Top Best Rooting Tools/Software to Root Android with PC

All_in_one (universal) Android root software are great for Android OS ardent and IT support personals. These Android rooting tools would come in handy for Android OS users that has lots of Android phones and devices to play around with. 1-click...

Sweet Love Text Messages: 5 Apps to Create Romantic SMS

Sweet love text messages and romantic SMS collections used in the right way can spice up your relationship & make holidays exciting for everyone else. Islam (Muslims) and India's (Hindu) new year was celebrated a while ago; Halloween is here...

Cheapest Data Plans for PC, Android and iOS in Nigeria: 2018 Edition

This post was first written in 2014, towards the ending of the year. That's more than 5 years already and we have been thinking of the best time to update you with the current cheapest internet data bundle plans...

Airtel Nigeria’s Blackberry Bundle Plans & Activation Codes

2017 Update: Airtel Nigeria has stopped all the many blackberry data subscription plans in Favor a single cheap Blackberry data bundle plan that works for all non-Blackberry 10 devices. You can subscribe for internet services on your non Blackberry 10...

Cheapest Tariff Plan from MTN is Live: 10mb, 11k/sec to all Networks

MTN Nigeria has relaunched the famous iPulse call tariff plan that allows you to call all Networks in Nigeria for 11 kobo per seconds, gives 10MB data cap on 100 Naira recharge, send text messages at N2, gives access...

Airtel Nigeria’s Android Data Bundle Plans: Subscription Codes and Prices

A lot has changed from the last time we updated this post. Hence, the need for a thorough revision to make sure you're receiving the right details to subscribe to your favorite Airtel Android data subscription plan. 2017 Update on...

Nokia X2 Android Hands-on Review: Features, Specs and Price

The news of  Nokia X2 Android Dual Sim Phone came with a great shock as we all thought that the XL was going to be their last android (AOSP) phone since they are now completely owned by Microsoft. But hey!...

Root Nokia XL, X2, X+ and X Android Without a Computer: How to

Few months ago we published the Nokia XL android Smartphone review that featured a forked version of android codenamed AOSP (Android Open Source Project) with most Google cloud services replaced with that of Microsoft. Microsoft cloud services coming to android...

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