30 days *229*2*5# MB6 Tablets/iPad
N10,000 15GB 30 days *229*4*1# SM1 Computer (PC)
N18,000 27.5GB 30 days *229*4*3# SM3 PC/Mi-Fi
9Mobile Night &Weekends N200 1GB night only plan (12am-4am) 24 hours *229*3*11# Working Class
N500 1GB Fri. 11.59pm – Sun. 11.59pm *5995*2# Handset
N1,000 2GB evening and weekend plan 7pm – 7am x 30days *229*3*12# Working Class
N2,000 2GB evening and weekend plan + 100MB whatsapp (24/7) 7pm – 7am x 30days *229*3*13# Working Class
Special Plans N27,500 30GB quarterly plan 90 days 90 (3months) *229*5*1# 4M cafe/Mi-Fi
N55,000 60GB Bi-annual plan 120days (4months) *229*5*2# 6M Wi-Fi/routers
N84,992 100GB 30 days *229*4*5# SM5 Cafe/routers
N110,000 120GB 365 days (1 Year) *229*5*3# 12M
Smartphone Plans
Price Data Allowance Activation code (USSD) sms to 8183
N500 500MB *229*2*11# smarta
N1,000 1GB *229*2*22# smartb
N2,000 2.5GB *229*2*44# smartc
N3,500 5GB *229*2*33# smartd
N8,000 11.5GB *229*2*55# smarte
MTN Internet Data Bundle Plans, Subscription Codes & Prices


Bonus Tips

  • Dial *228# to check your remaining subscription data allowance.
  • You can always follow updates on all latest 9Mobile Nigeria data bundle plans and activation codes on this page.

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Your Turn

You have seen what internet data bundle plans and subscription codes are available for all mobile network providers in Nigeria.

It is now left for you to choose what will best-suit your broadband needs either as a computer, smartphone, tablet and/or Mi-Fi owner.

Feel free to ask me questions or debate on any part you don’t agree with. Do not forget to share this page  with your friends by using the social media buttons below.

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Obasi Miracle
Obasi Miracle is one of the brains behind 3rd Planet Techies. A webdesign afficionado and IT Support brain-box, he flourishes and revel in helping many-a-techies in their aspiration to become the best they can.


  1. Thanks for the detailed post.


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